Meeting Minutes
WINGA, Inc. Board, 7 December 2016
The meeting was called to order at 1745 hours at the Esquire Club in Madison. Members present: Dave Klauser, Dan Statz, Mike Hanson, John Oakley, Jed Engeler, Gerry Olesen, Ryan Riesen, Sean Murphy, Eric Leckel and Alicia Grenier. Board members present via conference call: Gerry Eastman, Emily Yttri, Josh Johnson and Kevin Steele. Others present: Mike Williams, Mike Hinman, Jackie Guthrie, Michelle Baer and Sarah & Jay Cleveland.
The 3 August 2016 board meeting minutes were approved unanimously on a motion by Murphy and a second by Engeler. President Leckel welcomed Dave Klauser to the WINGA Board representing JFHQ as well as other guests and committee chairs.
Gerry Eastman presented the proposed 2017 budgets for WINGA, Inc. and the Insurance Trust. Questions were asked about WIPFLI accounting, IT support and election expenses. A motion was made by Klauser and seconded by Oakley to approve the 2017 WINGA budget as presented. The motion passed unanimously.
Maj Gen Dunbar, Wisconsin TAG joined the conference call to discuss strategic priorities with the board. The TAG anticipates growth in military spending and a reduction in the number of General Officer slots. The TAG noted the recent decision to keep Truax on the short list for the F35 fielding. Madison is one of five final sites. This past year WINGA financially supported Northern Lightening, MSC grant to the 115th Fighter Wing and Col Peterson’s legislative trip to DC totaling $2,900. The TAG stated that WINGA needs to continue to emphasize the importance of NGAUS membership. WINGA could consider hosting an employer outreach event to educate employers about the F35 fielding.
Jackie Guthrie provided a legislative update and the role WINGA plays in assisting with legislative priorities. She mentioned Title X is still a work in progress with everything in limbo until the new leadership settles in DC. Jackie thanked the board for supporting her membership in the Wisconsin Group a Wisconsin based legislative action group.
Mike Hinman reported on the F35 fielding selection process. The Badger Area Community Council (BACC) has been instrumental in funding this initiative in addition to funding from Wisconsin Economic Development Council (WEDC) and Department of Military Affairs (DMA). The F35 fielding will have a $100 million fiscal impact for Madison area. To date, $130,000 has been raised for the F35 fielding (Mike handed out a finance table). Mike Hinman anticipates the need for an additional $180,000. His funding strategy is: WEDC-$90,000, DMA-$55,000 and WINGA-$35,000. Mike stated that WINGA funding $35,000 is an investment in the future. It sends a positive message to other corporate donors. Mike Hanson suggested that WNGEA be approached for funding support. A motion was made by Eastman and seconded by Statz to fund the $35,000 in 2017 from WINGA investments. The motion passed unanimously.
The board reviewed the Insurance Trust budget. A motion was made by Klauser and seconded by Eastman to approve the proposed 2017 budget with no changes. Motion passed unanimously.
President Leckel announced he has appointed Michelle Baer to fill Eastman’s unexpired term as WINGA Treasurer until April 2018. Eastman resigned due to his military retirement.
Sarah Cleveland, Chairman of the WINGA Communications Committee gave a briefing to the board including a handout (handout is a permanent addendum to these meeting minutes). Sarah discussed the WINGA web page, Facebook and other social media venues. Michelle and Alicia agreed to help Sarah on this initiative. On a motion by Statz and a second by Riesen the board approved funding of $1,800 to upgrade the WINGA web site. Motion passed unanimously.
Mike Williams provided an update on the data base breach, insurance report and the 2017 NGAUS membership incentive program. YTD we experienced a higher number of claims (20 claims in 2016 vs 17 claims in 2015), however the death benefits paid out was approximately $100,000 less than one year ago. The Board committed the NGAUS rebate of $14,685 for this purpose. To date, 24 officers (19 CG and 5 FG) have taken advantage which includes 9 Air and 15 Army officers. Total committed funds to date is $10,750.
No one attended the meeting from the 157th MEB to report on the 2017 State Conference. Sean Murphy suggested the board discuss at a future meeting alternative ways of hosting the conference rather than the current rotation of MSC’s.
In closing, President Leckel mentioned that Officer Professional Development (OPD) was still a work in progress for the 2017 conference. Following a joint WINGA/WNGEA letter to the TAG, the proposal is currently being reviewed by the JAG.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm. The next board meeting is March 8, 2017 at the Osthoff Resort.
Respectfully submitted,
Mike Williams