BOOK: Support SECTION: Fire Investigation Practice Test-34 questions (SERGEANT)

1.According to Fire Investigation SOPs (OPS/014), which of the following best defines a child?

  1. any married or unmarried person under 16 years of age who is charged with law violation
  2. any married or unmarried person under 17 years of age who is charged with law violation
  3. any married or unmarried person under 18 years of age who is charged with law violation
  4. any married or unmarried person under 18 years of age

2.According to Fire Investigation SOPs (OPS/013.9), where can information on the use of cardiac monitors to determine death or for runaway juveniles be found?

  1. Investigators Guide Book
  2. OCPD Procedures Manual
  3. OCFD Procedures Manual
  4. A and B

3.According to Fire Investigation SOPs (OPS/014.6), persons under 16 years old charged with Class 1 Crimes will be detained at what facility?

  1. OCYS
  2. JDC
  3. OHP
  4. ODP

4.According to Fire Investigation SOPs (OPS/001), when collecting evidence, compliance with what court ruling should be ensured?

  1. Tyler vs Minneapolis
  2. Tyler vs Montgomery
  3. Tyler vs Minnesota
  4. Tyler vs Michigan

5.According to Fire Investigation SOPs (OPS/014.5), all juvenile suspects in custody are given what prior to being interviewedin presence of parents, guardian or attorney?

  1. Miranda warning
  2. A phone call
  3. A new outlook on life
  4. A butt-kickin’

6.According to Fire Investigation SOPs (OPS/014.15), juvenileswho are held accountable for their actions (due to age) are handled with charges and the disposition is determined by who?

  1. Juvenile District Counselor’s Office
  2. Juvenile District Attorney's Office
  3. Juvenile Prosecuting Attorney's Office
  4. Juvenile Trial Attorney's Office

7.According to Fire Investigation SOPs (OPS/013.1), who will investigate all fire scenes where suspicious human death is discovered?

  1. Fire Department Arson Squad
  2. OklahomaCounty Crime Lab
  3. OCPD Homicide Unit
  4. A and C

8.According to Fire Investigation SOPs (OPS/014.6), OCPD will accept and hold which of the following persons?

  1. Persons 16 and 17 years of age who have been arrested on 1 or more Class 1 Crimes
  2. Persons 16 and 17 years of age who have been arrested on 1 or more Class 2 Crimes
  3. Persons under 16 years old charged with Class 1 Crimes
  4. None of the above

9.According to Fire Investigation SOPs (OPS/014.14), According to State Statutes, children under what age are not held accountable for their actions?

  1. 10 years old
  2. 9 years old
  3. 8 years old
  4. 7 years old

10.According to Fire Investigation SOPs (OPS/013.11), suicide notes should not be handled and should be turned over to whom?

  1. Fire Investigator
  2. Incident Commander
  3. OCPD Technical Investigator
  4. A or C

11.According to Fire Investigation SOPs (OPS/014.4), if in the officer's opinion a child need not be detained, who can they be released to?

  1. Friend of Family
  2. Co-worker
  3. Court
  4. Any of the above

12.According to Fire Investigation SOPs (OPS/014.9), which of the following can be placed in Youth Services of Oklahoma County?

  1. Juvenile arrested for a misdemeanor and without a criminal history
  2. Juvenile arrested for a non-violent felony but with a criminal history
  3. A or B
  4. None of the above

13.According to Fire Investigation SOPs (OPS/013.4), with unexplained deaths, what are theduties of police officers and firefighters in regards to notifications?

  1. Notification of the Homicide Supervisorthrough Dispatch
  2. Notification of the Technical Investigation Unitsthrough Dispatch
  3. Notification of death with Medical Director’s Office (morgue) through Dispatch
  4. A and B

14.According to Fire Investigation SOPs (OPS/014.2), who do fire personnel call to determine the disposition of juveniles on scenes?

  1. Police Officer
  2. Fire Investigator
  3. Department of Human Services
  4. Department of Youth Services

15.According to Fire Investigation SOPs (OPS/014.13), until disposition is established, where arearrested juveniles booked?

  1. Into the Oklahoma City Detention facility same as adults
  2. Into the Oklahoma County Detention facility same as adults
  3. Into the Oklahoma Youth Detention facility same as adults
  4. Into the Department of Youth Services facility

16.According to Fire Investigation SOPs (OPS/013.13), if death was not attended by physician, who notifies the Medical Examiner?

  1. Fire Investigator
  2. Incident Commander
  3. Public Information Officer
  4. Fire Department Chaplain

17.According to Fire Investigation SOPs (OPS/014.7), where does any arrested juvenile who is sick, injured or under the influence go?

  1. OKC Detention Facility Infirmary
  2. OKC Youth Services Infirmary
  3. Hospital
  4. Clinic

18.According to Fire Investigation SOPs (OPS/013.13), if the Medical Examiner decides to have a body transported to his/her office, when may the assigned officer leave the scene?

  1. Upon notification of their supervisor
  2. Upon notification of the Medical Examiner
  3. Upon arrival of transporting personnel
  4. Upon body arriving at Medical Examiner’s office

19.According to Fire Investigation SOPs (OPS/013.5), what kind of crew for hot spots and security of the scene should be provided until the investigator(s) arrive?

  1. Acorpse crew of firefighters
  2. A carcass of a Corporal
  3. A rat pack of recruits
  4. A skeleton crew of firefighters

20.According to Fire Investigation SOPs (OPS/013.2), who is assigned to secure unexplained death scenes and maintain scene security?

  1. First police officer to arrive
  2. A firefighter
  3. First Investigator to arrive
  4. A or B

21.According to Fire Investigation SOPs (OPS/014.10), what is juvenile adjudication for purposes of incarceration, interrogation and/or detention?

  1. A formal deposition by a juvenile court where a child under 18 violates Federal or State law or Municipal ordinances (excluding habitual traffic ordinance violations)
  2. A formal deposition by a juvenile court where a child under 18 violates Federal or State law or Municipal ordinances (including habitual traffic ordinance violations)
  3. A formal deposition by a juvenile court where a child under 21 violates Federal or State law or Municipal ordinances (excluding habitual traffic ordinance violations)
  4. A formal deposition by a juvenile court where a child under 21 violates Federal or State law or Municipal ordinances (including habitual traffic ordinance violations)

22.According to Fire Investigation SOPs (OPS/014.16), if more than one person handles evidence, who will make out the report?

  1. The lead Fire Investigator
  2. The Incident Commander
  3. The District Officer’s of the persons handling evidence
  4. Each person who handles evidence

23.According to Fire Investigation SOPs (OPS/013.3), who is responsible for the Crime Scene Log?

  1. The first firefighter assigned to scene security
  2. The second police officer assigned to scene security
  3. The first police officer assigned to scene security
  4. A or C

24.According to Fire Investigation SOPs (OPS/013.6), if conclusive signs of death are evident and medical personnel have not entered the crime scene, police officers and firefighters assigned security duties will allow who to enter the scene?

  1. One (1) Medical Technician accompanied by a police officer
  2. One (1) Medical Technician accompanied by a firefighter
  3. A or B
  4. No one may enter the scene

25.According to Fire Investigation SOPs (OPS/001), what is the procedure for evidence waiting for testing in a laboratory?

  1. Must stay in Investigators custody until testing
  2. Must be secured by Incident Commander
  3. Secured in evidence locker
  4. Remains on scene until laboratory facilities are available for testing

26.According to Fire Investigation SOPs (OPS/014.7), under no circumstances will a juvenile be placed in what facility?

  1. Oklahoma (Adult) Detention Facility
  2. Oklahoma Juvenile Detention Facility
  3. Detox
  4. Hospital

27.According to Fire Investigation SOPs (OPS/013.10), how are suicide investigations handled?

  1. Same as Fire Death & Homicide Investigation Procedures in the Investigators Guide book
  2. Same as Fire Death & Homicide Investigation Procedures in the OCPD Procedures Manual
  3. Same as Fire Death & Homicide Investigation Procedures in the Oklahoma Statutes Guidebook
  4. A and B

28.According to Fire Investigation SOPs (OPS/013.5), which of the following are automatic responses for Investigators?

  1. Fire deaths
  2. Commercial alarms
  3. All burn injuries
  4. None of the above

29. According to Fire Investigation SOPs (OPS/001), when is a search warrant or waiver required?

  1. If Fire Department leaves scene unattended
  2. If District Chief leaves the scene
  3. If the Incident Commander leaves the scene
  4. If the Station Officer leaves the scene

30.According to Fire Investigation SOPs (OPS/013), except for bodies that must be removed to preserve from further damage, who authorizes moving of a body?

  1. Fire Investigator
  2. EMSA
  3. District Officer
  4. Medical Examiner

31.According to Fire Investigation SOPs (OPS/014.11), juveniles arrested for felony crimes require what prior to release to detention facility, parents, or guardians?

  1. Fingerprinting
  2. Photographing
  3. A and B
  4. None of the above if under 18 years old

32.According to Fire Investigation SOPs (OPS/014.15), what program is for children who set fires?

  1. Operations FIREWATCH
  2. Operation FIRESAFE
  3. Operations FIREGUARD
  4. Operation FIRESHIELD

33.According to Fire Investigation SOPs (OPS/013.4), after an “unexplained death” scene is turned over to investigators, officers and firefighters will be given new assignments throughwhom?

  1. Technical Investigation Supervisor
  2. Incident Command
  3. Homicide Supervisor
  4. B and C

34.According to Fire Investigation SOPs (OPS/013), a report regarding movement of a body must contain what information?

  1. Reason for moving
  2. Who authorized movement
  3. Condition of the victim
  4. All of the above

Answer Sheet
1 / 31
2 / 32
3 / 33
4 / 34
Answer Key
1 / C / 31 / C
2 / D / 32 / B
3 / B / 33 / D
4 / D / 34 / D
5 / A
6 / B
7 / D
8 / A
9 / D
10 / D
11 / C
12 / A
13 / D
14 / B
15 / A
16 / A
17 / C
18 / C
19 / D
20 / D
21 / B
22 / D
23 / D
24 / D
25 / C
26 / C
27 / D
28 / A
29 / A
30 / D

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Disclaimer: These test questions were created for informational purposes and are not actual promotional exam questions. They are designed to assist in studying the OCFD SOPs. These questions are in no way related to, or approved by the City of OKC. FireNotes®.com,, and Mike Nikkel are in no way liable for any errors in content, grammar, or other errors. Use at your own risk.