Drawing and Painting I(New Name: 2D Art 1)

Mrs. Bak

Office Hours: 8:30-9:00 M, T, Th & F Room 260

Course Description:

Course Description: This year-long, entry-level class promotes the enjoyment and appreciation of art as students experiment with the media and techniques used to create two-dimensional (2-D) artworks, including drawing, painting, printmaking, collage, and more. Students regularly reflect on aesthetics and issues related to art and anchor the structural elements of art and organizational principles of design, experimenting with them as they create. They use analytical and problem-solving skills to improve their work and that of their peers, self-diagnosing and experimenting with potential solutions to art challenges based on their foundational structural, historical, and cultural knowledge. Students investigate, analyze, and learn to honor the art of Western and non-Western cultures, which informs their own choices when creating works of art and their understanding of the role of art in global culture. As they work, students develop and apply, at a basic level, 21st-century skills that will help them be successful after high school graduation, including time management, self-assessment, the ability to solve problems, the ability to perceive both the whole of an idea or concept and its parts, and critical analysis.

Drawing Media:

During this course students will be using a variety of media including:

  • Pencil (graphite/charcoal)
  • Pen and ink
  • India Ink (pen & washes)
  • Color Pencils
  • Watercolor
  • Acrylic paint
  • Collage/Mixed Media
  • Printmaking
  • In addition to the introduction to the media used to create a work of art, students will study Art History and Art Criticism in order to understand the origins and history of western visual arts, to make connections to everyday life, to and to be able to communicate about the visual arts.
  • Emphasis will be placed on the basic foundations of art, the elements of art and the principles of design.
  • During the first half of the course, students will use drawing media to explore the foundations of drawing skills. During the second half of the course we will explore color and painting media.
  • The course will align with the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards which may be read at

Grading: Students will receive grades for:

  • Projects
  • Sketchbooks assignments
  • Art history assignments: reading/writing
  • Participation: daily, critiques, studio maintenance
  • Critiques
  • Quizzes/Tests
  • Attendance at an approved visual or performing art event- “Cultural Event”


Art students should show a desire to improve their skills, must be involved in class work and discussions daily and be willing to rework assignments that require additional work. Participation includes cleaning up work spaces, having a good attitude, participating in class discussions and critiques as well as being present each day in class. Students are responsible for finishing their projects on time and turning them in to the correct location. Students who are absent may check the class website or speak to Mrs. Bak upon returning to class for make-up work. In the case of extended absences, students should contact the teacher, if possible, prior to the absence for make-up work.


Students may schedule time before or after school to discuss problems or to seek additional assistance outside of class time. Additional studio time is available beginning at 8:30 each morning (Wednesday a.m. the studio is not open before school due to the school training schedules).

Contests and Exhibitions & Artwork:

The Creekside Art Department seeks opportunities to exhibit the work of our talented students in the community and at the school district level. Throughout the year student work may be submitted to contests, competitions and placed on display in community and school shows. Because of this, the Art Department may keep student work for up to two years.

Supply List for Drawing 1:

These are supplies that we use every day or throughout the course. Please place small items in a ziplock baggie or pencil box labeled with the student’s name to store in their class portfolio.

•Art Club Dues *see Art Club on class website under “downloads”

•Watercolor set (not "washable" type) Crayola is a good brand

•2 pieces of large white poster board (to create a class Portfolio)

•A variety of drawing pencils (2H, 4H, 6H, HB, 2B, 4B, 6B) in a ziplock bag or pencil bag

•Kneaded eraser

•Spiral Bound sketchbook 9”x12”

•1 8"x10" canvas (please bring in January)

•1 11"x14" canvas (please bring in January)

•Box of thin Crayola markers

Optional Requested Supplies:

Prismacolor Color Pencils

Paper plates

Small white plastic paint palette

Box of tissue

Hand sanitizer

Ream of copy paper