Steam Engine Power controller assembly

...the dimmer switch comes with clear instructions want to set it up as a:


>My dimmer switch had two black (hot) wires coming out

of it and a green (ground) wire.

>My cord had a black (hot), a white (neutral) and a

green (ground) wire coming out of it.

>My outlet had a brass screw for the black (hot) wire,

an aluminum screw for the white (neutral) wire and a

green screw for the (ground) wire.


(A) I first made the holes in the box for the single

outlet (big one and two small ones for mounting

screws), a 1/4" hole in the face of box for the dimmer

knob's post and two small ones for mounting screws

...and lastly a 3/8" hole for the cord to come in the

box end opposite the outlet.

(B) I gave the box a coat of polyurethane on the

outside before mounting any of the electronics AND

glued a small wood block at each corner of the box

where it would meet the wood base (plaque)

allowed 1/8" gap all the way around for ventilation.

I am considering adding a few more vents after the

fact as it will get a little warm with extended use

(like an hour).

(C) I stripped back 1/2" of the wire covering from

each wire of the incoming cord...then ran cord thru

the box into the inside, pulling some slack thru to

make it easier to work for now. Remove the outermost

wire's plastic covering (ivory part on my wire)...for

about 4", giving yourself three 4 inch long wires

inside the box...plenty of room for this and makes it

easier to connect things up. I put a plastic cable

tie tightly on the outer wire cover inside the box at

a point that it would prevent the wire being pulled

out of the wood later, loosening connections...just

an easy safeguard to do.

(D) Connect the white (neutral) wire from cord

directly to the aluminum screw of the outlet

(E) Connect the green (ground) wire from cord AND the

green (ground) wire from dimmer BOTH to the green

(ground) screw on the outlet.

(F) Connect the black (hot) wire from cord to one of

the black (hot) wires of dimmer using wire nuts that

come with the dimmer...(I also add black plastic

electrician's tape over the wire nut as extra

insurance it won't come loose later).

(G) Connect the other black (hot) wire from the dimmer

to the brass (hot) screw of the outlet.

(H) Mount the outlet into the box first...attach two

screws thru box to hold it in place. Then mount

dimmer up thru it's dimmer knob hole and attach with

it's two screws thru box...slide dimmer knob on the

post sticking thru the center of the box. Lastly pull

most slack of the cord out of box til your cable tie

prevents any further.

(I) Mount the box to the wooden plaque with wood glue

or epoxy...being sure the little blocks of wood

installed earlier give you 1/8" or more of ventilation.

(J) Remove dimmer knob and give the whole box and base

another coat of polyurethane (try to keep it off the

outlet's plastic)...pop the dimmer knob back on and

you are in business!!!


ONE more safety suggestion I use on all my old electric

engines. Since most do NOT have a grounded 3 prong

outlet, I made up a 2 foot piece of green wire with an

alligator clip on one end, prong to insert in a grounded

outlet on the other end. I clip oneend to a slightly

loosened firebox screw on my Jensensand underneath my

Empires. I run the other end to the ground (round hole)

of a 3 hole US 110 Volt AC outlet.