Date:< Add date to be posted>
Our ref: KH/AdoptionAllowance/Child’s First Name
Adopter (s) Name(s) and address / Health and WellbeingGlynis Williams
Provider Services
Unit 10, Whitney Court
Fax: 0161 770 6682
Dear Adopters Name>
Re: Financial Support under the Adoption Support Services Regulations 2005
I am writing to advise you of your eligibility for financial support under the above regulations following your financial assessment. The amount you have been awarded is£<enter amount> per week, which will be paid into your bank account on a weekly basis. The payment will be back-dated to the date <child’s first name>was placed with you, < enter date placed>.
The above calculation is based on your current earnings and includes deductions such as Child Benefit, Child Tax Credits and / or Working Tax Credits that you have been awarded by HMRC. If there are changes to the benefits you have been awarded, you must notify us immediately and provide evidence from the HMRC so that we can undertake a further financial assessment.
The allowance is reviewable on an annual basis and therefore you will be asked to complete a further financial assessment in 12 month’s time. In the meantime, however, you must notify us immediately in writing if you change address or there are any other changes in your financial circumstances, or the financial needs or resources of the child, which may affect the financial support you receive with regards to children living with you. Examples of this are:
changes to any State Benefits awarded to you e.g. Child Tax Credits and Working Tax Credits,
the child ceases to live with you for what ever reason,
the child leaves school,
the child begins a training course or employment.
Failure to notify the department of financial changes may lead to overpayment and you will be liable for repayment of any monies overpaid.
Please complete and return the attached slip to confirm you have received and agree with the contents of this letter.
If you have any queries please contact Naran Velji on 0161 770 6609.
Yours sincerely
Glynis WilliamsHead of Provider Services – Looked after Children and Care Leavers
Financial Support under the Adoption Support Services Regulations 2005
Weconfirm receipt of the notification for Financial Support under the Adoption Support Services Regulations 2005. We arein agreement with the amount to be awarded as detailed in the letter.
Weagree to inform Oldham Council immediately in writing if there is a change of address or there are any changes in our financial circumstances.
Print Name………………………………………………….. Date………………………..
Print Name………………………………………………….. Date………………………..
Please return this letter to:-
Oldham Council
Health and Wellbeing
Naran Velji
Finance Officer
Unit 10, Whitney Court
Southlink Business Park