Wednesday Morning Prayers at Clyst St George

Morning Prayers is a short said service every other week on a Wednesday. Why not take 20 minutes and join us – we also have tea or coffee afterwards if you have the time? We start at 9.30 am and you would be very welcome on 7th and 21st August.

Clyst St George Parish Council Chairman’s Notes: September 2016

With the holiday season winding down and the harvest being gathered in all around us we are reminded that autumn is fast approaching. You will see that hedges are beginning to be cut back and we would be most grateful if residents who have hedges on their boundaries could organise to have these done so that both traffic and pedestrians are kept safe.

We have had several comments giving opinions on our grass verges through the parish. As you know we are coping with the effects of cutbacks and the Council (DCC) are restricting the areas covered. Residents’ views on this matter are important to us. If there are areas that you think are important and are being missed out, please let our Clerk know as we will need to discuss this matter soon and your opinions are both important and appreciated. In essence you will note that the areas still being regularly maintained are involved with safety – ie junctions, bends and cross-over sections on the dual carriageway.

I mentioned communication last month and our Clerk is starting a calendar page on our website and is also starting a database of residents who would like to receive updates and news relevant to their specific area when it arises. If you would like to be included in this project do please contact Cathryn who will log your details. This works well in other areas and also gives another way of communicating other than our website.

Our regular monthly meetings start again this month (14th) and as usual everyone is always welcome to attend. That way you hear first-hand what is happening.

Mrs Cathryn Newberry, our Parish Clerk, can be contacted on . Thank you.

Maureen Ackland-Smith 01392 874065

Card Making Group

There will be no meeting of the card making group this month.

Nature Garden

Clyst St George has a delightful nature garden by the side of the parish church. The aim of the garden is togrow local Devon indigenous plants and trees and to encourage a Devon meadow with local wild flowers. Should you wish to help develop this ‘green’ facility, you can come along on the first Saturday of every month from 9.30 to 11 am.

Little Dragons Pre-School

Following our successful OFSTED inspection in April 2015 'good with outstanding features', we do still have a few spaces for children. So do come and visit and meet our highly experienced staff team.We are based in Lady Seaward’s School and open four days a week, from Monday to Thursday 8.45 am - 3.15 pm during school term times. For more information, please contact Elly on 01392 877793 in school hours or visit our website