Student Work Rubric for Decades ProjectName: ______

“A Walk through the 20th Century”

Brief Description:

Each student reviews the people, places, and events of a particular decade of the 20th Century and creates a booth of memorabilia, music, dress, pictures and other artifacts representing the time period. Students share their booths with their classmates, and if possible, invite the entire school to a “Celebration of the 20th Century.”


Students will learn what life was like during various decades of the 20th Century, with an emphasis on Georgia.


20th Century, U.S. History, Georgia History, culture, graphing, statistics, timeline

Materials Needed: Either a tri-fold board, box, or poster board for your group (you may use multiple boards, if necessary), various print sources (minimum of four—at least two must be books) about your decade, markers and other art supplies (may be obtained via usage of Student Production Lab with teacher permission)

Each group will be responsible for representing each of the following in their presentation:

  • 10 significant people of the decade (can be good or bad, but must include U.S. presidents and Georgia governors of the time period)
  • a timeline of 10 significant events, using symbols or drawings to represent each event with a minimum of one event specific to the state of Georgia
  • These events should be significant historically and have an effect on the lives of people in the decade
  • a graph of a statistic of the time period, such as population growth, babies born, death rate, etc. (be creative—find something specific to your time period, if possible)-
  • an important invention of the decade (should have pictorial representation)
  • popular toys or games of the decade
  • popular books and music of the decade

Each group should decorate a large cardboard box, science fair presentation board, or poster board with memorabilia, pictures, and other artifacts representing its assigned decade. People, events, places, and general lifestyle should be included. Groups may also include clothing and cultural representations of the period.


This project will be evaluated in two ways:

  1. There will be multiple daily grades given over the course of the project on individual assignments having to do with your decade. These will be specified as either daily grades, quiz grades, or homework grades depending upon the work involved.
  2. There will also be a culminating test/project (40%) grade at the end of the project based upon overall achievement.

Other details:

I will keep a folder for each group with your work in it and the individual evaluations for each days work. You need to show progress throughout the assignment, and if work is accomplished outside of the classroom, it should be turned into your group’s folder. Each student should demonstrate individual contributions to the project by placing their name on the pieces of work to which they have contributed.