Dr. Ahmed Zaree Ahmed. CV

Personal Data.

Name: Ahmed Zaree Ahmed.
Date of Birth: 6/7/1974, Assuit-Sahel Seleem.
Position: Associate Professor at department of curricula and instruction - Faculty of Education, Assuit university.
Foreign Languages: German and English.
General specialty: Curriculum and instruction Geography.
Accurate specialty: Methods of teaching Geography.
Nationality: Egyptian
Contact Information
Work Address: Department of curricula and instruction" Social Studies", Faculty of Education, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt.
CurrentBusiness Address: Assuit University-Faculty of Education-Curriculum and Instruction Department.
Email Address:

Telephone Numbers:
Business Phone Number:0020-882-423450
Home: 0020-88-2373057
Mobil phone: 0020-1090910625
Fax: 0020-88-2343706
Electronic Website:

Academic Qualifications:

1-B.A in Education, Geography Major, Faculty of Education, Assuit University, June-1996, with a general estimation of Very Good with Honor.

2-Special Diploma in Education, Faculty of Education, AssuitUniversity, Sep.1999, with a general estimation of Very Good with Honor.

3-M.A in Education (Curriculum and instruction Social studies), 31 / 7 / 2001 with a general estimation of Excellent. Assuit University, Faculty of Education.

4-PhD in Education (Curriculum and instruction Social studies -Geography) 2/5/ 2007, from the University of Augsburg,Germany.

Employment History:

1-Teaching Assistant, Dept. of Curricula and Instruction, Assuit University, Faculty of Education from 27/4/1997 – 31/7/2001.

2- Associate Lecturer at Assuit University, Faculty of Education, from 12/9/2001 – 2/5/2007.

3-Teacher at Faculty of Education-Assuit University, from 22/7/2007 – 1/9/2012.

4-Associate Professor at Faculty of Education-Assuit University, from 1/9/2012 till now.

Academic Research:

  1. Master Degree: Mathematical skills required to teach geography student teachers at the Division ofGeography, Faculty of Education, "an evaluation study", from the Faculty of Education – Assiut University, 2001.
  2. Ph.D.
    "The Effectiveness of a Proposed Integrative Program for Developing Some Mathematical Concepts and Skills Necessary for Students Learning Geography"
    University of Augsburg, Germany, 2007.

Academic Research and Papers Published:

N / Researchtitle / Publisher and year of publication / Individual/joint
1 / Ahmed Zaree, Assiut University Egypt, Ulrich Wieczorek, University of Augsburg, Germany:“Lack of Mathematical Knowledge and Skills of Students as a Problem for the Further Development of Modern Quantitative Geography”, Presentation at the IEEE-Conference “Meeting the Growing Demand for Engineers and Their Educators 2010-2020” at the Arabella Sheraton Grand Hotel in Munich, Germany (9-11 November 2007)”. / The IEEE-Conference “Meeting the Growing Demand for Engineers and Their Educators 2010-2020” at the Arabella Sheraton Grand Hotel in Munich, Germany (9-11 November 2007) / Jointly withProf. Dr./, Ulrich Wieczorek
2 / A suggested unit in social studies in the light of the constitutional amendments for the development of the concept of citizenship intermediate stage students. / First Scientific Conference of citizenship education and social studies curricula "Educational Association of Social Studies, July 2008. / Jointly with Dr. / Kamal Ali.
3 / The Effectiveness of a suggested training program to configure the social studies teacher in the light of the life skills and awareness of the educational challenges of globalization. / Educational Association for Social Studies, December 2008 AD. / Individual
4 / The effectiveness ofapplying the Internetin the development of geographicalcultureand the value ofrespecting intellectualproperty rightsfor the students ofthe curricula of Social Studiesat Faculty of Education,Assiut. / The Conference of "technological challenges andthe development of educationsystem", at the Facultyof Education, Zagazig University, April 2009m. / Individual
5 / The Construction of suggested program in Geography to develop the awareness of the concepts of human rights and some skills of collective learning with the students of the intermediate stage / The Second Scientific Conference for Human Rights and the curricula of Social Studies , educational Association of Social Studies, July 2009 / Individual
6 / The Effectiveness of a suggested program based on electronic simulations in teaching social studies to develop the spatial ability and achievement and the trend towards subject with the students of intermediate stage students. / Educational Association for Social Studies, November 2010. / Individual
7 / The Effectiveness of a suggested program in medical Geography in the development of some behavioral skills and environmental awareness with the students of the first secondary grade ", / Educational Association for Social Studies, November 2011. / Jointly with Dr. / Adel Rasmy Hammad
8 / Suggested training program to instill in social studies teachers to use a self-regulated learning strategies and its impact on the skills of achievement and developing the Http thinking skills with their learning / The Journal of Faculty of Education - University of Assiut, Vol 28, Version 2 /April 2012. / Individual
9 / E-Training, And its role in the achievement of professional development for teachers of social studies, an evaluation study. / The Journal of Faculty of Education- the University of Emirates acceptance of publication. / Jointly with Dr. / Ahmed Hussein Abdel Muaty
10 / Training social studies teachers on the skills of service learning and its impact on developing the skills of community work and decision-making with their students / The Journal of Faculty of Education- the University of Emirates- acceptance of publication. / Individual.
11 / Learning based on the dimensions of the entrance career in teaching social studies and its impact on the crisis management skill and awareness of the overall national security with the students of Social Studies Division / The Journal of Educational and Psychological Sciences – Bahrain- Acceptance Publishing / Jointly with Dr. / Taher Mahmoud Elhanan.
12 / The effectiveness of using the smart interactive games in geography in the development of the economic concepts and skills of visual thinking of the talented students with learning disabilities / The Educational Association for Social Studies, July 2014. / Individual.

Courses taught:

Stage / Division / Coursename / N
Bachelor / Geography department, Faculty of Education-Assuit University. / Methods of teaching Geography to 3rd year Geography students. / 1
Bachelor / History division-Faulty of Education-Assuit / Methods of teaching History to 3rd year students, History Division. / 2
Bachelor / Faculty of Specific Education, Department of Home Economic. / Curriculum and the Principles of its development, the 4th year students, Division of Home Economic. / 3
Bachelor / The Institute of Agricultural Cooperation and Guidance –Assuit / Learning aids for the 3rd year students, Agricultural Guidance division. / 4
Bachelor / Geography division-Faulty of Education-Assuit / Teaching Geography to the 4th year students, Geography division. / 5
Bachelor / Geography division-Faulty of Education-Assuit. / Principals of teaching, the 2nd year students-Geography division. / 6
Bachelor / Physics -Mathematics-Chemistry-Faculty of Education –Assiut. / Readings in thecurriculum of the 4th year students all scientific divisions. / 7
Bachelor / Arabic language - social subjects
Faculty of Education - Assiut / Practical Courses to the 3rd year students, Social subjects and Arabic Language division. / 8
Bachelor / Division of Psychology Faculty of Education - Assiut / Curriculum and the Principles of development, to the 3rd year students, Division of Psychology. / 9
Bachelor / History Division, Faculty of Education-Assuit University. / Curriculum and the Principles of development, to the 3rd year students, Division of History / 10
post-graduate / Faculty of Education-Assuit University. / Teaching of Geography to the students of general diploma, the system ofper year. / 11
post-graduate / Faculty of Education-Assuit University. / Teaching of Geography to the 2nd year students of Special Diploma.(Preliminary) / 12
post-graduate / Faculty of Education-Assuit University. / Methods of teaching psychology to the students of general diploma the system of two years (first year). / 13
Bachelor / Faculty of Education-Assuit University. / Principals of teaching, 2nd year students, (Geography and History). / 14
post-graduate / Faculty of Education-Assuit University. / Curriculum design to the students of professional diploma in education, the division of curricula and Learning programs / 15
Bachelor / Faculty of Education-Assuit University. / Micro Teaching to the 2nd year students, division of Geography-History-Social Studies. / 16
post-graduate / Faculty of Education-Assuit University. / Curricula to the students of the general diploma, per year system, Division of Social Studies. / 17
post-graduate / Faculty of Education-Assuit University. / Micro Teaching to the general diploma students, the system of one year, Psychology division. / 18
post-graduate / Faculty of Education-Assuit University. / Evaluation and Examinations to the students of Special diploma, per year system. / 19
post-graduate / Faculty of Education-Assuit University. / Teaching the course of curriculum to the students of Professional diploma, Teacher of specificEducation. / 20
Bachelor / Faculty of Education-Assuit University. / Teaching methods of teaching, with special needs groups to the 2nd year students of History / Geography and Social Studies division. / 21
post-graduate / Faculty of Education-Assuit University. / TeachingTechnology of EducationforSpecial Needs / 22
post-graduate / Faculty of Education-Assuit University. / Teaching environmental education course for students of the general diploma, the system of per year. / 23

Participation in the work of examinations control.

1-Memberin the control of Examinations works for all the stages of childhoodand Geography Divisionsduring the yearsfrom2008 to 2011.

2-Memberin the control of Examinations works for all the stages of Arabicand French Divisionsduring the year of 2012.

3-Memberin the control of Examinations works of the Professional Diploma in Education, all Specialties, during the two yearsof 2010/2011 and 2011/1012.

4-Memberin the control of Examinations works of the General Diploma Social division, from the year of 2010 till 2014.

5-Carrying out the works of observing the bachelor and General diploma students during the years from 2007 until 2014.

6-Carrying out the works of observing the Professional and Special Diploma students during the years from 2007 until 2014.

7-Member in the Questions Room of the examinations for the post-graduate students for the years 2010/2014

8-Member in the Questions Room of the examinations for the post-graduate students for the years 2010/2014

9-Member in the committee of (Questions Room) of the Bachelor students, November 2011.

10-The head oftheControl committee of the ProfessionalDiplomafor the academic year2012/2013-2013/2014

Workshops and Conferences:

I have attended and participated in the following educational conferences and seminars at the University of Assiut and other Egyptian and Arab universities, including:

1-The international Conference in the Center of Future Studies at the University of Assiut " Common Arab Market", which was held from December 12 to 15 in 1998.

2-The fourth Annual Conference in the Center of Future Studies at the University of Assiut, "the future of the nuclear option in the Middle East," which was held from November 16 to 18 in 1999.

3-The Second Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Education - Assiut University, entitled "The changing role of the Arabian teacher in the society of the future", which was held in the period 18/20 April 2000 m at Assiut University.

4-The Fifth Scientific Conference of Faculty of Education-Assiut University, entitled "Breeding gifted and talented persons the entrance to the age of uniqueness and creativity", which was held in the period 14/15 December 2002 at Assiut University.

5-Participating in the workshop of Cairo about "The private cadre of teachers in Egypt" Under the project of Education development ERB in the period between 22/11/2007 to 24/11/2007.

6-The international Conference"The IEEE-Conference “Lack of Mathematical Knowledge and Skills of Students as a Problem for the Further Development of Modern Quantitative Geography”, Presentation at the IEEE-Conference “Meeting the Growing Demand for Engineers and Their Educators 2010-2020” at the Arabella Sheraton Grand Hotel in Munich, Germany (9-11 November 2007)”.

7-The First Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Social Work - University of Assiut "social dimensions of the quality of higher education," which was held from 15 to 17 February 2008.

8-The First Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Arts - University of Assiut, "the media and the cultural construction of citizenship rights", which was held from 19 to 20 February 2008.

9-Participated with a research entitled "suggested perception to activate the role of colleges of education in building programs to achieve the required aims of professional development in the light of the required and necessary skills for the special framework of teachers, in the first conference, "Modified Visions of to develop practical education programs Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan," Blue University, March 2008.

10-The Conference of "The challenges of technology and the development of education system", Faculty of Education, Zagazig University, April 2009 m, a paper entitled the effectiveness of using the Internet to develop the geographical culture and the value of respecting intellectual property rights for the students of Social Studies Faculty of Education, Assiut.

11-The Second scientific conference of human rights and social studies curricula "Educational Association for Social Studies, July 2009 AD, a paper entitled" Effectiveness of a suggested program in Geography to develop the based on attitudinal development the awareness of the concepts of human rights and some skills of collective learning with Preparatory stage students ".

12-Participating in a Workshop - at the University of Assiut entitled "strategic planning", which was held to develop the January 26 2009.

13-The Conference of "Higher Education between the challenges of reality and visions of development," which was held in the period between October 12 to 13, 2009 at the University of Assiut.

14-The annual conference of the College of Education, Assuit University during the years from 2008 to 2011.

15-Participating, preparing and organizing the international conference "colleges of education and the rebuilding of education, "which was held in the period between May 10 to 11, 2014 at the Faculty of Education-University of Assiut.

Supervised dissertations

1-Master’s Dissertations Supervised:

  • Mahmoud Mohammed Suifi: the impact of the use of model Renzoly Enrichment in teaching social studies on the development of creative thinking skills with Preparatory stage students, which was granted on 12/15/2011.
  • Reham Hamdy , the Faculty of Education - University of Assiut 07/13/2008, and the title of its mission: "the effectiveness of the use of a geographicalAtlas based on electronic and interactive remote sensing in developing the skill of drawing the map , and spatial ability of the first-grade students, secondary education . Granted on October 31, 2013.
  • Shaima Meky Mohamed Ahmed, Faculty of Education, University of Assiut 02/22/2011 : "the effectiveness of a suggested unit in the curricula of history in the light of the the dimensions of the revolution of 25th of January to develop the foundations of political participation and national belonging with first-grade Preparatory stage students (Prep School), granted September 30, 2014.
  • Overseeing the student / Hanan Ali Said. Registered in the Master on 20th of September 2011.
  • Zainab Hussein Mohammed. Registered in the Master at the Faculty of Education, University of Assiut, on 20th of September 2011.
  • Gihan Mahmoud. Registered on 25th of January 2014 at the Faculty of Education, University of Assiut.

2-Ph.D. Dissertations Supervised:

  • Researcher / Nancy Rifaat Mahfouz. Registered on 25th of October 2010, Faculty of Education, University of Assiut, entitled"……".
  • Researcher / Mahmoud Mohamed Swefy, Registered on 25th of November 2012, Faculty of Education, University of Assiut, entitled"……".
  • Researcher / Wafaa Maher Ahmed. Registered on 25th of October 2014, Faculty of Education, University of Assiut.

University Activities and Programs, which I participate in and the administrative responsibilities.

1-Consultant in the program of development of Education ( ERP ) (Education Reform Project) under the Ministry of Higher Education to put the private cadre exams of teachers for the year 2007/2008.

2-Member in the committee of the curricula and instruction department at faculty of Education-Assuit University, for the year 2007/2008 and from 2012 till now.

3-Member in the unit of quality assurance and accreditation at faculty of Education-Assuit University, for the year 2008/2009 and 2009/2010.

4-Member in the committee of emergency and Crises at faculty of Education-Assuit University, for the year 2009/2010 and 2010/2011.

5- Consultant of the society committee and trips at faculty of Education-Assuit University, for the year 2008/2009 and 2009/2010.

6- Member in the committee of the environment at Faculty of Education-Assuit University, for the year 2008/2009 and 2010/2011.

7-The assistant executive director of the continued development project and the adoption of accreditation at the Faculty of Education, Assiut University, for helping the college of Education to apply and achieve academic accreditation, from the Quality Assurance organization of Education.

8-The manager of the Quality Assurance Unit, Faculty of Education, Assiut University in 2011/2012 m Director.

9-A member in the center of the quality of education and accreditation at Assiut University in 2011/2012.

10-A member in the Unit of practical Education, Faculty of Education, Assiut University during the period from 2008/2010.

11-Member in some committees of meeting the new students in the stage of university Education and graduate education during the period from 2008 to 2012.

12-Consultant of Social Studies at Cambridge University "Nile Egyptian Schools program ", under the project of the Education Development Fund of Egypt.

13-Certified Trainer for Cambridge International Certificate for Teachers and Trainers (CICTT), (Arabic medium) at the University of Cambridge at the project of Nile Egyptian Schools under the project of the Education Development Fund of Egypt.

14-External Reviser Certified by "National Organization for Quality Assurance and Accreditation" for pre-university education.

15-A Member in the "Committee of revising the reports of the External Reviser" in the committee of Accreditation, at the National Organization for Quality Assurance and Accreditation" for pre-university Education.

16-Certified Trainer in the program of Training of trainers(TOT) under the Center of Information Technology under the ministry of Communications of Egypt, from the year of 2007 to 2014.

17-Certified Trainer from "Value" Academy for the development of human resources, from the year of 2007 to 2014.

18-Consultant of Students Activities, Faculty of Education- Assiut University, for the academic year 2013/2014.

19-Member in the project of Tamam, "School centered reforming" under the American University in association with Colleges of Education, Assiut University from the year of 2013 to date.

20-Member in the project of Tamam "The role of civil society institutions in education," the National Council for Motherhood and Childhood in association with College of Education, Assiut for the academic year 2013.

21-Member in the program of "integrating people with special needs in general education" under the UNICEF in association with College of Education, Assiut University.

22-The Manager of Training Unit, Faculty of Education- Assiut University, for the academic year 2012/2013 and till 2013/2014.

Professional development.

1-The training course of "Effective Presentation Skills", which was held at Assiut University, in the period from 9/6/2011 to 11/6/2011, within the project of the development of teaching staff skills.

2-The training course of "manners and ethics of the profession", which was held at Assiut University, in the period from 24/7/2007 to 26/7/2007, within the project of the development of teaching staff skills.