UCC Minutes 6
2011-2012 University Curriculum Committee Minutes
Friday, April 13, 2012 ● 1:00 PM Sun Trust Room – BAS
The meeting was called to order by chair, Dawn McCormack with the following committee members in attendance: Jerry Morton, Leah Tolbert Lyons, Chris Quarto, Phil Loubere, Zhijiang Dong, Sheila Otto, Teresa Thomas, Sherry Roberts, Helen Binkley, Jim Calder, Mitzi Brandon
The following visitors were in attendance: Terry Goodin, Jim Huffman, Willis Means, Rachel Anderberg, Amy Elleman, Jan Leone, Elyce Helford, Sandra Poirier, Kari Neely, Doug Heffington, Maria Revell, Robert Kalwinsky, Beth Emery, Tom Gormley, Cathy Kirchner, Michael Beck, Phil Oliver, Leigh Gostowski, Gretchen Leming, Cosette Collier, Elvira Casal, Dwight Brooks, John Bodle
The committee approved the minutes from the March 16, 2012, meeting.
The following submitted proposals were brought to the table and voted upon with the outcomes in red below:
Tabled Proposals
Basic and Applied Sciences
Chemistry (Biology and Math and Physics)
Proposed New Course CHEM 4740 “Research Methods” with mirror proposals BIOL and MATH 4740 – Approved - PHYS added; amendments made to MCF (corrected cross listings)
Liberal Arts
Proposed New Course: PHIL 3340 “Environmental Ethics”
Approved with amendments to MCF (CIP code added)
Sociology and Anthropology
Non-substantive Revisions in Major: Sociology (previous proposal - adding minimum grade of C to major)
Reviewed; forward to Admissions and Standards (minimum grade of C requirement)
Approved without the two new courses still in development
Mass Communication
Electronic Media Communication
Non-substantive Revisions to Major: EMC 2030 “Visual Journalism Production” and VCOM 2950 “Media Design Applications” as alternatives for Digital Media Communication Major
Reactivation of Course: ADV 3160: “Advertising Copy and Layout” (previous proposal)
New Proposals
Basic and Applied Sciences
Agribusiness and Agriscience
Proposed New Course: ABAS 3310 “Animal Care and Welfare”
Tabled for the following reasons:
1. Description and objectives should be the same for Parts I and II
2. Needs samples of activities required of the students in Part II. C
3. Needs sample percentages for the activities in the evaluation section (Part II.D).
Computer Science
Change in Acceptance of Transfer Credit
Approved with amendments (change emphasis to concentration; change to Fall Semester 2012)
Engineering Technology
Non-Substantive Revisions for Major: Commercial Construction Management
Approved with amendments (General Education -add back HUM 2610; can’t designate ECON 2410)
Course Title Change: CMT 3160 from “Residential Cost Estimating I” to “Cost Estimating I”
Approved with amendments (change eff. date to Spring 2013)
CMT 1000 - change in credit hours (from 1 to 2)
Approved with amendments (change eff. date to Spring 2013)
CMT 4200 - change in credit hours (from 2 to 3)
Approved with amendments (change eff. date to Spring 2013)
CMT 4280 - change in credit hours (from 1 to 3)
Non-Substantive Revisions for Major: Environmental Health & Safety Concentration
Mathematical Sciences
GPA minimums for majors in Mathematics
Reviewed; forward to Admissions and Standards
Inactivation of Courses: MATH 1820 “Applied Calculus II”; MATH 2130 “Math of Finance”; MATH
3020 “Applied Calculus III”; MATH 3030 “Applied Calculus IV”
Physics and Astronomy
Changes in Grading System for ASTR 4850 and ASTR 4900 from Pass/Fail to Standard Grading
Approved with amendments (change eff. date to Spring 2013)
Inactivation of Courses: PHYS 3340 “Semiconductor Device Physics” and PHYS 3500 “Lasers and
Fiber Optics”
Change from Seminar to Lecture for PHYS “The Teaching of Physics”
Approved with amendments (change eff. date to Spring 2013)
Course Title Change for PHYS 4380 from “Introduction to Quantum Mechanics” to “Quantum
Course Title Changes, Changes in Credit Hours, Update of Instructional Method and Contact Hours
PHYS 2111 University Physics Laboratory I to Calculus-Based Physics Laboratory I
PHYS 2121 University Physics Laboratory II to Calculus-Based Physics Laboratory II
PHYS 2120 from three credits to zero credits
PHYS 2121 from one to four credits
Approved with amendments (change eff. date to Spring 2013)
PHYS 2110 (gen ed course)
PHYS 2111 (gen ed course)
No action taken; will be reviewed by Gen Ed committee
Proposed New Course: PHYS 4390 “Advanced Quantum Mechanics”
Tabled (needs grading scale and activities)
Proposed New Course: PHYS 4740 “Research Methods”
Approved (with MATH/CHEM/BIOL)
Behavioral and Health Sciences
Human Sciences
Proposed New Course: NFS 4100 “Food Service Management for Culinary Arts”
Approved with amendments (strike computer lab; match up activities with evaluations)
Changes in Lecture/Lab designation and Contact Hours for TXMD 3120
Approved with amendments (change eff. date to Spring 2013)
Integration of new material (Nursing Informatics Thread) into existing courses, change course titles:
NURS 3170 title change from Pharmacological Requisites for Nurse Agency to Clinical Pharmacology in Nursing
NURS 3370 add informatics component
NURS 3550 add informatics component
NURS 3560 add informatics component
NURS 3570 new course description
NURS 4330 add informatics component
NURS 4340 add informatics component
NURS 4350 new course description
NURS 4360 add informatics component
NURS 4530 add informatics component
NURS 4550 add informatics component
NURS 4560 course title change from Nursing Care of Vulnerable Aggregates Clinical to Community and Mental Health Clinical
NURS 4570 new catalog description
NURS 4580 new course description
All approved
Change in GPA requirement for admission to Jones College of Business
Approved (approved by Admissions and Standards February 2012)
Economics and Finance
Restrict Insurance/Real Estate Minor to Economics and Finance majors
Elementary and Special Education
Course Title Change: SPED 4320 from “Directed Teaching in Special Education (Self-Contained)” to
“Residency II, Special Education-Comprehensive License” (eff. Spring 2014)
Course Title Change: SPED 4350 from “Directed Teaching in Special Education (Resource Room)” to
“Residency II, Special Education – Modified License (eff. Spring 2014)
Changes in Credit Hours: Change ELED 4050 “Classroom Assessment” from 2 to 3 credit hours (with
content changes) (eff. Spring 2013)
Approved with amendments (change eff. date to Spring 2013)
Changes in Credit Hours: Change ELED 4060 “Methods/Materials Social Studies Instruction” from 2 to 3
credit hours (with content changes) (eff. Spring 2013)
Title change from Methods of Teaching Social Studies to Methods/Materials Social Studies Instruction
Approved with amendments (change eff. date to Spring 2013)
Changes in Credit Hours: Change ELED 4350 “Theory to Practice” from 3 to 6 credit hours (with
content change) (eff. Spring 2013)
Approved with amendments (change eff. date to Spring 2013)
Proposed New Course: ELED 1001 “Becoming a Paraprofessional Literacy Tutor” (eff. Fall 2012)
Proposed New Course: ELED 4070 “Writing to Learn” (eff. Fall 2012)
Proposed New Course: ELED 4340 “Managing Learning Environments” (eff. Fall 2012)
Tabled for the following reasons:
1. Needs a sample of the percentages that each activity listed in this section that would go towards a grade (and include sample rubrics where mentioned).
2. Needs a specific grading scale (A-F and corresponding percentages as they apply).
Proposed New Course: SPED 4210 “Residency I, Special Education-Modified License” (eff. Fall 2013)
Approved pending receipt of copy for B4 (course justification)
Proposed New Course: SPED 4220 “Residency I, Special Education-Comprehensive License”
Approved pending receipt of copy for B4 (course justification)
Inactivation of Courses: SPED 3210 “Practicum in Special Education (Resource Room)” and SPED
3220 “Practicum in Special Education (Self Contained)” (eff. Spring 2014)
Approved pending receipt of master catalog forms
Womack Educational Leadership
Proposed New Course: YOED 4020 “Residency I: Grades K-12” (eff. Fall 2013)
Proposed New Course: YOED 4030 “Residency I: Grades 7-12” (eff. Fall 2013)
Proposed New Course: YOED 4040 “Residency I: MTeach” (eff. Spring 2013)
Proposed New Course: YOED 4400: “Residency II” (eff. Spring 2014)
Substantive Change in an Existing Minor-Secondary Education (eff. Fall 2010)
Approved – to TBR for approval
Liberal Arts
Course Title Change: ENGL 3340 from “The Black Experience in Afro-American Literature” to
“African American Literature”
Course Title Change: ENGL 4780 from “War and Literature” to “Topics in War and Literature”
Inactivation of Course: ENGL 3480 “The Comic Tradition”
Proposed New Course: ENGL 3630 “Essay Writing Workshop”
Proposed New Course: ENGL 4999 “Senior Portfolio”
Approved (with corrections to course description – change 30 to 24)
Foreign Languages & Literatures
Proposed New Course: FL 1010 “Special Topics in Foreign Languages”
Approved with amendments (strike Egyptian hieroglyphics, for example; change date to Fall 2012 on MCF)
Global Studies
Non-Substantive Revisions in Major
Jewish and Holocaust Studies (Proposed Minor)
Proposed New Course: JHS 3010 “Jewish Culture and Civilization”
Approved (needs MCF)
Proposed New Course: JHS 3020 “The Holocaust”
Approved (needs MCF)
Proposed New Course: JHS 4500 “Current Trends in Jewish and Holocaust Studies”
Approved (needs MCF)
Proposed New Course: JHS 4970 “Independent Research in Jewish and Holocaust Studies”
Approved (needs MCF)
Proposal of New Interdisciplinary Minor: Jewish and Holocaust Studies
Approved – will need TBR approval
Sociology and Anthropology
Course Title Change: ANTH 3130 from “Ethnomusicology” to “Anthropology of Music”
Speech and Theatre
Proposed New Course: DANC 4290 “Special Topics in Dance”
Tabled (needs grading scale and examples of activities)
Cross Listing of Course: THEA 4570/MUS 4570 “The Body Intelligent: A Study of Alexander
Technique with DANC 4570
Non-Substantive Revisions in Minor: Dance
Tabled (tied to DANC 4290)
Women’s & Gender Studies
Non-Substantive Revisions in Minor (add MUHL 4810 Women in Music as Departmental option)
Approved with amendements (change eff. date to Fall 2012)
Mass Communication
Electronic Media Communication
Course Title Change: EMC 3040 from “Electronic Graphics for Television” to “Electronic Graphics”
Approved (contact hours should be 6 instead of 3 as marked on MCF)
Non-Substantive Revisions in Major: Digital Media Communication (Eliminate EMC 3650 from
Legal/Ethical Requirements
Tabled (Note: This is a correction.)
Non-Substantive Revisions: Digital Media Communication (Adding BCEN 2900 in
Management/Marketing Requirements; now Management/Marketing/Entrepreneurship Requirements)
Non-Substantive Revisions: Remove Candidacy Requirement for EMC 3300
Committee didn’t consider – prerequisite change
Recording Industry
Non-Substantive Revisions in Minor: Entertainment Technology (addition and deletions of acceptable courses)
Proposed New Course: VCOM 3980 “Information Web Design”
Proposed New Course and Cross Listing of Course: EMC/JOUR 4820 “Race, Gender & Class in
Approved pending receipt of grading scale (to be sent to committee chair )
Proposed New Course: ADV 3060 “Sexuality and Gender in Advertising”
Approved with amendments (objectives don’t match – revised copy to be sent to committee chair)
Proposed New Course: ADV 4250 “Advertising and Social Media”
Approved with amendments (make objectives match in Parts I and II)
New Business
A meeting to consider tabled items only will be scheduled for May.