Instructional Quality Commission

An advisory body to the California State Board of Education

FINAL MINUTES OF MEETING: November 21–22, 2013

(Approved on March 28, 2014)

Instructional Quality Commission

An advisory body to the California State Board of Education

FINAL MINUTES OF MEETING: November 21–22, 2013

(Approved on March 28, 2014)

Report of Action

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Instructional Quality Commissioners Present:

Louis “Bill” Honig, Chair

Jo Ann Isken, Vice Chair

Kristyn Bennett

Edward D’Souza

Jose Dorado

Angienette “Angie” Estonina

Lori Freiermuth

Marlene Galvan

Carla Herrera

Nancy McTygue

Brian Muller

Socorro Shiels

Julie Spykerman

Carlos Ulloa

Lauryn Wild

Assembymember Sharon Quirk-Silva

Commissioners Absent:

Angel Barrett

Senator Carol Liu

Executive Director:

Thomas Adams

State Board of Education Liaisons:

Aida Molina

Patricia Rucker

1. Full Instructional Quality Commission (Commission or IQC)

1.A. Call to Order

Commission Chair Honigcalled the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.

1.B. Salute to the Flag

Commissioner Shiels led salute to the flag.

1.C. Overview of the Agenda

Chair Honig welcomed Brian Muller, Speaker of the Assembly appointee, to the Commission. Commissioner Muller is a teacher on special assignment, currently working for the Los Angeles Unified School District.

Next, Chair Honig announced this is the last meeting for Commissioner Estonina with her term on the Commission ending December 31, 2013. On behalf of the California State Assembly, Assemblywoman Quirk-Silva thanked Commissioner Estonina for her work and service on the Commission and presented her with a legislative resolution.

1.D. Approval of Minutes for the May 10 and June 17, 2013, Commission meeting (Action)

ACTION: Commissioner Spykerman moved to approve the July 30, September 9, and October 4, 2013, Commission meeting minutes. Commissioner McTygue seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (16-0).Commissioners Barrettand Liu were absent from the meeting.

1.E. Proposed Changes to the 2014 Meeting Dates and Approval of 2015 Meeting Dates (Action)

ACTION: Commissioner Bennett moved to approve the revised 2014 and new 2015 meeting dates. Commissioner Galvan seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (16–0). CommissionersBarrett and Liu were absent from the meeting.

1.F. Report of the Chair

Commission Chair Honig reported on the presentation at the November 2013 State Board of Education (SBE) meeting by Sue Stickel, Deputy Superintendent, Sacramento County Office of Education and Judy Flores, Assistant Superintendent, Shasta County Office of Education, representing the California County Superintendents Educational Services Association on Common Core Implementation Survey Results and Development of the Leadership Planning Guide.The Leadership Planning Guide California: Common Core State Standards and Assessments Implementation can be found at the following link: [Invalid link removed August 21, 2017.]

1.G. Executive Director’s Report

Thomas Adams, Executive Director, reportedon the passage of Senate Bill (SB)201 and 300. With the passage of SB 201, the Commissioncan move forward with the instructional materials adoption inEnglish language arts/English language development and the SBE will take action by November 2015. With the passage of SB 300, the Commission can move forward with the revision of the Science Framework based on the California Next Generation Science Standards (CA NGSS) and the SBE will take action in January 2016.In addition, Dr. Adams reported that the Mathematics Framework has been receiving positive reviews in the field, a good change from the past. The Framework is very relevant to local use and provides good guidance on how to make decisions and what are the big issues to think about.

1.H. Report from the State Board of Education

State Board of Education liaisonsPatricia Rucker and Aida Molina thanked the Commissioners for the work and service they are giving to the teachers and students of California. All of the projects the Commission are working on – Mathematics Framework, English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework, and Mathematics Adoption – are huge endeavors. Districts will be relaying on the guidance the frameworks will offer.

1.I. Assessment Update

Jessica Valdez, Administrator, Statewide Assessment and Transition Office, California Department of Education (CDE), gave an update on key transition and Smarter Balanced Assessment Development activities.

1.J. Other Matters/Public Comment: None

2. Executive Committee

Commission Chair Honig called the Executive Committee meeting to order.

2.A. Committee Assignments (Action)

ACTION: Commissioner Bennett moved to assign Commissioner Muller to the Health and Science Subject Matter Committees (SMC). After Commissioner Estonina’s term on the Commission ends, Commissioner Muller will be assigned to the Ad Hoc Committee on the Implementation of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Commissioner Isken seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the committee members present (5–0).

2.B. Other Matters/Public Comment: None

3. English Language Arts/English Language Development (ELA/ELD) Subject Matter Committee

ELA/ELD SMC Chair Isken called the ELA/ELD SMC meeting to order.

3.A. The English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (ELA/ELD Framework), 2014 Revision (Information/Action)

1. Review of Draft ELA/ELD Framework

SMC Chair Isken acknowledged the work of the ELA/ELD Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee (ELA/ELD CFCC); the leadership of Co-Chairs Martha Hernandez and Becky Sullivan; the work of primary authors of the draft framework, Hallie Yopp Slowik and Nancy Brynelson; and the expertise from the WestEd writers from West Ed, Pamela Spycher, Rachel Lagunoff, Marcia Kosanovich, Sarah Feldman, Dona Minders, Sharen Bertrando, and Katherine Prudhomme; and the excellent support from the Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division (CFIRD) staff. She also expressed appreciation for the involvement of IQC members and the SBE liaisons, Patricia Rucker, Aida Molina, and Ilene Strauss.

At the request of SMC Chair Isken, Thomas Adams provided an overview of the next steps in the framework development process, Becky Sullivan and Martha Hernandez explained how the ELA/ELD CFCC created the initial draft framework and its importance to the field and reviewed the nine State Board of Education-approved framework guidelines. SMC Chair Isken then pointed out documents the members would need for the discussion of the draft chapters, including the suggested edits compiled by staff from the writers and IQC members.

SMC Chair Isken asked members of the ELA/ELD SMC to facilitate discussion of the draft chapters and suggested edits. Draft chapters were discussed in the following order: Chapters 1 through 6, 8 through 1, and Chapter 7 by ELA/ELD SMC members and other members of the IQC. The process used to discuss each chapter was to come to a general consensus that the chapter was ready to be sent out for the first 60-day public review and comment period and then specific issues and edits on the chapter were discussed.

There was considerable discussion on the suggested edits to all chapters and consensus reached on a number of changes. At that point, Chair Isken then recommended adjourning the ELA/ELD SMC with the plan to complete the discussion of Chapter 12, and the Resources and Glossary sections on the next day, Friday, November 22.

No action was taken by the ELA/ELD SMC.

3.B. Public Comment on Draft ELA/ELD Framework:

Lynn Gurnee, California Reading Association

Linda Kaminski, Superintendent of Azusa Unified School District

Francisca Sánchez, California Association of Bilingual Education (CABE)

Susan Trimingham, Santa Cruz County Office of Education

Dan Fichtner, California Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages

Martha Zaragoza Diaz, CABE and Californians Together

Ramona Webb, San Francisco Unified School District

Shelly Spiegel-Coleman, Californians Together

Jessica Sawko, California Science Teachers Association

Pamela Lopez, Alameda County Office of Education

Fred Jones, California Council for the Social Studies

SMC Chair Isken adjourned the meeting for the day at 5:05 p.m. The SMC will reconvene tomorrow morning.

4. Mathematics Subject Matter Committee

Mathematics SMC Co-Chair Spykerman called the Mathematics SMC meeting to order. The IQC changed its agenda, Item 4A, Update on the MathematicsFramework, will be discussed last.

4.B. Report on the 2014 Mathematics Primary Adoption (Information)

SMC Co-Chair Spykerman provided an overview of the adoption process to date. The list of consent items was discussed; this list consisted of programs that were recommended by the review panels and for which no negative comments were received from Commissioners or from the field. Commissioners were asked if any wished to remove a recommended program from the consent list; none responded affirmatively.

4.C. Mathematics Public Hearing on the Submissions for the 2014 Mathematics Primary Adoption (Time Certain: 1 p.m.)

SMC Co-Chair Spykerman opened the public hearing at approximately 2:40 p.m. and presented guidelines for public comment. There was only one speaker, Brad Peters of Triumph Learning. Mr. Peters responded to the concerns raised by the review panel about the coverage of instructional planning in the program submitted by his company. Commissioner Isken followed up on the speaker’s comments by stating that the components were in the program, but that reviewers had difficulty finding them.

4.D. Recommendations to the Full Commission on the Submissions for the 2014 Mathematics Primary Adoption (Action)

The Mathematics SMC took action to recommend programs to the full Commission. Motions were stated in the affirmative in each case. A vote for the motion meant that the Commissioner recommended the program to the full Commission, while a vote against the motion meant that the Commissioner did not recommend the program to the full Commission.


Commissioner Isken moved to recommend the programs on the list of consent items to the full Commission, with minor edits as noted in the Instructional Materials Reviewers/Content Review Experts(IMR/CRE) Reports of Findings, with any social content citations recommended by the review panels, and with any publisher submitted errata (printing errors) that were submitted to the CDE. Commissioner Dorado seconded the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous vote of the committee members present (6–0).In addition to the fiveMathematic SMC members present, Commission Chair Honig participated in the vote.Commissioner Barrett was absent from the meeting.


After a brief overview of the panel findings by Commissioner Wild, Commissioner Isken moved to recommend JRL Enterprises, I CAN Learn Basic, grades five through eight to the full Commission, with minor edits as noted in the IMR/CRE Report of Findings, with any other edits identified by the Commission, and with any publisher submitted errata (printing errors) that were submitted to the CDE. Commissioner Dorado seconded the motion. The motion failed with all committee members present voting against (0–6).In addition to the fiveMathematic SMC members present, Commission Chair Honig participated in the vote.Commissioner Barrett was absent from the meeting.


After a brief overview of the panel findings by Commissioner Galvan, Commissioner Isken moved to recommend Marshall Cavendish, Primary Mathematics Common Core Edition, grades one through three to the full Commission, with minor edits as noted in the IMR/CRE Report of Findings, with any other edits identified by the Commission, and with any publisher submitted errata (printing errors) that were submitted to the CDE. Commissioner Dorado seconded the motion. The motion failed with all committee members present voting against (0–6).In addition to the fiveMathematic SMC members present, Commission Chair Honig participated in the vote.Commissioner Barrett was absent from the meeting.


Commissioner Isken moved to recommend McGraw-Hill, Connecting Math Concepts, kindergarten through grade four to the full Commission, with minor edits as noted in the IMR/CRE Report of Findings, with any other edits identified by the Commission, and with any publisher submitted errata (printing errors) that were submitted to the CDE. Commissioner Dorado seconded the motion. The motion failed with all committee members present voting against (0–6).In addition to the fiveMathematic SMC members present, Commission Chair Honig participated in the vote.Commissioner Barrett was absent from the meeting.


After a brief overview of the panel findings by Commissioner D’Souza, Commissioner Isken moved to recommend Revolution K12, Algebra 1, to the full Commission, with minor edits as noted in the IMR/CRE Report of Findings, with any other edits identified by the Commission, and with any publisher submitted errata (printing errors) that were submitted to the CDE. Commissioner Dorado seconded the motion. The motion failed with all committee members present voting against (0–6).In addition to the fiveMathematic SMC members present, Commission Chair Honig participated in the vote.Commissioner Barrett was absent from the meeting.


After a brief overview of the panel findings, Commissioner Isken moved to recommend Triumph Learning, Common Core Math Curriculum, to the full Commission, with minor edits as noted in the IMR/CRE Report of Findings, with any other edits identified by the Commission, and with any publisher submitted errata (printing errors) that were submitted to the CDE. Commissioner Dorado seconded the motion. The motion passed by the vote of the committee members present (4–2).In addition to the fiveMathematic SMC members present, Commission Chair Honig participated in the vote.Commissioner Barrett was absent from the meeting.

4.A. Mathematics Framework for California Public Schools, Kindergarten through Grade Twelve (Mathematics Framework), 2013 Revision (Information)

SMC Co-Chair D’Souza provided an update on the adoption of the Mathematics Framework by the State Board of Education at its meeting on November 6–7. IQC Chair Honig and Executive Director Adams spoke about the process and thanked those who had contributed to the successful completion of the Framework.

4.E. Other Matters/Public Comment: None

Report of Action

Friday, November 22, 2013

Instructional Quality Commissioners Present:

Louis “Bill” Honig, Chair

Jo Ann Isken, Vice Chair

Kristyn Bennett

Edward D’Souza

Jose Dorado

Lori Freiermuth

Marlene Galvan

Carla Herrera

Nancy McTygue

Brian Muller

Socorro Shiels

Julie Spykerman

Carlos Ulloa

Lauryn Wild

Commissioners Absent:

Angel Barrett

Angienette “Angie” Estonina

Senator Carol Liu

Assembymember Sharon Quirk-Silva

Executive Director:

Thomas Adams

State Board of Education Liaisons:

Patricia Rucker

5. Science Subject Matter Committee

Science SMC Chair Freiermuth called the Science Subject Matter Committee meeting to order.

5.A. Update on the Next Generation Science Standards for California’s Public Schools, Grades K–12 (CA NGSS) (Information)

Phil Lafontaine, Director of the Professional Learning Support Division, gave an update on the SBE’s action on the CA NGSS. He presented on the Middle grades learning progressions and other developments with the CA NGSS since the Commissionlastmet. The SBE approved the integrated middle grade learning progression, however, the SBE wanted the Science Expert Panel (SEP) to reconvene to develop a domain specific middle grade learning progression.

5.B. The Science Framework for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (Science Framework), 2016 Revision (Information/Action)

1. Update on Senate Bill 300

Kristen Cruz Allen, Administrator for the Curriculum and Frameworks Unit, CDE, gave an update on Senate Bill (SB)300 and noted its importance for the revision of the Science Framework.

2. Schedule of Significant Events, Development Process, and Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee (CFCC) Application for the Revision of the ScienceFramework

Ms. Cruz Allen highlighted the Schedule of Significant Events Timeline and discussed recent changes to the Timeline. The date and location of the November 2014 CFCC meetingoriginally scheduled on Election Day has been changed and will be held at the State Library.

Ms. Cruz Allen reviewed the draft CFCC application. She noted on page 7 of the application there is an edit regarding substitute teacher reimbursement in that the CDE does not reimburse for the substitute teacher cost. Also during the discussion of the CFCC application, it was suggested that application needs to include the applicant’s science discipline area of expertise to ensure that the CFCC has a mix of all science disciplines (i.e. biology, chemistry, physics). There was a general consensus on this suggestion. The CFCC recruitment period is January 2014 through April 30, 2014.

ACTION: Commissioner Bennett moved to approve the Schedule of Significant Events for the 2016 Revision of the Science Framework for California Public Schools: Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve. Commissioner Spykerman seconded the motion. There was no further discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the committee members present (8–0). In addition to the sevenScience SMC members present, Commission Chair Honig participated in the vote.

ACTION: Commissioner Wild moved to approve the Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee (CFCC) application for the revision of the Science Frameworkas amended. Commissioner D’Souza seconded the motion. There was no further discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the committee members present (8–0). In addition to the sevenScience SMC members present, Commission Chair Honig participated in the vote.