Doniphan-Trumbull Public School Annual Report

March 2016

Doniphan-Trumbull Public School Data 2014-2015

The Doniphan-Trumbull Public School District is a rural PK-12 school district serving the communities of Doniphan and Trumbull in central Nebraska. Both towns are located approximately 12 miles apart and within 15 miles from the cities of Hastings and Grand Island. The school facilities are all located in the town of Doniphan. Many of the students come from neighboring farms, but a significant number have parents working in either of the neighboring cities. Approximately 85% of the students graduating go on to higher education.

2014-2015 Data / State of Nebraska / Doniphan-Trumbull School District
Enrollment / 300,821 / 489
Poverty Percentage / 44.17 % / 30.06 %
English Language Learners Percentage / 6.20 % / - 1%
Special Education Percentage / 15.74 % / 15.37%
School Mobility Rate / 12.25 % / 7.04 %
Highly Mobile Students Percentage / 4.36 % / 4.64%
AYP Graduation Rate / 90.01 % / 96.88 %
Cohort Four-Year Graduation Rate (all students) / 88.89 % / 100 %
Attendance Percentage / 95.1 % / 96.34 %
High School Teachers Endorsed Percentage / 95.11 % / 100.00 %
Teachers with Master’s Degree Percentage / 52.16 % / 41.46 %
Average Years of Teaching Experience / 14.34 % / 14.98 %

District Early Childhood Information

The Nebraska Department of Education (NDE) Office of Early Childhood requires that school district operated preschool programs participate in a program outcomes system to ensure that young children participate in a high quality early childhood program that contributes to positive cognitive, social, and health outcomes. The most common approach to measuring program quality is through the use of an observation tool. Research has highlighted the importance of measuring all aspects of program quality, and of equal importance is assurance that the measurement tools are used consistently by all observers. NDE has chosen to use the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale-Revised (ECERS-R) for this purpose. ECERS-R focuses on the classroom environment. It consists of six subscales including space and furnishings, personal care, language and reasoning, activities, interaction, and program structure. A seventh subscale, parents and staff is not used in NDE’s scoring. The tool utilizes a 7-point scale with 7 being considered excellent.

The table below shows the statewide ECERS-R scores averages for the past two years. In 2014, NDE began using Nebraska approved observers and in 2015, those observers needed to reach reliability with the Nebraska state anchor who maintains reliability with the authors of the tool. As the reliability of observers has increased, the scores have more validity and more accurately represent classroom practices across the state.

At the state level, NDE uses the scores to create professional development opportunities reflective of the scores. At a local level, classroom teachers and districts are encouraged to use their scores to promote continuous program improvement in their space, use of materials and classroom practices.

Rule 11 requires that programs have a plan for the dissemination of evaluation results on file and that results from the program evaluations be disseminated annually. Additional information regarding the dissemination plan can be found in the Results Matter Technical Assistance Document on page 27.

Student Enrollment

Pre-K-12 : 489 for 2014-2015

Enrollment has remained fairly consistent, with a slight decrease over the past five years.

Mobility Rate

2014-2015 : District Rate 7.04% Doniphan-Trumbull mobility rate increased 0.76 from 2013-14.


  • The student population is not an ethnically diverse group. Although we have seen slight increases in other ethnic groups over the past five years, the majority of our students identify themselves as White.

Student Membership by Race and Ethnicity

Free/Reduced Meals

2014-2015: District % increases to 30.06%.

  • Our district’s Free/Reduced eligibility has not varied more than 10% over the last 12 years and considerably below that of the state.

Special Education

2014-2015: Percentage increases to 15.57%

  • The population of Special Education students has remained fairly constant and slightly below the state average.

English Language Learners

Our ELL population has decreased over the past five years. Due to our small numbers of ELL students, a move of one family can impact our overall program considerably. Data has been masked to protect the identity of students using one the following criteria:1)Fewer than 10 students were reported in a group or subgroup.

Graduation Rate

Doniphan-Trumbull has a strong focus on supporting students to ensure they earn a High School Diploma. Thus, our four-year graduation cohort rate is 100.00%, which is above the state average of 88.89%. We believe that due to small numbers of students, one student really impacts the overall percentage of graduation rate. Doniphan-Trumbull Public School strives to ensure that ALL students can graduate and we will continue to strive towards a 100% graduation rate.

Career/College Path Taken After High School Graduation for Last 7 Years:

Year (Number of Seniors) / 4-Year College/
University / Community College / Voc. Technical / Military / Entered Work Force
2010 (56) / 37.5% (21) / 48.2% (27) / 3.6% (2) / 10.7% (6)
2011 (32) / 36.0% (11.5) / 56.3% (18) / 1.6% (0.5) / 6.3% (2)
2012 (44) / 43.2% (19) / 34.1% (15) / 4.5% (2) / 18.2% (8)
2013 (29) / 44.8% (13) / 41.4% (12) / 0% (0) / 13.8% (4)
2014 (30) / 51.7% (15.5) / 39.1% (12) / 1.7% (.5) / 6.7% (2)
5Year Average (191) / 41.9% (80) / 43.9% (84) / 2.6% (5) / 11.6% (22)

Career Education

  • Career Education is a strong area of focus and success for Doniphan-Trumbull.
  • A wide variety of career areas are provided for study as well as high levels of rigor and correlation to post-secondary outcomes in many areas.

D-T Mission Statement-

Committed to Actions That Embrace Progressive Opportunities, Advanced Achievement, Genuine Respect, and Personal Integrity Through Active Community Partnerships.

NeSA – Reading

  • The NeSA testing for Reading began with the 2009-2010 school year.
  • Overall percent proficient for ALL students 2014-2015 was 76%.
All students
Percent Proficient Reading
All Grades
2009-2010 / 70 %
2010-2011 / 68 %
2011-2012 / 80 %
2012-2013 / 76 %
2013-2014 / 68 %
2014-2015 / 76%

NeSA – Math

All students
Percent Proficient Math
All Grades
2010-2011 / 55 %
2011-2012 / 74 %
2012-2013 / 75 %
2013-2014 / 72 %
2014-2015 / 75%
Percent Proficient By Grade
Grade 03 / Grade 04 / Grade 05 / Grade 06 / Grade 07 / Grade 08 / Grade 11
2010-2011 / 54.29 / 84.38 / 35.29 / 39.02 / 65.63 / 60.53 / 50.00
2011-2012 / 83.87 / 97.44 / 91.18 / 57.58 / 67.44 / 77.14 / 38.71
2012-2013 / 69% / 81% / 98% / 64% / 69% / 74% / 68%
2013-2014 / 66% / 70% / 79% / 88% / 67% / 61% / 73%
2014-2015 / 94% / 68% / 81% / 74% / 74% / 65% / 74%

NeSA- State Writing

  • Doniphan-Trumbull consistently performs very well on the State Writing assessment. Great pride is taken by the students and staff of the excellent performance on State Writing in the past.
All students
Overall Performance Percentages for All Students Meeting or Exceeding Writing Standards
2012-2013 / 71 %
2013-2014 / 8th & 11th scores thrown out
2014-2015 / 74%
Grade 04 / Grade 08 / Grade 11
2011-2012 / 67 % / 65 %
2012-2013 / 81 % / 69 % ^ / 63 % ^
2013-2014 / 68 % / -- ^^ / -- ^^
2014-2015 / 54% / 83% / 91%

NeSA – Science

Nebraska State Accountability (NeSA) - Science Detail
NeSA Statewide Science Tests in grades 4, 8, and 11 were administered for the first time in spring 2012. The tests measured the newly revised Nebraska mathematics standards and determined whether Nebraska students were proficient on standards.

Writing Performance for All Grades

% Proficient
2011-2012 / 80%
2012-2013 / 79%
2013-2014 / 70%
2014-2015 / 80%

Percent Proficient By Grade Writing

Grade 5 / Grade 8 / Grade 11
2011-2012 88% / 86% / 65%
2012-2013 80% / 71% / 87%
2013-2014 65% / 68% / 79%
2014-2015 74% / 79% / 88%


  • Beginning with the 2009 school year, Doniphan-Trumbull began testing through the Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) and discontinued norm-referenced testing through the Terra Nova program. NWEA testing gives excellent individual data that is used to guide instruction in our classrooms.
  • The goal of Doniphan-Trumbull is to increase the number of students not only proficient, but also meeting or exceeding their growth targets.

Northwest Evaluation Association or NWEA
Average Student Scores

Composite Percent Score (0-100%)

District / State
Composite Percent Score / Reading / Math / Composite Percent Score / Reading / Math
Grade 04 / 54% / 51% / 56% / 50%
Grade 08 / 51% / 48% / 53% / 55%
Grade 10 / 55% / 59% / 52% / 52%
Students Tested / % Students Tested / Students Not Tested / % Students Not Tested
116 / 100.00 % / 0 / 0.00 %


  • Many students at Doniphan-Trumbull use the ACT assessment for post-secondary plans. Given our large college-going rate, many students take the ACT each year. The ASSET and COMPASS tests are also utilized by many of our 2-year, Vocational, and Community College going students instead of the ACT (when appropriate).
  • Doniphan-Trumbull analyzes many aspects of the ACT assessment to ensure that we are appropriately preparing our students for their next step of education.
  • A wide variety of test-preparation options are given to our students through our MAP curriculum as well as integrating ACT preparation into specific courses throughout the curriculum to enhance skills for students to best prepare them for the test as needed for their future goals.

Average ACT Scores

Years / Number of Students Tested / English / Mathematics / Reading / Science / Composite
2013-2014 / National / 1,845,787 / 20.3 / 20.9 / 21.3 / 20.8 / 21.0
2012-2013 / State / 17,745 / 21.1 / 21.1 / 21.8 / 21.5 / 21.5
2013-2014 / State / 17,768 / 21.3 / 21.1 / 22.0 / 21.7 / 21.7
2012-2013 / District / 19 / 20.1 / 20.7 / 21.8 / 22.0 / 21.2
2013-2014 / District / 23 / 19.6 / 20.8 / 21.9 / 21.8 / 21.1
2014-2015 / District / 23 / 20.7 / 21.6 / 21.5 / 21.4 / 21.4

D-T Certification of Taxable Valuation Comparisons


1.Hall County278,254,184302,789,338335,954,552416,259,222466,340,783

2.Adams Co.38,594,73545,397,83553,728,570 67,722,06081,576,895

3.Hamilton Co.34,040,91839,041,979 49,480,530 66,503,33275,920,886

4.Clay Co.67,287,748 72,961,49882,264,878111,400,068123,204,413

Total Valuation418,177,585460,190,650521,428,530661,884,682747,042,977

County NameCo. #Area in Square Miles





2011 to 2016 Adopted Budget Information


2013-14 Adopted General Fund Budget Expenditures$6,275,102

2013-14 District Tax Levy

General Fund Levy1.03000

Special Building Fund Levy0.02000

Total Levy1.050000

Qualified Capital Purpose Undertaking Fund0.04000

2013-14 Total Personal and Real Property

Tax Request All Funds$5,685,675.71


2014-15 Adopted General Fund Budget Expenditures$6,450,000

2014-15 District Tax Levy

General Fund Levy0.85000

Special Building Fund Levy0.10000

Total Levy0.95000

Qualified Capital Purpose Undertaking Fund0.04000

Total ALL Levies0.99000

2014-15 Total Personal and Real Property

Tax Request All Funds$6,552,659.53


2015-16 Adopted General Fund Budget Expenditures$6,300,980

2015-16 District Tax Levy

General Fund Levy0.73000

Special Building Fund Levy0.12000

Total Levy0.85000

Qualified Capital Purpose Undertaking Fund0.03000

Total ALL Levies0.88000

2015-16 Total Personal and Real Property

Tax Request All Funds$6,573,980.00

State Aid History

Certification YearState Aid Paid% Change from Previous Year


2012/13$ 77,633.68-(43.09)%

2013/14$ 165,463.60+(113.13)%

2014/15$ 131,699.00-(25.64)%

2015/16$ 29,321.97-(22.26)%

AQuESTT Highlights:

Approved by the State Board of Education and Commissioner Matt Blomstedt in June.

The AQuESST system is Nebraska’s new school accountability system which focuses on school improvement rather than simply scores. Dr. Blomstedt and the State Board are selling it as a Broader, Bolder, Better Version than the previous system under the federal system of NCLB.

AQuESST will not only consider student performance results (test scores) and graduation rates but also whether schools have implemented indicators related to requirements within the state’s accreditation rule, Rule 10, as well as those aligned with the 6 AQuESST Tenants.

1. Positive Partnerships, Relationships and Student Success

2. Transitions

3. Educational Opportunities and Access

4. College and Career Ready

5. Assessment

6. Educator Effectiveness

The Process will be based on 4 themes

Evidence Based Analysis

AQuESST Classification Report

AQuESST School profile

Support for Priority Schools

Plans for Continuous Improvement

Schools are then classified into the 4 categories of Excellent, Great, Good, or Needing Improvement.

This is brand new to all of us, so we are learning about it as we go. The Timeline is on the AQuESSTRoadmap section with the first classification of schools coming out December of 2015.


PreK-12 School Improvement Wide Goal

D-T Public School will develop PK-12 systems for teaching and learning to improve student achievement.

AdvancED Accreditation Required Actions:

1) Create and formalize a systemic and systematic continuous school improvement process that aligns data and professional development toward measurable student achievement goal(s).

2) Build upon the systemic and sustainable process that is in place to align curriculum in all content areas.