Don’t MENtion It Handbook

Fall Semester 2017:Thursdays @ 7-8pm

Mr. JasonTamashausky, Miss Christine Scott – Room 126

Contact Information:

SchoolWires Website:

Program descriptions and general information, audition materials

NEW! Weebly:

Announcements, fundraising info, A/B and extracurricular calendar, practice tracks

E-mail Address:

Course Description:

Men’s Choir is a “come all” group that rehearses once a week for the entire school year. This group sings popular & secular repertoire arranged for men’s voices.

It is recommended that students take a curricular choir class in addition to their participation in this ensemble.Men’s Choir membersthat are not in a curricular course may audition for Concert Choir (R)at the start of the Spring semester. All Men’s Choir members, after a trial membership of 1-2 semesters (as established by the directors),will be required to re-audition in order to maintain their membership in the group.

Men’s Choir is oriented towardsdeveloping strength of confidence and singing skills. (It will also be really fun!)

Rehearsal Schedule/Attendance Policy

  • Students are expected to be present and on time to each and every rehearsal.
  • After an excessive number of absences (to be determined by the directors), the student will be put on probation. On the next infraction, the student will be removed from the Men’s Choir.

Please remember that Men’s Choir is a team effort! In order to be successful, every singer in the group is needed for every rehearsal and every performance! Your teammates are counting on you!

Performance Dates:

The following performances are mandatory for Men’s Choir members:

Thursday, December 14, 2017 - JFKWinter Concert, 6:30pm at JFK

Thursday, November 16, 2017 - JFK’s Got Talent, at JFK (time TBD)

There will bea dress rehearsal during the week of each performance. The dress rehearsalismandatory – students who do not attend the dress rehearsal will not participate in the performance.

Please mark these dates on your calendar now.Singing in a choir is a team effort. Everyone has a responsibility to the other members of the ensemble to participate in every performance and the dress rehearsals for those performances.

If you think your absence at a performance or dress rehearsal will not be noticed or will not affect the ensemble’s performance… think again. In choir, every singer is equally important!

This year, in addition to our annual competition trip, we are hosting a day trip to New York City which will be offered to students in all JFK vocal music ensembles.

Our program offers fundraisers all year in order to offset the cost of our trips. Students who are willing to put in a lot of work can even fundraise the entire cost of this year’s trip! More information will be given at our Choir Booster meetings (see dates below) and via the monthly parent e-mail distribution.

Performance Attire:

Men’s Choir members are required to wear PLAIN BLACKfor the concert performance. Long black dress pants w/ black belt, black dress shoes, tall black dress socks, PLAIN black long-sleeved button-down dress shirt w/ collar. (Please – no jeans, corduroys, athletic socks, sneakers or t-shirts).

Members will also be issued green bow ties and suspenders for the concert performance. It is expected that students will return all attire components in excellent condition. Students who lose or damage any aspect of their performance attire will have a fine placed on their school account towards the purchase of a replacement.

Remind 101:

All Men’s Choir members must sign up for our Remind 101 messaging system in order to receive last-minute notifications regarding homework, fundraisers, changes to the schedule, etc. Parents are welcome to sign up for the reminders as well.

To receive text messages:
Text @jfkmens to the number 81010
or to the number (732) 734-6852. / To receive messages via email:
Go to on a
desktop computer to sign up.

Social media:JFKChoirs @jfkchoirs

Our social media accounts are used as promotional tools to connect the choir with the larger Iselin community. We will be advertising choir-related events, program growth and development, etc. The Twitter account will not be used to send updates about the rehearsal schedule. You do not have to be a member of Twitter to see what is posted on the account. We encourage students to retweet/interact with our social media accounts online, but please remember to keep it family-friendly. 