A Resolution for the Creation of a Green Energy Fund

Monitored by a Student Sustainability Council

Authored By: Naseem Ansari, Jacob Giesecke, Joe Lacasse

Sponsored By: Sirena Wurth, Assistant to Provost for Sustainability Initiatives, GRASS


Sustainable initiatives at universities across the United States have become widespread and necessary as people grasp the importance of maintaining and improving the environment and preventing the negative consequences of global warming and climate change.

Many universities implement some form of a green energy fund in order to purchase renewable energy produced off-campus, invest in “green” stocks, fund energy conservation projects, and/or capital improvements on campus, arrange green events on campus, or a hybrid combination of the above.

The objectives and purposes of a “Green Energy Fund” at other universities are to improve campus life in the form of waste reduction, environmental education and advocacy, provide greenhouses, perform building renovations, and conduct investments in community organizations devoted to sustainable products and initiatives. The administration of the Green Energy Fund is determined by a student-led sustainability council in cooperation with university officials and faculty.

The University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, one of the University of Louisville’s benchmark universities, as well as Centre College and the University of Kentucky, two esteemed institutions of higher education in Kentucky, have each employed a Green Energy Fund monitored by a Student Sustainability Council since Fall 2004, Fall 2008, and Fall 2009, respectively.

Typically, these funds are established through the appliance of a “Green Energy Fee” for students each semester. Fees range from $.50 to $20.00 a semester. At the University of Kentucky, a fee was approved to be applied in the 2009-2010 academic year of $.75 per semester with the intention of increasing annually; the fee presently stands at $3.00 a semester. At the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, a $4.00 fee per semester is currently in place and at Middle Tennessee State University; an $8.00 fee per semester is currently in place.When held to referendum, these initiatives were widely supported by the student bodies at each of these institutions.

As of now, the University of Louisville has established its own Sustainability Council operated through the Office of the Provost. Yet, this council only requests voluntary financial support from community benefactors.


The University of Louisville continues to make strides toward becoming a more sustainable campus and aims to maintain an environmentally-conscious image;


The University of Louisville supports a variety of sustainable student-led initiatives through its Registered Student Organizations;


Many sustainable initiatives at the University of Louisville have struggled to acquire or maintain the necessary funding to begin campus and community projects that serve to better our campus culture and educate;


The University of Louisville lacks a cohesive, well-publicizedcommittee of students, faculty, and administration that serves as a focal point and guide for each individually sustainable project and event created by various other student groups or organizations;


The Universityof Louisville established a Green Fund to be operated by a Student Sustainability Council in 2008 and has highlighted this Fund’s importance as it pertains to the 2020 plan;


That the University of Louisville implement a student Green Energy Fee for the 2013-2014 academic year, beginning at the amount of $1.00 each semester with the intention of increasing by that same amount of $1.00 each semester annually until reaching a cap of $6.00 each semester;


That the uses of this fund are directed toward a variety of causes: 60% toward on-campus improvement initiatives, 30% toward investments in local and national organizations/companies with sustainability-oriented goals, and 10% toward a savings fund for the future projects of the council;


That this Green Energy Fee is managed according to the general structural hierarchy on the attached page;


That representatives on the council include the Senate Sustainability Committee, the Director of Green Initiatives on the Engage.Lead.Serve Board, the Director of Green Initiatives or the most applicable executive staff member in the Student Government Association, presidents or liaisons from sustainably-focused RSOs, a faculty representative from the Office of the Provost Sustainability Team*, and representatives of the general student body appointed or selected to serve, all of which will be under the supervision of the Services Vice President and the Office of the Provost’s Division of Sustainability;


That the University of Louisville Student Government Association, the Office of the Provost’s Division of Sustainability,and the Bursar’s Officebe charged with the implementation of this resolution;


That upon its passage, a copy of this resolution be sent to the Dean of Students, the Office of the Provost, and the Vice President for Student Affairs, and the Vice President for Finance.

*Office of the Provost Sustainability Team (current)

  • Assistant to the Provost for Sustainability Initiatives—Justin Mog
  • Sustainability Council Chair—Joy Hart
  • Sustainable Operations Committee Chair—Larry Owsley
  • Sustainable Administration, Finance & Outreach Committee Chair—Susan Duncan
  • Sustainability Education & Research Committee Chair—Barbara Burns
  • Student Government Association Services V-P
  • Partnership for a Green City Director—Brent Fryrear

Links for More Information: Other Universities & the Green Fund Initiative:

  • Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education
  • Daily Green: 10 Greenest Colleges in America

Explanation of the Current Sustainability Council at UofL:

UofL Green Scene: Giving your green to ensure UofL stays green

by Brett Shepherd, assistant director, Fund for UofL, and Justin Mog, assistant to the provost for sustainability initiatives — last modified Feb 01, 2012 09:34 AM

Sustainability means something different to each of us. Whether it is exercising diligence with recycling, using less energy at home or adopting alternative transportation to and from work, each of us has formed a concept of what it means to be “green.”

What many folks might not realize is the full extent to which the University of Louisville has become committed to sustainable practices and initiatives.

* It is part of UofL’s plan to be a premier metropolitan research institution by 2020.

* President James Ramsey signed the American College & University President’s Climate Commitment in 2008.

* That same year Provost Shirley Willihnganz formed the university-wide Sustainability Council and, soon after, hired UofL’s first sustainability coordinator.

* UofL faculty, staff and students have worked diligently across all corners of campus to find ways to weave social, economic and environmental stewardship into the very fabric of the university.

UofL achieved a great deal in a short time, but there is much more to accomplish. With the launching of the new UofL Green Fund, we are offering people at UofL who are passionate about sustainability a way to contribute financially to our efforts and we are providing alumni and friends of the university with an opportunity to directly support UofL’s sustainability initiatives.

Sustainability initiatives are particularly exciting because they hold the promise of not only of paying for themselves, but oftentimes, saving considerable money in the long-run. However, many projects, take initial “seed funding” to get them off the ground without excessively raising tuition or adding onerous new student fees. This is where the new UofL Green Fund will help.

The UofL Green Fund provides the seed funding to help start and advance campus sustainability initiatives and pilot projects for which additional financial support will be required. Anyone who has a good idea for advancing campus sustainability will have the opportunity to propose projects for consideration. Students, in collaboration with the Sustainability Council, will have the opportunity to play a role in determining which projects take priority, and actively participate in implementation. Projects that receive money from the UofL Green Fund will change over time, but some initial ideas include:

* Employing student campus sustainability workers and “Eco-Reps” like those at other schools;

* Producing educational and outreach materials to raise awareness about campus sustainability and how individuals can make a difference;

* The on-campus installation of renewable energy projects such as solar and wind power;

* Purchasing and maintaining bicycles for a campus bike-share program, as well as additional bike racks for buildings that lack them;

* Purchasing bins and signs for recycling and composting efforts;

* Installing rain gardens; pervious concrete; green roofs; and native, lower- species on campus grounds;

* Expanding, maintaining and improving the organic campus Garden Commons at the Cultural Center;

* Renovating model green classrooms, dorm rooms and offices; or

* Purchasing and maintaining a reusable commencement gown collection for students to borrow.

With the recent launch of the “Charting Our Course Faculty/Staff Giving Campaign”, the University of Louisville faculty and staff have an opportunity to support any number of important causes we are passionate about at UofL. Perhaps you might consider using this opportunity to support the UofL Green Fund as you participate in this unprecedented overall campaign to raise $1 billion. Participation is key. Each of us can make a difference with our personal philanthropy, no matter the amount we can give.

Simply fill out and return your Faculty/Staff Giving Form to sign up for payroll deduction or visit “Charting Our Course” to make your gift or pledge online. If you have any questions about giving, please contact Brett Shepherd, assistant director, Fund for UofL, by e-mail or at 502-852-2373.