
December 2, 2016


Don’t forget our Retreat that begins tonight at 6:00 PM. You’ll have time to go home and change and then come on for supper. Laura’s made Gumbo. It’ll be a working and fellowshipping supper, as will the two meals tomorrow.

Our friend, Steven Saul will be with us to lead the Retreat. I know you’re looking forward to seeing him again. He has some tremendous information and insight to share with us. I’m looking forward to seeing you tonight.

We’ll be at the Country Inn on Sunday and Steven will be preaching for us then and leading us to the Table of Grace for Communion. It’s going to be a great weekend!




We’re planning a Church Growth Retreat on today & Saturday, December 2-3. Many of you have asked and discussed how we can grow as a Church. Our friend, Steven Saul with be with us on that weekend to lead us in looking honestly at where we are and how to get to where we want/dream to be. I hope you’ve completed the short questionnaire and returned it to Steven.


“And remember, I will always be with you, even to the end of time,”

(Matthew 28:28b, Fowler Translation).

Adult Bible Study Begins January 8

A Study of John’s Gospel

8:45 AM Each Sunday


“Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes,”

(Jim Carey).


If you know of someone who might like to receive “CrossTalk” each week…a friend or family member…or prospect…Just send their name and e-mail address to me () – or see me on Sunday – and I’ll make sure they get it.



Sunday, November 27

The First Sunday of Advent

The Sunday of HOPE

“The Reason for the Season”

Meet at Country Inn & Suites

Friday & Saturday, December 2-3

Meet at Fowler’s Home

Friday @ 6:00 PM (Gumbo for Supper)

Saturday @ 8:30 AM (Breakfast Casserole & Pulled Pork for Lunch)

Sunday, December 4

The Second Sunday of Advent

The Sunday of PEACE

Rev. Steven Saul to Speak

Meet at Country Inn & Suites

Sunday, December 11

The Third Sunday of Advent

The Sunday of JOY

“What to Give Jesus for Christmas”

Meet at Country Inn & Suites

Sunday, December 18

The Fourth Sunday of Advent

The Sunday of LOVE

“Understanding Jesus”

Meet at Fowler’s Home

Saturday December 24

Candlelight Communion Service @ 5:30 PM

“The Greatest Love”

Meet at Home of John & Tina Butterfield

Sunday, December 25

(Very Brief!)Worship Service @ 9:30 AM

“The Greatest Name”

Meet at Fowler’s Home

Sunday, January 1

No Services Today

Happy New Year!

Sunday, January 8

Regular Schedule of Services Resumes

Bible Study at 8:45 AM

Worship at 10:00 AM



Many of you have commented on the readings we commit to on Sunday mornings. Those are from the Book of Common Prayer. If you’d like to have that study opportunity each day, you can download an APP for your phone that’ll allow you to commit Bible verses to instruction and memory every day.

Find BCP (the icon is a black Bible with a Cross on the front)in your phone’s APP Store. It’s a free download! And additionally, when you get to a particular day – say, November 18 – you can hit the arrow (upper right hand corner) and it’ll read the verses aloud for you.

It’s a great way to continue to read God’s Word daily…!


If you know of someone who might like to receive “CrossTalk” each week…a friend or family member…or prospect…Just send their name and e-mail address to me () – or see me on Sunday – and I’ll make sure they get it.


The longest sentence (not verse) in the Bible (KJV) is the genealogy of Jesus found in (Luke 3:25-38). It has 467 words (I counted).


Live a good and honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you’ll enjoy it a second time.


The berries of the mistletoe plant are white.


Be a part of ourChildren’s Hour! Our children have certain needs and attention spans, and we’re moving to address that need. If you’re interested in helping in this most important ministry, just see me or Tina Butterfield or Jennifer Winslett on Sunday. And bring your children on Sunday. A Sign-Up Sheet is available!


Ninety percent (90%) of all Christians have never read the Bible through. Amazing!

We’re read the Bible through as a Church Family…chronologically, that is, as it occurs. The Bible does not come to us historically year by year, but moves about – History, Wisdom & Poetry, Prophecy, Gospels, Letters, Revelation. We’ll be reading about three chapters a day and we’ll see the presentation of God’s love to us throughout history…

Monday, December 5: Acts 17; Acts 18:1-18;Tuesday, December 6: 1 Thessalonians 1-5; 2 Thessalonians 1-3; Wednesday, December 7:Acts 18:19-28; Acts 19:1-41; Thursday, December 8:1 Corinthians 1-4; Friday, December 9: 1 Corinthians 5-8; Saturday, December 10:1 Corinthians 9-11; Sunday, December 11: 1 Corinthians 12-14.


Little Things Can Mean a Lot

Pill Bottles

In developing third-world nations, there aren’t enough pill bottles to go around. It’s often that tissue paper is used to wrap up medicine (pills & tablets) to send home with patients.

Wonder what to do with your empty pill bottles when they’re empty? Peel off the personal information label and bring them with you to Church. We’ll gather them up and send along to Matthew 25:Ministries for distribution.

That’s all you have to do to make a big difference in someone’s life. Thanks!

Hotel Sundries

Gather up those hotel soaps and shampoos and bring them to Church with you. These small contributions make a big difference in the life of a family with immediate personal needs through our local homeless shelters.

Soda Can Tabs

Soda can tabs make a difference in a child’s life at St. Jude’s Hospital in Memphis. We all know someone whose life has been altered at St. Jude’s. Bring those tabs along with you each week for recycling!


Let’s talk about prayer requests…If you have any prayer requests you’d like to share with our group – and I know not all prayer requests ought to be made public – send them along to me, along with their relation to you (Example: Don Porter, Cousin to Steve Fowler). I’ll post them here and we can know where our hearts are coming from on a regular basis.

Scott Bullett – Friend to Eddie Butterfield

Bill Butterfield – Brother to Chuck & John Butterfield

Bob Butterfield – Brother to Chuck & John Butterfield

Carter Butterfield – Grandson to John & Tina Butterfield

John Butterfield – Knee Surgery on November 30

Bill Charles – Uncle to John & Chuck Butterfield

Jerry Cronin – Friend to Randall Keiser

Brian Cummings – Nephew to Ronnie & Cathy Powell

Wanda Cummings – Sister-in-Law to Ronnie & Cathy Powell

Edna Dauzat – Aunt to Danny Hines

Albert Dean - Friend to Leisha Hines

Leon Gowan – Friend to Chuck Butterfield & Brittany Combel

Roy Kevin Gray – Friend to Ronnie Powell

Betty Hines – Mother to Danny Hines

Morgan Hines – Friend to Laura Fowler

Cindy Hodgkinson – Friend to Leisha Hines

J. T. Harrell – Friend to John Golden

Larry Hutchins – Friend to John Butterfield

Keith Johnson – Friend to John Golden

Beverly Lackey – Friend to Steve & Laura Fowler

Luke & Donna Lewis – Friends to John & Jan Golden

Mark McKay – Friend to many at Cross Church

Cheryre McGowan

Reggie McKinney – Friend to John Golden

David Miller – Father to Tina Butterfield

Mary Mobley & Grace Aplin – Friends to Ronnie & Cathy Powell

Sylvia Montpelier – Friend to John Golden

Laura Peacock – Friend to John Golden

Jessica Pennison – Friend to Jacob Butterfield

Tami Powell – Relative to Ronnie & Cathy Powell

Bob & Flo Price – Friends to Laura Fowler

Ashley Rosenberg – Friend to Danny & Leisha Hines

“Sallys” and their Families – Friends to Laura Fowler

David Sexton - Friend to Laura Fowler

Matthew Simon – Cousin to Ronnie & Cathy Powell

Clifford Stacey – Step-Father to John & Chuck Butterfield

J. T. Stokes – Grandson of Ronnie & Cathy Powell

Jared Stokes – Son-in-Law of Ronnie & Cathy Powell

Joy Trevathan– Friend to Jan Golden

BeccaVillavaso – Friend to Danny & Leisha Hines

Earl Washington – Friend to John & Tina Butterfield

Mike Womack – Friend to John Golden

Our City, State and Nation

Our First Responders Their Service to Us All

All of our Family and Friends Affected by the South Louisiana Flooding

Our Troops and Their Families Serving at Home and Abroad

Unspoken Requests of Our Church Family.



Those last two wordswere unnecessary.


“I’ve never seen a monument erected to a pessimist.”

(Paul Harvey)