Speech and Language Base, LongdeanSchool: Information for parents and students

The purpose of this information sheet is to answer questions that you might have about the Base. It is written for parents and guardians to discuss with their child.

Will I always stay at LongdeanSchool and attend the Speech and Language Base?

If you attend the Speech and Language Base in Year 7, when you have just come from Primary School, then it is because you need the support of a speech and language therapist and a specialist teacher. If you make really good progress then you may not need to be in the Base for all of your Secondary schooling and you could move to a school nearer to your home.

How will I know if I have made good progress?

Once a year you will have a meeting in the Base with your parents or guardians and the staff. This meeting will review your progress. The speech therapist will let you know how you have done over the year. The specialist teacher will do the same. If you have done well - and there is not much more speech therapy work to do, then you will be told that you will be moving out of the Base. There will be other people at the meeting to make sure that moving school would be right for you. It is really good to have made progress - it shows that you have worked hard. You will feel proud of yourself.

What will happen if I need to leave the Base?

You will go to visit schools near to where you live. The Base will tell staff at the new school all about you. One of the good things about being nearer to home is that you will have friends in the local community and you will not have a long journey to school every day.

What if I am worried about changing schools?

It is normal to feel worried about change. There will be many people available to help you. You will also be able to complete a form and give your own thoughts and feelings. Someone from the Local Authority, not connected to the school, will see your views and those of your parents’ or guardians’.

What school year will I be in when I move?

This depends on the student. You would not generally be asked to move in the middle of KS4/GCSEs. Year 8 or 9 would be more usual times.

What if I have other questions?

If you have other questions you must speak to the staff in the Base or to your parents or guardians

Prepared by Base Team, Longdean Speech and Language Base, Autumn 2010 Following LA Entry and Exit Guidelines