Moon Area Lacrosse Club

2011 Season

MALC Academic/Behavior Agreement Form

We, the undersigned player and parent(s)/guardian(s) by signing this agreement form, do hereby consent to the following:

In the opinion of the Moon Area Lacrosse Club academics and character play a large role in the development of our lacrosse players. MALC will require each player to sign and agree to the terms and conditions listed below.Every teacher has been given our team roster and permission to relay any grades and or behaviors that do not meet the required competencies of MALC participants to the coaching staff. If a report is turned in on your son/daughter they will be subject to the restrictions and behavior modifications as follows below.

Possible Teacher Notifications

  • Not turning in homework assignments
  • Turning in homework that is not completed
  • Performance has dropped to a level that is unacceptable
  • The student is causing a disruption inthe classroom, hallway, cafeteria etc.
  • A grade under 70% (THIS APPLIES FORALL SUBJECTS)
  • If a student has a percentage lower than 70% they will not be permitted to participate in any lacrosse practices or games until the student has written proof from that teacher that the grade is being brought up and will be maintained.

The student will be subject to, but not limited to, the following restrictions or behavior modifications…

1st Notification of Infraction

  • Removal from one or more practices.
  • Removal from one game.
  • Grades under 70% - Removal from all activities until written proof is provided from that teacher

2nd Notification of Infraction or Continuance of Infraction #1

  • Removal from all activities, practices, and multiple games

3rd Notification of Infraction

  • Removal from the club (Voted on by the board)

*If your son/daughter receives an in-school or out-of-school suspension from MoonAreaSchool District they are automatically removed from all activities and sporting events on those days. They will also have a review by the coach or board for further restrictions if deemed necessary.

I understand and agree to the terms listed above. If I disregard any of the above items I understand and accept the punishment that is set forth from my coach or the MALC.

Player signature______Parent/Guardian ______


Moon Area Lacrosse Club

2011 Season


LAX Team: ______


PERIOD and CLASS NAME / Grade % / Teacher Comments