Culture, Communities and Business Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee:
16thDecember 2010 / AGENDA ITEM 7


1.0Matter for consideration

1.1The Committee to consideran update report and presentation in relation to the development of the new Primary Care and Leisure Centre at Moor Park.


2.1To note the report and presentation, asking questions in relation to its content and making recommendations as considered appropriate.

3.0Summary of key issues

3.1NHS Blackpool identified a need to provide improved health facilities in North Blackpool and obtained planning permission to build a new Primary Care Centre on the MoorPark site adjacent to the existing Moor Park Swimming Pool.

3.2The need for the facilities are underpinned by Blackpool’s health challenges, which include the following:

  • lowest male life expectancy in the country;
  • highest incidence of alcohol related deaths;
  • highest suicide rates; and
  • third highest incidence of teenage pregnancy.

3.3 In addition, there is extensive data which shows that current lifestyles of local residents will contribute to future poor health. For example, the town has one of the highest smoking rates in England.

3.4The proposed purpose-built Primary Care Centre, which will provide patients with modern health services in the heart of the community, is part of investment across the borough to provide facilities which radically improve the health and well-being of people of the town.Key services that will be provided at the new Primary Care Centre include the following:

  • Minor injuries treatment
  • Community nursing
  • General Practice
  • Podiatry
  • Physiotherapy
  • Diagnostic services, e.g. X-ray and ultrasound
  • Sexual health and family planning services
  • Dental services
  • Social Services Direct
  • Pharmacy
  • Minor surgery
  • Hospital outpatient clinics such as diabetes and coronary heart disease

3.5The development has presented the opportunity toextend the leisure offer. The building will include the following:

  • A four court sports hall
  • facilities for community recreation activities
  • health referral consultation facilities to support the provision of the GP referral scheme and exercise on prescription
  • a multi-purpose activity room for aerobics, yoga and community use
  • a 40-station fitness facility to complement the 25-metre swimming pool and learner pool facilities.

3.6In addition, a new library facility will replace the existing Bispham Library with modern, state-of-the-art library and learning facilities with up to 17,000 books, ICT facilities and access to the People’s Network.

3.7In order to complete the new facility, the existing pool building and the car park will need to be altered and it will also be necessary to utilise part of MoorPark, which is currently Public Open Space. Disposal of land to NHS Blackpool has also been necessary for the construction of their part of the new facility. The area affected is to the east of the existing swimming pool and includes the site of the existing car park, the tennis courts and parkland, a total area of approximately 2.9 acres.

3.8In order to spend this funding appropriately, a Green Space Masterplan ‘Breathing new life into the park’ has been developed for MoorPark. The plan includes the following:

  • playground
  • multi -use games area
  • new pathways
  • signage
  • furniture
  • senses of arrival
  • investment in ecology and horticulture

3.9As part of the proposed development, an investment of £400,000 in the quality of the green space at MoorPark will be made, plus a further £50,000 investment in children’s play equipment and facilities through Blackpool’s Playpath Finder status.

3.10The scheme is particularly exciting for the residents of the NorthShore area and borough wide alike and will be completed in April 2011. A presentation will be made at Committee in order to convey the full project and potential impact.

3.11 In addition, as part of the scheme the MoorPark swimming pool will benefit from the investment. The changing facilities that were developed in 1992 will be completely transformed into contemporary family changing facilities. The pool will also benefit from additional ‘Aiming High’ fundingto ensure that the facilities are disability friendly, together with investment into the plant and associated equipment.

4.0Witnesses / representatives

4.1As requested by the Committee members, the following persons have been invited to attend the meeting to speak on the matter:

  • John Blackledge Assistant Director Leisure Services

Relevant officer:

John Blackledge

Tel: (01253) 478430, e-mail

Appendices attached:


Background papers:


Websites and e-mail links for further information:


