Cliff Zukin et al, A New Civic Engagement, “The Civic-Political Divide” and “Political versus Civic Engagement”


Zukin and co-author examine the distinction between direct community service (which they call “civic engagement”) and participation in political processes. These two forms of community engagement, they argue, hang in balance in any democracy. What are our experience of them in the United States and specifically in our own communities?

Overarching Goal:

This reflection directly applies to the Connecting Service and Politics: Second Level overarching goal: to begin distinguishing between community volunteer service and political action. In this reflection, students will engage these two avenues of change and examine their own service, convictions and goals. Clear recognition of new alternative forms of civic participation can provide both opportunities and possibilities for radical social change.


A New Civic Engagement, by Cliff Zukin et al (University Press: Oxford, 2006).

“The Civic-Political Divide” and “Political versus Civic Engagement,” pp. 5-10; 51-2


“The distinction between political and civic engagement is an important one with deep roots, pitting direct individual, community, and private associational responses to public issues against the more formal and indirect mechanisms of representative government. Each form of public action is valuable, but neither alone is sufficient to address the myriad collective decisions that must be made in advanced democracies…[T]he ‘proper’ balance is a delicate and changeable one – and dependent on one’s own values.”

“Political versus Civic Engagement,” p.51-2

Discussion (Sample Questions):

o  What is the distinction, if there is any, between civic and political engagement? Is the distinction made in A New Civic Engagement helpful?

o  “What does ‘civic engagement’ entail in twenty-first-century democracies such as the United States?” A New Civic Engagement, p. 9.

o  What kinds of civic and political participation are best? How do your values shape your civic/political participation?

o  How does this balance look in the United States today? Is there a healthy balance of political and civic engagement?

Activity: Small Group Case Discussion

On pp. 7-8 of A New Civic Engagement, Zukin offers several short case studies from focus groups conducted across the country. Despite a lack of political engagement (esp. voting) on the part of each individual, all three described their unique avenues of “civic engagement”. Break into groups and discuss: What does this say about America’s youth/young adults? Is this activity indicative of Americans today? Are these individuals making the impact they could? What could also be done to create even more change?