Dear Parent/Guardian,
This is to inform you that your child, along with other students from his/her school, wishes to be part of the J.B. Martin Robotics Club (JBM Robotics). As part of an extracurricular club/organization, students may participate in activities that are not directly related to the program of studies at the school. We fully support your child’s right to be a part of any legal organization; however, District procedures for student activities requires a parent or guardian to acknowledge that the student is allowed to be a part of this club/organization.
We hereby ask you to provide your permission allowing your child to join JBM Robotics and participate in all of their activities and functions.
About the First Lego League Robotics Program
As a member of JBM Robotics, your child will participate in the FIRST® LEGO® League Robotics Program (FLL). FLL introduces young people, ages 8 to 14, to the fun and excitement of science and technology.
FLL teams are composed of up to ten children with at least two (2) screened Lead Coaches. Students program an autonomous robot to score points on a thematic playing surface and create innovative solutions to a problem, all while being guided by the FLL Core Values. JBM Robotics fields a competition team of ten with remaining members as alternates.
FLL Core Values●We are a team.
●We do work to find solutions with guidance from our coaches and mentors.
●We know our coaches and mentors don’t have all the answers; we learn together.
●We honor the spirit of friendly competition.
●What we discover is more important than what we win.
●We share our experiences with others.
●We display Gracious Professionalism® and Coopertition® in everything we do.
●We have FUN!
All middle school students are eligible to participate in the after-school robotics club, but FLL rules require a student to be 8 years old by January 1st, and no older than 14 as of January 1st of the current season to participate in competitions.
For more information, go to
Because FLL limits teams to no more than 10 students, an application process was used to select participants.
JBM Robotics will meet every Wednesday and Thursday afternoon from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the D Building Computer Lab. Additional meeting dates and cancellations will be communicated to students during club meetings and through school announcements.
During Robotics Club meetings, students will work as a team to conduct research and to develop innovative solutions to various challenges. Activities build on each other from week-to-week, thus it is important for club members to attend all meetings. Students who participate in clubs, organizations, or athletics in addition to JBM Robotics must split after school time between their commitments. Excessive absences or failure to demonstrate the FLL Core Values impacts the team and may result in removal from the competition team.
A grant from Dow Chemical allowed the school to purchase all of the necessary FLL robot components. To offset other expenses (such as team shirts, competition supplies, team entry fee, snacks for students, etc... ) we are asking each club member to pay a $20.00 club fee.
If you have any questions or concerns about JBM Robotics, please contact Mr. Perissutti at
Return this form along with the $20.00 club fee to Mr. Perissutti in D-226 by Friday, September 2 . Please make checks payable to J.B. Martin Middle School.
Student’s Name: ______Grade: ______
School: J.B. Martin Middle School Club/Organization: Robotics Club
I, the parent/guardian of the aforementioned student, grant permission for my child to participate in the J.B. Martin Robotics Club. I hereby acknowledge that I have been informed about my child’s participation in this club/organization and have been allowed to inquire about such details, whether from my child, the school, or the organization itself.
I understand that the accomplishments of the J.B. Martin Robotic Club may be advertised through newsletters, newspapers, and websites. I also understand that my child’s first and last name, grade, and photograph may be included in these advertisements.
Printed Name of Parent/Guardian Signing: ______
Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent/Guardian E-Mail: ______
Parent/Guardian Cell Phone: ______
Student’s Shirt Size: (circle one)
Youth SmallYouth MediumYouth Large
Adult SmallAdult MediumAdult LargeAdult X-Large