Good Neighbours

Standing by each other.

Take Time to Reach Out.

Adult Volunteer # (For Office Use Only)

This volunteer application will be faxed to 65 local agencies and organizations in our community. Your name, address and other personal information will not be faxed at this time. Agencies will review the list of interests that you have checked off, and contact us if they are interested in you as a volunteer. At this time we will give the agency your name and number.

Community Volunteer Matching Program

Application Form


Adult Volunteers



City/Town Province Postal Code

Home Phone # Business Phone # Fax #

E-Mail Address

Best time to call

Special Interests you enjoy spending your leisure time at

New things you may enjoy learning

Skills you have that you enjoy using

Do you prefer to: Volunteer on your own

Volunteer with a friend(s)

Volunteer with your family

Good Neighbours Community Volunteer Matching Program Application

... page 2

Adult Volunteer #_________

Student School/College/University (Circle One)

Employed Employer

Full Time Part Time

Languages spoken

Languages written

Valid Driver’s Licence (Yes or No)

Times you would like to volunteer: (Circle)








 add & roll grocery tapes

 roll pennies

 collate

 clean and repair toys

 face paint

 bingos

 take pictures

 sell tickets

 draw and paint posters

 decorate floats

 decorate halls

 cook BBQs

 wrap Xmas gifts

 sort clothes

 sort toys

 sort food

 deliver posters

 dress up as clown or mascot

 move items

 bartend

 volunteer at information booths at events

 judge events

 repair items (bikes, coats, doors, etc)

 cutting out articles and putting in scrapbooks

 read books onto tapes

 research information


 phone work

 typing

 data entry

 photocopying

 filing

 computer work

 organizing office supplies

 faxing


 helping prepare meals

 helping prepare personal budgets

 driving people to and from appointments

 friendly visiting

 sewing

 helping people with resumes

 helping paint people’s homes and items in their homes

 home improvements

 general housework

 shovel snow

 helping people get their groceries

 visit the sick/shut-ins

 palliative care

 patient care

 foot care

 manicures

 legal issues

 performing church services at Nursing Homes

 public relations

 public speaking

 volunteer co-ordinator

 liaison person

 electrical assistance

 plumbing assistance

 masonry

 tutor (what subjects?)

 security


 serving on committees

 fundraising

 mentoring

 organizing children’s games

 working at special events

 visiting developmentally challenged

 visiting seniors

 public speaking

 volunteer co-ordinator

 liaison person

 electrical assistance

 plumbing assistance

 legal issues

 public relations

 co-ordinating special events games

 working at special events

 visiting developmentally challenged

 visiting seniors

 Special interests:

 other tasks not listed

 Foster Parenting

 Acceptional Riders Program(side walkers - walk beside horses helping secure riders - horse leader, leading horse around with rider in saddle and sidewalkers assisting)

 Operation Red Nose

 Meals on Wheels Delivering Meals

 Brain Injury Association

 Quiz night volunteers - February 28/2002 7-10

 Bingo volunteers

 Golf Tournie volunteers

 Recreation Assistance

 Sharing your talents of Woodworking, Photography, Scrapbooking, Art or Crafts etc.

 Tilbury Information and Help Centre

 Van Drivers  Fun Fest  Photographer

 casino night  Comber Fair  phone work for

 bingo volunteers  Food Bank fundraising

 Poster distribution  hall decorating  DJ

 pick-up & delivery  Special Season Breakfasts

 United Way Committees:

 Board of Directors

 Fund distribution (Distribution of Funds to Funded Agencies of United Way - sitting on a Citizen Review Panel where you interview agencies for funding)

 Campaign Cabinet (Fundraising)

 Nominating Committee

Note: This volunteer has not been screened by the United Way so please follow your own screening policies. For more screening information call Tilbury Information and Help Centre 682-2268.

I hereby give United Way of Chatham-Kent permission to give this information to agencies and organizations within Chatham-Kent who are in need of volunteers.

____________________________ ___________________________

Signature Date