Technology for a Better Environment

Mid Columbia Chapter, Tri-Cities, Washington

Mid Columbia Chapter Board of Governors Meeting for 2007-2008

7:00PM - August 28, 2007, Lois Payne’s House.


Dale Green* / Lois Payne* / Mark Simon*
Jay Ashbaugh* / Wei Jiang* / Carl Brenneise
Gil Hibbs* / Rich Evans / Gregory Jourdan
(*BOG members)


Mid Columbia Chapter Board of Governors Meeting was held at Lois Payne’s house on August 28, 2007. Agenda items and decisions follow:

Highlight of Action Items:

  • Lois Payne – Contact Bing Liu about being membership committee chair.
  • Wei Jiang –Send BOG members ASHRAE headquarter membership database login username and password.
  • Lois Payne – Send Wei Jiang charter member and past presidents information.
  • Wei Jiang – Post charter member and past presidents information on Chapter’s website.
  • Carl Brenneise- Give Mark Simon chapter roster.
  • Rich Evans – Send Greg Jourdanthe contact information of WSU Tri-Cities faculty in HVAC related area.
  • Greg Jourdan – Contact faculties in WSUTri-Cities and Perry Technical Institute about ASHRAE student membership.
  • Dale Green-Contact Sriram Somasundaram to get newsletter template.
  • Dale Green – Give Rich Evans historian books.
  • Lois Payne – Send out electronic copy of presidential newsletter to BOG members.
  • Lois Payne – Put together 2007-2008 Mid Columbia ASHRAE Chapter budget.
  • Jay Ashbaugh – Contact Greg Jourdan about giving a talk on heat pump at Chapter program meeting.
  • Mark Simon – Finish bank account transfer.
  1. Review of Agenda
  2. The agenda was approved by the BOG members attending the meeting.
  1. Confirm Committee Chairs & Members
  2. Steve Strecker called Lois Payne about not being able to serve as Chapter membership committee chair for 2007-2008; Lois Payne will ask Bing Liu if she would like to be the new membership committee chair.
  1. Membership Committee Report – Steve Strecker
  2. Not Present
  1. Student Membership Report – Greg Jourdan
  • Greg Jourdan went to the Wenatchee Valley College ASHRAE Student Chapter winter meeting and there were about 8-12 student members.
  • Goal: Reach out to students in WSUTri-Cities, other colleges and also high school students.
  1. Research Promotion Report – Gil Hibbs
  • Research Promotion raised about $2700 in year 2006-2007.
  • 2006-2007 Golf Tournament RP raised $ 1838.73 for the Society and about $500 for the Chapter. There is still $200 unpaid by the participating teams.
  • RP Goal for 2007-2008: To have 18 teams in Golf Tournament and full circle.
  1. CTTC Report – Jay Ashbaugh
  • September Program Meeting: meeting will be held at noon on September 11th. Don Williams, “Caption Combustion”, will give a talk.
  • February Program Meeting: Engineer’s Banquet on February 22nd, 2008.
  1. Honors & Awards Report– Lois Payne
  • Lois Payne will work with chapter members on award applications.
  1. Newsletter Report– Dale Green
  • Dale Green will contact Sriram Somasundaram to get the newsletter template. September’s newsletter will be sent out during the first week of September.
  1. Historian Report– Rich Evans
  • Dale Green will give Rich Evans historian books he got from John Sutton.
  • Rich Evans will put together historian narrative by Christmas.
  1. Web Page Report– Wei Jiang
  • The Chapter website is up current with all meeting minutes and newsletters.
  1. Discussion on 2007-2008 Presidential Newsletter, ASHRAE Society Goals, and this year’s PAOE– Lois Payne
  • Lois Payne will send out the electronic copy of presidential newsletter to BOG members.
  • Lois Payne will review the POAE points with BOG members at every BOG meeting.
  1. Old Business
  • Last May meeting minutes needs to be reviewed and approved at next BOG meeting.
  • Need to finish bank account transfer. Add Mark Simon and Lois Payne as signers and remove Wei Jiang and Bing Liu from the bank account.
  • Carl Brenneise moved to approve reimbursement of $75 for pin purchase for Lois Payne, Jay Ashbaugh seconded the motion and the motion was approved.
  1. New Business
  • September Chapter program meeting will be held at Clarion.
  • Most Chapter program meetings will be in the evening and a few of them will be lunch meetings.
  • Greg Jourdan volunteered to give a talk on heat pump at Chapter program meeting and Jay Ashbaugh will follow up this with Greg.

Next BOG meeting will be held at 5:30 PM on September 25, 2007 at MEIER Enterprises.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Wei Jiang,

Secretary 2007-2008

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.