ILS Committee

April 5, 2017

SCLS Headquarters

Action Items:

Approved the CSC proposal that the Equipment Item Type (walk-in checkout only) become a wildcard item type, allowing libraries to set all circulation issuing rule parameters (minutes).

Approved the CMC recommendation that the Searching and Matching Policy be approved (minutes):

It is necessary to search by all access points to determine that a record for your item is not in LINKcat. Required access points are:

·  ISBN and/or UPC

·  Title

·  Author

Libraries agree to abide by the cataloging agency’s decisions and move copies and/or re-package items as necessary. The ultimate decision for linking items will rest with the cataloging agency.

Approved the CMC recommendation that the Serials Maintenance Policy be discontinued (minutes).

Approved the CMC recommendation that the Serial Title Display Policy be discontinued (minutes).

Approved the CMC recommendation that the Levels of Cataloging Policy be amended as follows (minutes and revised policy):

i.  Remove Advanced or uncorrected proof copies of books and Promotional videos of feature films on DVD or VHS from the GEN list.


1.  Promotional videos of feature films on DVD or VHS

2.  Advance or uncorrected proof copies of books

3.  Unauthorized materials

Approved the CMC recommendation that the following Collection Codes be added to Koha (minutes):




Present: E. Foley, ACL (1); H. Cox, MCF (7); T. Herold, DCL (9, 10); E. Glade, PCPL (4); S. Lee, M. Warren, MAD (11, 13); M. Navarre Saaf, MAD (12); B. Faherty, MID (8), E. Judd, SKC (5), C. Borck, WID (2),

Absent: E. Norton, MCM (6), A. Noel, BRD (3)

SCLS Staff Present: V. Teal Lovely, A. Gannaway, M. Van Pelt

(The number following each individual indicates the cluster they represent)
CALL TO ORDER: V. Teal Lovely called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.

a.  Introduction of guests/visitors: None

b.  Changes/additions to the agenda: Under action item i. add Boopsie set up fee; Under discussion add e. PLSR

c.  Requests to address the Committee: None

Approval of previous meeting minutes: S. Lee moved approval of the February 1, 2017 IC minutes. B. Faherty seconded. Motion carried.
Action Items:

b.  The CSC proposes that the Equipment Item Type (walk-in checkout only) become a wildcard item type, allowing libraries to set all circulation issuing rule parameters (minutes). Approved

c.  The CMC recommends that the Searching and Matching Policy be approved (minutes): Approved.

It is necessary to search by all access points to determine that a record for your item is not in LINKcat. Required access points are:

·  ISBN and/or UPC

·  Title

·  Author

Libraries agree to abide by the cataloging agency’s decisions and move copies and/or re-package items as necessary. The ultimate decision for linking items will rest with the cataloging agency.

d.  The CMC recommends that the Serials Maintenance Policy be discontinued (minutes). Approved.

e.  The CMC recommends that the Serial Title Display Policy be discontinued (minutes). Approved.

f.  The CMC recommends that the Levels of Cataloging Policy be amended as follows (minutes and revised policy): Approved.

i.  Remove Advanced or uncorrected proof copies of books and Promotional videos of feature films on DVD or VHS from the GEN list.


1.  Promotional videos of feature films on DVD or VHS

2.  Advance or uncorrected proof copies of books

3.  Unauthorized materials

g.  The CMC recommends that the following Collection Codes be added to Koha (minutes): Approved.




h.  Review suggested “Terms of Agreement” for LINKcat online payments (aka eCommerce). It has been recommended to SCLS, by the financial company that handles our eCommerce payments, that we include “Terms of Agreement” language to the LINKcat online payment portal. E. Judd noted her cluster would like wording to include full payment, not partial payment. There is some confusion regarding the statement, “once paid, your credit card will be charged… if there are further questions, please contact your library” as the next line reads “Any refunds or credits must be requested from the library”, which seems contradictory. Also patrons are able to call their credit card company to receive credit back.
The ILS committee suggested this topic go back to Circulation Services Subcommittee to review and recommend changes. The goal is to make this a service to patrons, not a headache.

i.  Boopsie set up fee: Boopsie is a mobile app that can be used to search LINKcat. LibLime has to set up an extract of MARC records, which has a set-up fee of $1,200. Once it is set up, any library can purchase the Boopsie app and use the search feature without paying additional setup funds to LibLime. DFT has purchased this and the question was raised as to whether SCLS should pay the LibLime setup fee because all or some LINKcat libraries could choose to purchase the Boopsie app in the future. It was suggested a presentation be provided at or prior to the All Directors meeting to receive input from member libraries to determine interest. The decision as to whether DFT should pay the full set up cost will wait until the June meeting following input from All Directors.


a.  Review service priorities for May All Directors:

i.  Syndetics Unbound to replace Syndetics Solutions and LibraryThing for Libraries: Syndetics Unbound is a new product that would replace our Syndetics Solutions and LibraryThing for Libraries enhanced content for LINKcat. We are not forced to move to Syndetics Unbound and can continue with our current setup. It was suggested this be removed from the May All Directors service priorities and discussed as part of the 2019 budget.

ii.  Half time LTE for ILS assistance and database maintenance

iii.  Zepheira vs. OCLC linked data: This will be removed from the May All Directors service priorities and SCLS will continue exploring OCLC.

iv.  Bibliotheca Library Connect software for SCLS: With newer versions of the self check machines, there is Library Connect software that can be put on the self checks with enhanced products and additional options. There is the ability to have Library Connect software that will allow SCLS staff to see what is happening with all self checks in every library (out of paper, not working correctly). Each library would have the ability to log in and create reports for statistics. There is a fee per self check but currently, libraries have to pay extra for the software.
It was suggested this be discussed at the All Directors meeting with further information provided regarding the advantages, whether there would be discounts, if it will help streamline processes, etc.

v.  Boopsie:

1.  Digital library card: requires authentication

2.  Barcode wallet: no authentication - no interest

3.  Catalog search – packages include searching – but don’t have to get full package if you just want digital library card.
DFT has purchased the Catalog search.

Should SCLS pursue as a purchase or have libraries do on their own? If do as a system, all libraries pay for it. Or, is it a problem not making it universal? Circ Services sentiment is that the Digital Library Card should be all or nothing. Would like to see a demo and cost information prior to the meeting, via webinar. Would like PINs to be necessary for Digital Library Card.

vi.  Hiring someone to implement new LibLime Discovery Layer (front end development): This will be via contract and will be funded from contingency.

b.  Preliminary 2018 technology budget proposal:

c.  SCLS bus to ALA: Library staff who attend ALA could see demos from other ILS vendors. SCLS will look into setting up demos with vendors at SCLS prior to or after ALA so more folks can view the demos. The content of the questions should come from the libraries regarding what they want. H. Cox and S. Lee will help set up the questions for these demos. Libraries attending ALA are encouraged to visit the other ILS vendors on their own. There is also the opportunity to look at self-check vendors – want a formal schedule? Margie and H. Cox will coordinate

d.  Review draft Cataloging Agreement: No changes proposed. S. Lee continues to review other cataloging vendors, and will bring more information back to the committee in June.

e.  PLSR: Please be aware of what is going on and share it with your clusters.

f.  Reports:

a.  April ILS Report

b.  Report from the CSC Subcommittee – March 14, 2017

c.  Report from the CMC Subcommittee – March 8, 2017

d.  Report from the PACC Subcommittee – March 15, 2017

Items from Clusters:

a.  Request from MID to a new Patron Category: Temporary (TEMP) (details of proposal): B. Faherty: MID has created an online patron registration form. Patrons do have to visit the library get a physical card and check out materials, but want a temporary patron category so that patron can place holds and use OverDrive (OD) right away. Questions about folks not in SCLS signing up and using OD – cost to system as contracts are based on population. What if you place holds on OD materials and you are from Illinois? If the patron never gets a physical card the record will expire in LINKcat and then the OD record will no longer be accessible. However, the OD holds will remain on the OD record. OD purchasing decisions are based on number of holds. What needs to happen? May be an Overdrive issue? If remove OD access, then ok. Web use only, limited use only cards? Open to naming it something else. Great patron service.
Logistics of having a prefix for cards being issued via online. Ok with patron category, but OD access is a different issue. MID is moving forward with their project. They are providing the patron with a regular patron barcode (prefix 290780-) and are offering immediate access to OD. Need Overdrive questions answered. H. Cox will email OD regarding questions. When a patron goes into the library to pick up their physical card, staff will change the temporary patron category to a permanent patron category (AD, SR, JU, etc.) Except for a limit on the number of holds and the enrollment period, the category parameters can remain the same as the other patron categories, as standard Circulation rules will only apply once the card is converted to either a regular Adult or Juvenile Patron Type. M. Navarre Saaf moved to create a new Koha Patron Category of PREREG with a limit of 5 holds and a 1 month expiration period. T. Herold seconded. Motion carried.

b.  Request from MAR to discuss the following: Why does the search results list show this as unavailable - on hold, when the bib record shows it is the library? The search result page is counting active and suspended holds. It is a development issue and the hope is that it will be resolved in the codebase fusion upgrade.

Plan for next Meeting: June 7, 2017

a.  Action: Approve final 2018 ILS budget proposal

b.  Action: Approve Cataloging Agreement

Meeting Evaluation and Summary:

Meeting Adjourned at 12:11 p.m.

SCLS staff is available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.
