Dear SAIMS member,

Hard to believe, but we are already halfway through 2006 – and well into winter! I trust that you are all well and looking forward to our upcoming conference!

  • CONFERENCE 2006:

The annual SAIMS conference will be held in Stellenbosch from 13-15 September 2006. I look forward to seeing all of you there! Our Conference theme for 2006 is: “Demystifying the Art of Management …. Through Research” Prof C Boshoff is the Conference Chairperson and Mr JMM van den Bergh is the Conference Organiser. Please visit our website for all information concerning the SAIMS conference as well as the IFSAM conference which is to be held in Berlin, Germany from 28 – 30 September 2006.


Prof Rensburg (as Board member of IFSAM) and Prof Terblanche (as representative of SAIMS) have been invited to the IFSAM Board meeting and the ensuing conference in Berlin, Germany from 26-30 September 2006. Prof Rensburg suggested that Mrs Fischer accompany them as 2nd representative of SAIMS as two representatives per association are allowed in order to take note of the matters under discussion as well as the processes followed and to report back to the Board.


As you are aware, Dr Anton Rupert, one of the Honorary members of the Institute, has passed away. He will always be remembered in South Africa for the important part that he played in the development of our economy as well as for his empathy with others and his humble personality. Our deepest sympathy to his family.


Discussions between Dr Johan van Zyl, CEO of ToyotaSouth Africa and Board members were previously conducted in order to establish a back-to-back Trust between SAIMS and ToyotaSouth Africa to provide funds for furthering the education of young upcoming lecturers. Prof N Terblanche has agreed to do a survey to identify lecturers who would like to attend courses offered by overseas universities in order to improve their knowledge. Board members will obtain information from the deans of faculties, heads of departments and management schools of academic institutions in their regions and send the information to Prof Terblanche.


It had been agreed that, in order to assure continuity, the core of the present board members should serve for another term, with the exception of those who wished to step down. New board members who were elected are: Prof FJ Herbst, Central Gauteng; Dr E Slabbert, North-West; Dr E Venter, Eastern Cape. A warm welcome to our new Board members and we look forward to working with them!


Prof RS Rensburg:President and Regional Board member Northern Gauteng

ProfNS Terblanche:Regional Board member Western Cape

Prof JAA Lazenby:Regional Board member Free State

Prof FJ Herbst:Regional Board member: Central Gauteng

Prof DA Vigar-Ellis:Regional Board member: KwaZulu Natal

Dr E VenterRegional Board member: Eastern Cape

Dr E Slabbert:Regional Board member: North-West

Prof C Boshoff:Editor: Management Dynamics

Mrs M Fischer:Administrative Assistant


Our membership has grown substantially after the merging of some of our academic institutions. We have also welcomed a number of students from Damelin who have recently completed their studies. During its recent meeting, the Board considered membership fees and it was agreed that fees should stay the same as had been agreed during 2005, eg

Ordinary members:R150 (170)*

Student members:R 60 (80)*

Members above the age of 65R100 (120)*

Corporate members:R500

(Payments made after 31st March)


Prof C Boshoff, Department of Business Management, University of Stellenbosch, will present a Workshop on Research from 3-5 July. The Board of SAIMS has agreed to sponsor 10 of its members who have been members for a year or more to attend the workshop. The cost of the workshop is R3 000 per person, including meals and teas. The members will each be responsible for the cost of accommodation and travel to Stellenbosch. Nominations may be done through the Regional Board member. Please contact Prof C Boshoff at in this regard as soon as possible.


Please note that communication to our members is done via our website:; all information regarding conferences, workshops, etc will be placed on the website for your perusal.

On the matter of communication just a few comments from our side: please inform us of any address or contact change so that we can keep track of you and ensure that you receive information about SAIMS and its activities. We also invite comments and suggestions from you. Please let us know if there is anything that you would like to bring to our attention.

I wish you a good midyear break and expect to see all of you at the upcoming conference in Stellenbosch.


Ronél Rensburg