Curriculum vitae

Alberta Argia ANDREOTTI

Born in Milan (Italy)

Department of Sociology and Social Research Milano-Bicocca

Faculty of Sociology

Via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi, 8

20126 Milan (Italy)

tel. +39 02 64487579

Fax +39 02 700 449 128


1997 MA in Political and Social Science at the Università Statale di Milano: 110/110.

1998-1999 Scholarship at the Camera di Commercio Industria e Artigianato of Milan, Research Office.

2002 Phd dissertation in Sociology (University of Trento) in: Social networks as resources and constraints” tutor Fortunata Piselli and discussant Antonio Chiesi.

2002- 2004 Post doc researcher at the department of Sociology Milan-Bicocca

2004- 2005 Post-doc fellowship at the CEVIPOF-Sciences-Po, Paris.

Academic position

2015-Present Associate Professor at Department of Sociology and Social Research University of Milano-Bicocca

2014-present Secretary-Treasurer of the International Research Committee 21 on Urban and Regional Research-International Sociological Association.

2013-present Member of the International Board of Research Committee 21 on Urban and Regional Research-International Sociological Association.

2013-present Member of the Comité de lecture de la collection des documents de travail du RT6 de l'Association Française de Sociologie.

2011-present Member of the Doctorate Board “URBEUR-QUASI”, Unimib

2008 –present Aggregate Member of the Program “Cities are back in town” Sciences-Po, Paris.

2006-present Assistant Professor and Aggregate Professor at Department of Sociology and Social Research University of Milano-Bicocca

1999-present Member of the Observatory of Urban Poverty in Milan settled at the Department of Sociology of the University of Milan-Bicocca.

Visiting scholar

May 2011 Visiting Scholar at the University of Rethymno, Crete, Greece

May 2010 Visiting Scholar at the CEE-Sciences-Po, Paris

Referee for the following Journals

International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Journal of Social Policy; Journal of European Social Policy; The Sociological Quarterly, Urban Studies, Polis, European Societies, RIS.

Evaluator for ECR

2012-present Evaluator for the European Research Council (Starting grants)


2010-present Member of the AIS-ELO- Italian Economic Sociology Association

2002 present Member of the RC 21-ISA

2013 Member of the ASA- American Sociological Association

2013 Member of the SASE

Past work experiences

2000-2003 President of the cooperative Elaborando scrl

2004-2006 Project Manager of the RTN UrbEurope Network (organizing Conferences and workshop both from the scientific and executive point of view).

Recent teaching experiences

2006/07 Labour Market Faculty of Sociology, Università di Milano-Bicocca, Laurea Triennale in Scienze del Turismo e della Comunità locale (credits 6).

2007/08; 2008/09 Entrepreneurship and social capital Faculty of Sociology, Università di Milano-Bicocca Laurea Triennale, Scienze dell’Organizzazione (credits 6).

2008/09- 2009-10/ 2010-11 Aggregate Professor Social foundations of economic behavoiur, Università di Milano-Bicocca, Laurea Magistrale in Sociologia (credits 6).

2009/10- 2010-11 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Economy, Firm and society Università di Milano-Bicocca, Laurea Treinnale, Scienze dell’Organizzazione (crediti 6).

2011-12 2012-13 2013-2014 2014-15 Social Capital and local Productive System, Università di Milano-Bicocca, Laurea Magistrale in Scienze e gestione dei servizi (credits 6)

2010-2013/ 2013-2014 Networks, Social capital and local development, classes for PhD students (URBEUR PhD program)

Most recent research:

2014 Local coordinator of the project : Governing large metropolitan cities: the case of Milan within the programme “Cities are Back in Town” Sciences-Po, Paris.

2013 Researcher in the project “ The Transformation of Italian Industrial districts: the interfirm network contracts as a possible way out: four Italian regions in comparison”, Coordinator: Serafino Negrelli, financed by: ConfApi Lecco.

2011 Researcher in the comparative project Social Polis, FP7, coordinator by Frank Moulert

2005 Scientific International co-ordinator with Patrick Le Galès of the project ‘Modes de vie et representation des managers dans les villes européeenes’, funded by PUCA.

2004 Researcher in the project ‘The Italian Yong people in the labour market, their attitudes and prejudices‘, coordinated by Paolo Barbieri, funded by the IRES Research Institute.

2002- 2004 Local co-ordinator of the research project “Transformation des structures familiales et évolution des politiques sociales: les services de la petite enfance en Europe comme services de cohésion sociale (TSFEPS). Project funded by the EU – DG XII (International coordinator Bernard Eme, Emes-Crida; National coordinator: Enzo Mingione).

1999-2001 Researcher in the project “Costs and Needs of Children in the Milan Municipality”, funded by the Municipality of Milan.

1998-2001 Local coordinator of the research in the project “The Spatial Dimensions of Urban Social Exclusion and Integration: A European Comparison (URBEX)” (international coordinator: prof. Sako Musterd, University of Amsterdam, National coordinator: Project funded by the EU – DG XII 4rd TSER Call.

1997-2000 Member of the research team “Comparative Social Inclusion Policies and Citizenship in Europe: Towards a New European Social Model” (coordinator prof. Maurice Roche). Thematic Network funded by the EU – DG XII 2nd TSER Call.

1999 Researcher in the project “Women, Exclusion and Homelessness”, financed by the European Observatory on Homelessness (Italian coordinator: prof. Antonio Tosi).

1997 Researcher in the project Citizenship Study financed by the DG XXII of the Commission of the European Communities, international coordinator Yuri Kazepov.

1997  Researcher in the project Children at risk of social exclusion in Milan, financed by the Milan Municipality (Scientific Responsible: prof. Enzo Mingione).

1997 Researcher in the project “Support in Housing in Italy”, financed by the European Observatory on Homelessness (Italian coordinator: prof. Antonio Tosi).

Most Recent Research Reports:

Andreotti, A. (1998) Supported accommodation for homeless, in Tosi, A.; Ranci, C. Support in House in Italy, National report, European Observatory on Homelessness, FEANTSA:

Andreotti, A.; Tosi, S. (1999) Services and provisions for homeless women, in Tosi, A (ed) Women exclusion and homelessness in Italy, National report, European Observatory on Homelessness, FEANTSA:

Andreotti, A.; Kazepov, Y. (eds) (2002) The Spatial Dimensions of Urban Social Exclusion and Integration: the Case of Milan, Urbex series, n. 16, University of Amsterdam.

Andreotti A., Benassi, D. (2004) L’ambiente di vita e le situazioni di disagio sociale (povertà, ineguaglianza, discriminazione), in Grassi, R. (a cura di), La condizione dell’infanzia e dell’adolescenza nella società italiana, Istituto Iard Franco Brambilla

Andreotti A., Sabatinelli S. (2004) Childcare in Italy: path dependency and new needs, Emes working papers series.

Andreotti A., Fraisse L., Sabatinelli S. (2004) Does the diversification of childcare services increase social cohesion? Emes working papers series.

Andreotti A., Sabatinelli S. (2004) I servizi innovativi alla prima infanzia in Lombardia, Iard, Quaderni della Regione Lombardia.

Andreotti A. (2004) Vecchi e nuovi pregiudizi dei giovani rispetto al lavoro, Rapporto IRES-CGIL a cura di Barbieri, P. Giovani, valori e lavoro, cap.3.

Andreotti, A.; Le Galès P. (2005) Les cadres supérieurs sont- ils en train d’echapper aux contraintes des societes nationals? Mobilite et segregation sociale dans les villes europeennes : une enquete comparative exploratoire in Groux G; Cousin, O. (eds) Les cahiers du gdr CADRES, Du travail à la societé: valeurs et representation des cadres, 10 , pp. 115-134.

Andreotti, A.; Le Galès P. (eds) (2008) Mobilité, ancrage, exit partiel et segregation sociale dans les villes européennes. Une enquête exploratoire, Ministère de l’Ecologie, de l’Amenagement et du Developpement Durable, Plan Urbanisme Construction Architecture, Contrat Numéro: F05.07-Co 05000008.

Andreotti, A. ; Tonelli, L. (2014) Il Modello Emilia Romagna nello sviluppo dei contratti di rete: dal distretto tradizionale al distretto tecnologico in Negrelli (a cura di) Il contratto di rete, uno strumento “snello” e “flessibile” di cooperazione tra imprese per innovare e competere. nel contesto della Lombardia e del Nord.


Andreotti, A. (2003) “Rapporto sulle politiche contro la povertà e l’esclusione sociale – 1997-2001, di Chiara Saraceno (a cura di) Commissione d’indagine sull’esclusione sociale, Carocci,

Roma, in Polis, n.2.

Mingione, E; Andreotti, A. (2004) “Amsterdam Human Capital”, edited by Sako Musterd e Willem Salet, Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam, in International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, vol. 28.

Andreotti, A. (2008) FAVELL A. EUROSTARS AND EUROCITIES, Oxford, Blackwell, in International Journal of Urban and Regional Research.

Andreotti, A. (2013) The New Middle Classes. Globalizing Lifestyles, Consumerism, and Environmental Concern, Lange Hellmuth, Meier Lars (eds), 2009, in International Journal of Urban and Regional Research.



1.  Andreotti, A.; Kazepov, Y. Mingione, E. (2000) Het Italiaanse stelsel van sociale uitkeringen in een overgangssituatie: trends en vooruitzichten, in TAP, 2/3, vol. 23, pp. 191-208. Translation: “The Italian Welfare System in Transition: trends and prospects”.

2.  Mingione, E.; Andreotti, A. (2001) Esclusione urbana e sistemi locali di welfare in Europa, in Argomenti, 2, pp. 23-44.

3. Andreotti, A.; Garcia, M.; Gomez, A.; Hespana, P.; Kazepov, Y.; Mingione, E.; (2001) The South European Model of Welfare, in Journal of European Area Studies, Special Issue on European Social Policy, edited by Maurice Roche and Rik van Berkel, vol. 9, Nr. 1, pp. 43-62.

4.  Andreotti A., Barbieri P. (a cura di) (2003) Reti e capitale sociale Numero monografico della rivista Inchiesta, n. 139, gennaio-marzo, Dedalo Editore, pp. 1-4.

5.  Andreotti A. (2003) Strategie di selezione per la mobilitazione del capitale sociale, in Numero monografico della rivista Inchiesta, n. 139, gennaio-marzo, Dedalo Editore, pp. 24-33.

6.  Andreotti, A. (2005) Capacità di restituzione e attivazione di capitale sociale: il caso del sostegno economico, in Polis, vol. XIX, n.1, pp. 5-30.

7.  Mingione, E.; Andreotti, A. (2005) La trasformazione della regolazione sociale del lavoro: i casi del Nord e del Sud Italia in prospettiva comparativa, In Sociologia del lavoro n. 100, pp. 98-125.

8.  Andreotti, A., Sabatinelli, S. (2005) Disuguaglianze locali nella cura dell’Infanzia, In La Rivista delle Politiche Sociali, n. 4, pp. 129-143

9.  Andreotti, A. (2006) Coping strategies in a wealthy city, in International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Vol 30, Issue 2, 328-345.

10.  Andreotti, A.; Le Galès P. (2007) Globali o Locali? Un’indagine comparativa su dirigenti e cadres supérieurs a Milano e Parigi in Rivista delle Politiche Sociali, n. 4, pp. 129-148.

11.  Andreotti, A.; Fellini, I. (2012) Dentro la crisi: partecipazione e occupazione femminili in un mercato del lavoro territorialmente diviso, in Sociologia del lavoro, n.126, pp 25-38

12.  Andreotti, A.; Scalmana, L.(2012) Imprenditore e manager: una integrazione possibile e necessaria, in Quaderni di Mangement, n. 55.

13.  Andreotti, A.; Mingione, E.; Polizzi E.(2012) Local Welfare Systems: A Challenge for Social Cohesion, in Urban Studies, August, pp. 1-16: 10.1177/0042098012444884

14.  Andreotti, A.; Le Gales P.; Moreno Fuentes J. F. (2013) Transnational mobility and rootedness: the upper middle classes in European cities, in Global Networks: Volume 13,Issue 1,pages 41–59 DOI: 10.1111/j.1471-0374.2012.00365.x.

15.  Andreotti, A.; Le Gales P.; Moreno Fuentes J. F. (2013) Controlling the Urban Fabric: The Complex Game of Distance And Proximity in European Upper-Middle-Class Residential Strategies, in International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Volume 37,Issue 2,pages 576–597,

16.  Andreotti, A.; Mingione, E.; Pratschke, J. (2013) Female employment and the economic crisis: social change in Northern and Southern Italy, in European societies; 15:4, pp. 617-635.

17.  Andreotti, A., & Mingione, E. (2013). Le développement de systèmes locaux de l'intervention sociale, tendance commune dans les pays industrialisés. Informations sociales, 179(5), 28-36.

18.  Mingione, E.; Andreotti, A. Benassi, D; Borghi, P; Cavalca, G; Fellini, I. (2014) Frammentazione e individualizzazione della domanda di tutela. L'esperienza dei giovani professionisti nel Milanese, Quaderni di rassegna sindacale, 1, 141.

19.  Mingione, E.; Andreotti, A. Benassi, D; Borghi, P; Cavalca, G; Fellini, I. (2014) Le organizzazioni sociali e i giovani professionisti nell'area milanese. Quaderni di rassegna sindacale, 1, 123-140.

20.  Andreotti, A.; Mingione, E. (2014) Local welfare systems in Europe and the economic crisis, in European Urban and Regional Studies, 1–15: DOI: 10.1177/0969776414557191.

21.  Andreotti, A. (ed) Neighbourhoods and Social Networks in Contemporary Cities, Monographic Issue, Sociologia Urbana e Rurale, n. 105.

22.  Andreotti, A. (2014) Neighborhoods in the globalized world in Sociologia Urbana e Rurale, n. 105

Chapters in books

1.  Andreotti, A. (2006) Milan: Urban Poverty in a Wealthy City, in Musterd, S.; Murie, A. ; Kesteloot, C. (eds) Neighbourhoods of Poverty : Urban Social Exclusion and Integration in Comparison Europe, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 87-112.

2.  Andreotti, A.; Le Galès P. (2008) Middle class neighbourhood attachment in Paris and Milan: partial exit and profound rootedness, in Networked Urbanism. Social Capital in the City, Blockland, T. e Savage, M. (eds), Ashgate, pp. 127-144.

3.  Andreotti, A.; Le Galès P. (2011) “Elite, Middle Classes and cities”, in Favell, Giuraudon, V.(eds) The Sociology of European Union , Palgrave, pp. 76-99.

4.  Andreotti A. (2011) Mark Granovetter: spazio sociale e spazio geografico. In: Nuvolati, G.. Lezioni di sociologia urbana. p. 205-224, BOLOGNA:Il Mulino.

5.  Andreotti A., Mingione E.(2011). La sfida dell'occupazione femminile in Italia: la spaccatura tra Nord e Sud. In: Gosetti, G. (a cura di) Il lavoro: condizioni, problemi, sfide. p. 119-133, Milano:Franco Angeli

6.  Andreotti, A.; Mingione, E. (2012) The Modernisation of Female Employment in Italy: one country, two patterns, in Ozkan, Y.; Bugra A. (eds) Mediterranean Trajectories of women employment, Palgrave, pp. 38-64. Translated in Turkish (2013)

7.  Andreotti, A.; Mingione, E. (2013) The city as local welfare system, in Naomi Carmon and Susan Fainstein (eds) Urban Planning as if People Mattered: Looking Back for the Future, Penguinn Books, pp. 224-241..

8.  Andreotti, A.; Mingione, E. (2013) Il welfare locale, in Vicari Haddock, S. Questioni Urbane, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp. 147-166.

9.  Andreotti, A.; Le Gales P.; Moreno Fuentes J. F. (2014) Transnational and local everyday practices in European cities: are the new barbarians on the road? in Watt, P.; Smith, P. Neighbourhood Belonging and Mobilities in the City and Suburb, Palgrave, pp.23-41

10.  Andreotti, A.; Mingione, E.; Pratschke, J. (2014) Female employment and the economic crisis: social change in Northern and Southern Italy, in The Mediterranean Welfare Regime and the Economic Crisis, Edited byFrancisco Javier Moreno-Fuentes,Pau Mari-Klose, Routledge, pp: 146-164.

11.  Andreotti, A.; Benassi D. (2014) Italian sociology and European sociology, in Sokratis Koniordos & Alexandros-Andreas Kyrtsis (eds) The Handbook of European Sociology, London/New York, Routledge, pp.285-302.

12.  Andreotti, A., & Mingione, E. (2015). Les systèmes locaux de l'intervention sociale face aux inégalités sociales et spatiales. In Bresson Maryse, F. Colomb, & Gaspar Jean-François (a cura di), Les terrritoires vécus de l'intervention sociale (pp. 21-36). Villeneuve d'Ascq : Presses Universitaires du Septentrion.