Drama 1 Midterm Review
1.Improvisation is when you perform a scene without a ______.
2.In improvisation, as well as any acting in general, the more you ______, the more you can participate, and the easier reacting becomes.
3.Do all improvisation scenes have to be comedic?
4.The basic story line of a well-constructed improv includes, ______.
5.The problem or obstacles a character must overcome is known as the: ______.
6.What happens in the beginning of a scene: ______.
7.What happens in the middle of a scene: ______.
8.Whathappens in the end of a scene:______.
9.When given an improv scene, you need to immediately determine: ______.
10.When you do or say something inconsistent with the character you are playing, it is called______.
11.A verbal command used when ending a scene: ______.
12.A verbal command given by the director to stop dialogue and movement ______.
13.The skill we worked on while playing Murder in the Dark was: ______.
14.The skill we worked on while playing Slow Motion Samurai was: ______.
15.The skill we worked on while playing Who Started the Motion was: ______.
16.The skill we worked on while playing Super Heroes was: ______.
17.Give an example of good audience behavior.
18.Give an example of bad audience behavior.
19.What should you do with cell phones during a performance?
20.What did the Ancient Greeks use to assist in the fact that each actor played multiple characters?
21.What year is considered to be the beginning of theatre?
22.Who is Dionysus?
23.Who is Thespis?
24.Nearly all surviving Greek tragedies are based on ______.
25.A small building behind the orchestra in which the front is used for scenery and the back is used as a backstage area is called: ______.
26.The place where the audience sits is called: ______.
27.The place the cast enters from: ______.
28.The place the chorus performs. Literally translates to “The Dancing Place” ______
29.What book is Aristotle famous for writing?
30.How many people could Greek Theatres hold?
31.Approximately how many festivals did the Romans have each year?
32.Who was a major influence of Roman theatre?
33.Short improvised skits with stock characters, similar costumes, and masks:
34.Which type of performance allowed women?
35.Corridors under the seats that led to the orchestra:
36.The Roman Stage is called:
37.The Roman Auditorium is called:
38.The Roman Sea Battles are called:
39.The death of theatre during the Dark Ages was due to:
40.The re-birth of theatre after the Dark Ages was due to:
41.Who wrote the play Romeo and Juliet?
42.Lion King is similar to which Shakespeare play?
43.Lion King 2 is similar to which Shakespeare play?
44.Shakespeare’s theatre is called:
45.Which of the following happens at the end of Romeo and Juliet?
46.The major theme of Hamlet is:
47.The major theme of Romeo and Juliet is:
48.Is Hamlet a comedy or a tragedy?
49.Is Midsummer Night’s Dream a comedy or a tragedy?
50.A long speech spoken by one character is called a:
51.What are the children’s names in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang?
52.What does Professor Potts do for a living?
53.What was the name of the Potts family dog?
54.What kind of meal did Professor Potts cook on his invention in the kitchen while singing, “You Two?”
55.How was Professor Potts able to afford the car?
56.What kind of factory does Lord Scrumptious own?
57.What can Chitty do besides drive on the road?
58.How does the child catcher trick the kids into coming with him?
59.What fictional country did the Baron live in?
60.What’s strange about the country that the Baron rules?
61.How did the children say the story ends?
62.Why doesn’t Caractacus want to marry Truly?
63.In the Broadway version, how is Ursula related to Ariel?
64.Which songs are in the Broadway version of The Little Mermaid, but not the movie?
65.Draw a picture of a costume of one character from the show The Little Mermaid. You may use one of the costumes from the movie we watched or be creative and design your own.
66.Think of the different locations from the scenes in The Little Mermaid. Choose one and draw a set design for one of the scenes.
67.Draw a double bubble map comparing and contrasting the two versions of The Little Mermaid that we watched. Make sure you have at least 5 things listed in each section. Extra credit if you have 10 or more in any box.
68.On your own paper, write a review of your favorite version of The Little Mermaid. Make sure you discuss the following: Which one was your favorite, Acting, Singing, Choreography, Sets, Costumes, Blocking, Why you preferred this version over the other one, changes you would make if you were directing this show, your favorite part of the show, and anything else you would like to discuss about the show. You may put them in whatever order you would like.