Dear Comrades,

We reproduce here below Circular no. 26/122/2012/9 dated 16th April, 2012 issued by Com. C.H. Venkatachalam for the information of our members.

With greetings,

Yours comradely,





18TH April every year will continue to remind us of the great loss we in the AIBEA suffered 37 years ago in the death of our beloved leader Com. H.L. Parvana, Secretary of AIBEA. He was a very rare leader and hence he was the jewel of AIBEA movement. Along with Com. Prabhat Kar, he built up the edifice of AIBEA. Literally, he sacrificed his entire life for the cause of the bank employees and AIBEA. He lived and died for the cause of the trade union movement. Indeed, he was rare and special.

Volumes can be written about Com. Parvana, about his sterling qualities of leadership, about his outstanding contribution to our movement at every point of time and about the multi-dimensional activities of this gentle colossus. In short, he personified AIBEA. That is why even today, the very thought about Com. Parvana and the very mention about his name, makes one feel deeply inspired. Com. Parvana will continue to live in the nerves, emotions and convictions of the cadres of AIBEA.

There cannot be a better acknowledgement of his services than through the following words of Com. Prabhat Kar, the father of our movement who wrote in his General Secretary's report in the Amritsar Conference of AIBEAin 1976 which was held after the death of Com. Parvana.:

"I am placing this report in a Conference where Com. Parvana is not present. For me, this situation is almost unbelievable. Days in and days out, throughout all these years he was a comrade who helped me in discharging my responsibilities. He was the life and soul of the AIBEA centre. His dedication to the cause and thoroughness of minutest details are unparalleled. In every dimension of work of AIBEA, he was indispensable.

In movement, in agitation, in campaign, in negotiations, in settling differences and solving problems his unique contribution was visible. As an agitator, organiser, as a leader conversant with every sphere of Trade Union movement, his imprint was distinct. He was a comrade with clarity, with vision and a comrade who never knew tiredness. It is almost impossible to think of Central Office of AIBEA minus Com. Parvana.

His amiable disposition brought everybody near him and he became the closest friend, philosopher and guide of each and every bank employee.

He was a man of the masses. He was a man of the Trade Union movement. He was a leader of the working class. He was a comrade who cannot be replaced.

The movement is indebted to him which cannot be repaid. I only wish to put on record our great gratitude for his able, mature advice, dedicated service and unparalleled comradeship manifested all the years he lived."

In the present times when we are facing increasing challenges from all around –attacks on jobs, attacks on job job security, offensives of outsourcing, agendas of banking reforms and liberalisation, attempts to destabilise our hard-won service conditions, efforts to foist the anti-employee Khandelwal Committee recommendations, machinations to weaken ur collective bargaining rights and at a time when we are needed to fight back all these affronts, a strong AIBEA is a pre-requisite to resist, repulse and remove all these roadblocks.

And, the best way to ensure a strong AIBEA is to work along the path shown by Com. H L Parvana.

Let us salute Com. Parvana, recount his immeasurable contributions and invaluable sacrifices and pledge to orient ourselves to the teachings of Com. Parvana.

With greetings,

Yours Comradely,



Jab thak suraj aur chand rahega, Com. Parvana ka nam rahega.