Working Document for Education AbroadRenewal
Program Proposal
The Proposals in Survey Monkey do not allow you to save your information. This document includes all of the questions that are in the official application. Please use this document to work on your application and save your responses periodically until you are able to complete the official application.
Please note that the proposal uses question logic so these are all of the questions that are included in the application, however they may not all be applicable to you.
Reminder: All faculty who did not take studentsabroad in 2016 are required to complete a faculty-ledprogram seminar, which covers the critical non-instructionalsteps and processes involved in directingan education abroad program. These seminars will beheld over the summer leading up to the proposaldeadline and into the beginning of fall semester.Additional information, and a link to sign up, is postedon the Education Abroad Office website. Programapplication pages for faculty who have never completeda KSU faculty-led education abroad program will not golive until this requirement is met.
2. Faculty Director’s Name
3. Please indicate your program title asyou would like it to appear in all publications and on theEducation Abroad Office website.
Program Director
4. Are you a new faculty director for this program? (Note: Part-time faculty and part-time staff cannot serve as program director or instructor of record on a program.)
5. Please provide your full legal name.
6. Please provide your KSU email address.
7. Please enter your direct KSU phone number
8. Please enter a home, cell phone or other additionalcontact number
9. Please enter an emergency phone number at whichyou can be reached while in-country.Note: If you will bepurchasing a temporary phone on arrival, you mustupdate the Education Abroad Office within 24 hours ofarrival in-country (or as soon as you are able) to provideupdated contact information.
10. Please select your primary collegiate affiliation. (Drop down menu in application.)
11. Please enter your department affiliation
12. Have you ever been convicted of a crime other thana minor traffic offense or do you have any pendingcriminal charges against you?
13. Have you been subject to any universitydisciplinary sanctions or are you currently facingaccusations of professional misconduct?
14. Please indicate your faculty status (9/10 month or 12 month)
Participating Faculty
15. Will there be any additions or changes to the participating faculty or staff onthis program?(Note: Part-time faculty and part-time staff cannot serve as program director or instructor of record on a program.)
16. Please provide full name(s), email address(es) and work number(s) of any accompanying faculty or staff.
17. Please enter the collegiate and departmental affiliation of any accompanying faculty or staff.
18. To the best of your knowledge, have any of thefaculty or staff accompanying you ever been convictedof a crime other than a minor traffic offense or have anypending criminal charges against them?
19. To the best of your knowledge, have any of thefaculty or staff accompanying you been subject to anyuniversity disciplinary sanctions or are currently facingaccusations of professional misconduct?
20.TravelStart Date
21. Travel End Date
22. Will there be a change in the location(s) of this program?
23. Please list all countries and cities in which this program will take place.
24. Will there be significant changes to any housing accommodations for your program? If yes, please briefly describe all additional or modified housing accommodations for this program.
25. Will there be significant changes to any transportation arrangement for your program? If yes, please briefly describe all additional or modified transportation arrangements for this program.
Course Content
26. Will there be any changes to program coursework, prerequisites or number of classes offered?
27. Please list all course prefixes, numbers, titles and credit hours that will be offered as well as any prerequisites required.
28. Indicate how many courses each student may take and the maximum number of credit hours students will be permitted to take.For example: Each student must take 6 credit hours.-OR- Each student must take 6 credit hours with the option to take an additional 3 credit hours for a total of 9 possible hours.
Course Syllabi
29. Faculty must utilize syllabi that have gone throughthe proper approval channels and are in full compliancewith all university and USG Board of Regents policiesregarding curriculum.
- All syllabi must include the standard KSU course policy verbiage related to attendance, classroom etiquette, academic integrity, academic honesty, plagiarism and cheating, and accessibility and compliance.
- Faculty must provide any and all department-approved syllabi relevant to the education abroad program to the Education Abroad Office prior to the launch of the education abroad program's online application. Note: Syllabi will be used in the promotion and marketing of your program to potential applicants.
- Indicate below that you acknowledge this requirement. If you select "I Do Not Acknowledge," failure to adhere to Education Abroad Office policies may impact proposal consideration or approval.
Contact Hours
30. The USG Board of Regents requires 37.5 contacthours for every 3 credit hour course, following thestandard of campus classroom hours. Faculty mustabide by the minimum contact hours terms set forth bythe USG Board of Regents. The criteria for contact hoursas set forth by the Education Abroad Office are nonnegotiableand faculty must adhere to these regulationsas they relate to students, the program and EAO.
- If formal classroom contact hours are less than 37.5 on a study abroad program, these hours can be supplemented with excursions and/or other experiential educational activities.
- Experiential hours, such as visiting a museum or community service activities should be related to the learning objectives of the program and are counted at half-time. Experiential cultural excursion hours should not constitute more than half of the total contact hours for any course.
- Contact hours cannot be simultaneously counted towards more than one class.
- If your program has a community service component incorporated into the itinerary, you must complete a specific number of service hours while in country (please refer to your service learning component application for the required number of hours). These hours can be counted as experiential hours.
- Indicate below that you acknowledge this requirement. If you select "I Do Not Acknowledge," failure to adhere to Education Abroad Office policies may impact proposal consideration or approval.
College Approval
31. Faculty directors of new programs must have hadtheir proposal reviewed and approved by theircorresponding College Committee prior to proposalsubmission and approval. Faculty directors will berequired to submit a "College Level Education AbroadAcademic Approval Form" to confirm college support.This form is located in Section 5: RequiredDocuments.
Note: If an approving committee has not been identified prior to the proposal deadline, approval of the program's academic content should be acknowledged in the Department Chair or Dean's Letter of Support.
Indicate below that you acknowledge this requirement. If you select "I Do Not Acknowledge," failure to adhere to Education Abroad Office policies may impact proposal consideration or approval.
Marketing and Promotion
32. Do you wish to update the program description as it will appear in publications and on the Education Abroad Office website?
33: Please enter a concise overview of your programas you would like it to appear in publications and on theEducation Abroad Office website. Consider including the goals and intended outcomes for the students, any locations that will be visited during the trip, cultural activities, housing accommodations and any other program highlights. (500 words max)
Relevant Experience
34. For each participating faculty member, pleasebriefly describe any familiarity with the country/region inwhich the program will be traveling to in addition to anyprofessional experience that makes each faculty membera compelling candidate for this program. Please also indicate if you have conducted a formal site visit to the country/region or plan to do so before the program is offered. (500 words max)
35. Will your program's budget be managed by theEducation Abroad Office? (Please select 'yes' unless your program does not have a student program fee or your program model utilizes only your departmental funds.)
Faculty Compensation
36. Will your faculty compensation model for this program change?
37. Please indicate your salary source.
38. Will you be splitting the salary among participating faculty? If yes, please indicate how you will be splitting the salary amongst participating faculty.
Director’s Fee
39. Will you be allocating a director’s fee (up to $100 per student)?
40. If you have allocated a directors fee, will you be splitting the directors’ fee among participating faculty?If yes, please indicate how you will be splitting the director’s fee among participating faculty.
In-Country Contact
41. Would you like to update or modify your in-country contact information?
42. Please provide the full legal name, email address,phone number and local address of your in-countrycontact.
43. Please describe any relevant details regarding yourin-country contact's involvement or relationship withyou and the program. (300 words max)
Excel documents are not accepted by Survey Monkey. Please convert your Excel documents to PDF files when needed so they can be uploaded without issue.
Program Itinerary
44. You will be asked to upload a completed itinerary.
Program Budget
45. You will be asked to upload a completed budget.
Health and Safety
46. You will be asked to upload a completed Health and Safety Form specifically for y our program.
College Support Form
47. You will be asked to upload a complete College Level Education Abroad Academic Approval Form. Note: At this time, the College Level Education Abroad Academic Approval Form is only required for those colleges who have an identified approving committee. If not applicable, approval of the program's academic content must be acknowledged in the Department Chair or Dean's Letter of Support.
Letter of Support
48. You will be asked to upload a letter of support from your department chair (or immediate supervisor) for your role in the program. This is required for each faculty or staff member participating in the program. Note: The Letter of Support is required in addition to the College Level Education Abroad Academic Approval Form. For those colleges who do not currently have an identified approving committee must have a statement acknowledging the approval of the program's academic content in the Department Chair or Dean's Letter of Support.
Vendor Quotes
All programs with a budget managed by the Education Abroad Office require vendor quotes to justify amounts reflected in the program budget. A minimum of three vendor quotes are required for airfare and lodging. Quotes from websites such as Expedia, Travelocity, etc. are accepted. Please attach all relevant vendor quotes for your program. If more than three files, please combine and upload as a single document.
49. Vendor Quote 1
You will asked to upload quote in live application
50. Vendor Quote 2
You will asked to upload quote in live application
51. Vendor Quote 13You will asked to upload quote in live application
Physical Assessment Form
52. You will be asked to upload the EAO Physical Assessment Form (if there have been changes)
Faculty Responsibilities
53. You will be asked to upload a signed Education Abroad Program Director Agreement for the program director. If more than one file, please combine into a single document.
Participating Faculty and Staff Agreement
54. You will be asked to upload a signed Education Abroad Participating Faculty and Staff Agreement for participating faculty or staff. If morethan one file, please combine into a single document.
Local Partner Support Agreement Form
55. Are you a solo faculty director for your program?
56. You will be asked to upload a Local Partner Support Agreement Form for your program.
Community Service
57. Will your program have community service built in? Service applications submitted after proposal decisions are made will NOT be accepted.
58. If you incorporate a community service project in your program, you will be asked to upload a Community Service Application for Education Abroad Program Form.
Supporting Documentation
59. Do you have any additional documents related to your program that you would like to provide to the Education Abroad Office?
Please attach any supporting documents (additional safety advice, tips, promotional materials, etc.) that you believe are relevant to your program renewal.If more than three files, please combine into unified documents.Please note that excel files are currently not accepted. Please convert your excel document to a PDF file and then submit your attachment.
60 - 62. Additional Documentation
You will be able to upload up to three different documents.
63. I certify that my submission is accurate to the bestof my knowledge. I also agree to communicate anymodifications to the above proposed program in writingto the Education Abroad Office in a timely manner.