Grains R & D Postgraduate Scholarships and Development Program
The Boosting Grains Research and Development Project (supported by Royalties for Regions) aims to re-energise and build a lasting regionally based research and development (R&D) capability to boost the productivity and international competitiveness of WA grain growing businesses.
The Department of Agriculture and Food (DAFWA), through the Boosting Grains project will establish and fund the Grains R&D Postgraduate Development Program. A key aspect of this program will be to build and maintain research capacity through a skilled cohort of regionally based scientists to drive the effective delivery of R&D outcomes to benefit the grains industry and WA economy.
Research proposals should address one of the key research areas.
- Crop nutrition
- Crop protection (weeds, pests and diseases)
- Digital / precision agriculture
- Genetic improvement and field phenotyping
- Grain product integrity / traceability
- Soil management
- Systems agronomy
- Agricultural economics
Scholarships will be available for study through a Western Australia based University and students will be required to have linkages to the Department of Agriculture and Food WA through a co-supervisor and/or a technical research expert.
All projects will be required to have a significant field-based research component. Work place integration is encouraged at DAFWA and work stations can be provided at DAFWA facilities (metro and regional locations) to assist you in your study.
It is encouraged that prospective applicants contact Alex Douglas or Michael Francki (contact details below) to discuss postgraduate program/research opportunities prior to completing the on-line application form.
Scholarships are available for four (4) years and are awarded on the basis of academic excellence, the topic of the proposed research program and the likelihood of the applicant’s on-going involvement with the grains industry. To be eligible for a Grains R & D Scholarship (Grains RDS), applicants need to apply fora base scholarship such as an Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) or equivalent i.e. a University Scholarship. A Grains RDS may still be considered if the applicant is unsuccessful in obtaining a base scholarship but demonstrates a strong research project aligned to a key research area in DAFWA.
Scholarship Funding
- Applicantswho have obtained a university studentship or similar (Australian Postgraduate Award, APA) will receive a top-up to a total of $45,000 p.a.
- There will be further consideration of a scholarship if the base scholarship is unsuccessful but demonstrates a strong research proposal.
- A stipend of $25,000 p.a. will be available for students without an APA.
- Students will be supported with project operating costs up to $20,000 p.a. to cover research project costs and enable regional and field based trial work.
- Conference Travel Allowance of $5,000 will be available over the life of the study period.
- Additional skills development assistance of $2,500 is available over the life of the studies
The initiative is looking to support four year PhD scholarships. This time frame will enable students to complete their projects with ample time to include adequate field experimentation. The standard term for an APA is three years (maximum 3.5 years), hence the final year will be fully supported by DAFWA.
Further information on the Grains R&D Postgraduate Scholarships application process and funding breakdown can found here
For further information on the Grains R & D Postgraduate Scholarships please contact:
Ms Alexandra Douglas, Department of Agriculture and Food WA, (08)98213246, 0455067755
OR Dr Michael Francki, Department of Agriculture and Food WA, (08) 93607575 0413 516 064
The application closing date for full time study is 5pm WST on the 31st October 2016