Academic Senate
8045 East Chapman Avenue
Orange, CA 92869-6689 / (714) 628-4831
FAX (714) 744-9285
Academic Senate
4 October 2005
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Lynda Armbruster
Nena Baldizon-Rios
Lynette Beers
Cari Cannon
Beth Clary
Shawn Cummins
Michale DeCarbo
Rosi Enriquez
Joe Geissler
Regina Lamourelle
Narges Niedzwiecki
Scott Sakamoto
Rosa Salazar de la Torre
Joyce Wagner
Morrie Barembaum
John Smith
1. Call to Order: Prof. Enriquez called the meeting to order after declaring a quorum at 1:02
2. Senators: Prof. Enriquez noted that Prof. Borrey is the temporary replacement for Prof. Adams.
3. Minutes: After noting that the minutes were just received by the senators and acknowledging prof. Cannon’s note of a misspelling of “thinks” rather than the word “thins”, the approval was tabled until the next meetings.
4: Reports:
President’s Report: Prof. Enriquez reported on a visit to the Innovations Center at riverside Community College. She noted that a decline in district FTES has triggered a look to expansion of Distance Education offerings. A possible joint SAC/SCC task force might be formed with goals of defining distance education at Rancho, including software purchase recommendations to help our DE offerings. Prof. DeCarbo asked for a resolution on the task force be created for the next senate meeting. It was noted by senator Prof. Geissler that Riverside has devoted an amazing amount of money to distance education: having a dean, classified support and 5 faculty with full time release. Prof. Armbruster suggested looking at Foothill/DeAnza and Cerro Coso as models for DE offerings.
Prof. Enriquez noted that the chancellor may be looking at mid-course corrections in our budget spending if FTES does not appear to be reaching our district target. The district has a November deadline before soft hiring freezes and other measures are instigated. The 8 week classes and intersession are looked to as saviors of our enrollment.
John Smith will be endorsed in his bid to become a state Board of Governor appointee.
Facilities: will become its own council with the remainder of committees under the present SAFE council continuing as their own council.
The rules were suspended to pass a contribution of $150 to the Chancellor’s Ball, but given directly to the book fund: purchasing textbooks for needy students. M/S DeCarbo/Geissler.
Curriculum: Prof. Pirtle reported that an SLO manual is being reviewed by Curriculum and will be coming forward to the senate. A copy will go into each senator’s mailbox and Prof. Enriquez is asking for senators to review and vote via email on approval. Changes will be accepted and given to Marcelo Pimental for incorporation into the report, but Prof. Enriquez is asking for tentative approval,
Technology: a workshop day is planned for the Thursday of next January’s flex week. Several local volunteers, including a noted colleague from RCC, will be presenting.
CPAC: Prof. Smith noted the FTES projections given to CPAC from President Vazquez: we are going to make our goal by 7 FTES, but the district will fall nearly 400 FTES short. Those full time equivalent students could cost the district $1.5 - $2.5 million in revenue.
No Action Items
Discussion : On changes to the governance manual, a change was suggested to make it the chairs responsibility to have minutes maintained along with council and committee agendas in an accessible file. The senate reserves the right to appoint faculty co-chairs.
M/S Cannon/Armbruster to accept with suggested changes, and it passed unanimously.
The hiring requests were disbursed and the procedure commented upon. Prof. DeCarbo noted that the deadline was extended. Prof. Enriquez noted that the letter from her and VP AA Halvorson will request copies of hires be forwarded to the senate. Several senators noted informal polls from the campus deans: Dean Mayo said the exercise science hire and astronomy hire were fine, but expressed reservations about load in chemistry. Dean McMullen hadn’t seen all the load sheets but agreed with a philosophy hire. She implied a sociology hire would come only as a retirement replacement. Speech was so/so and geography/GIS is better later. An art historian is not needed in her mind. VP Halverson generally agreed with the deans and there are no additional administrative requests at this time. Prof de la Torre noted the difficult time in meeting deadlines due to the late continuing ed start date, and Prof. Lamourelle expressed regret that administration seems to be pushing softball while a hire in human development, a growing state mandated training/ occupational and transfer program did not receive their support.
A form for rating the 11 positions will be given to senators and is to be returned to Prof. Enriquez in a sealed, signed envelope. Due date is Oct. 18.
Progress on a faculty awards process was noted. Questions were raised about how we can pick each other for classroom work, which we do not observe. Students should be included in the nominations mix.
A discussion on guests to the senate and their roles as speakers for and against issues coming before the senate has started. Prof. de la Torre will take notes from senators and put together a list of guest rules. Please email her or Prof. Niedziecki with your suggestions. A broad statement informing faculty to seek out their senators when there are concerns over issues will be forthcoming. Generally senates do not allow non-members to speak on issues unless they are invited for that purpose. Comment time is limited to the end of our meetings.
Curriculum also mentioned that there are issues on filing quadrennial reviews.
Under public comments, Prof. Armbruster noted one of her on-line students is acting very questionably in her discussion board. She has removed his comments and he insists on re-adding derogatory remarks. When does freedom of expression cross the line to classroom disruption? What does the student handbook say on disruptive behavior, and is it appropriate for on-line classes? Can we
develop a specific and comprehensive section in the student code to deal with disruptive behavior?
Senate adjourned at 2:25.
Minutes graciously taken by Prof. Smith in Prof. Barembaum’s absence
Respectfully Submitted,
Morrie Barembaum
Santiago Canyon College
Academic Senate
Secretary Treasurer, 2004-2005
(714) 628 – 4895
Approved 15 November 2005