Literature Circle Individual Project

You are now assuming the role of a child during the Civil War. Each of you will become your character through journaling activities, projects, and costumes. As you read through your book, you should complete 3 journal entries per week. Your journal entry ideas may come from the bookmark, or you can write your own thoughts.

Upon the completion of the book, you are to visit the following website…

Choose the activities page and choose one of the following projects from the activities page:

  • Cornbread
  • Apple Butter
  • Quilted Book Cover
  • Sack Cloth Doll
  • Berry Ink
  • Candle Holder
  • Drum
  • Pumpkin Pie
  • Hardtack bread (a soldier’s food)


Print off the directions for the activity and complete this activity at home with the help of a parent. You will need to bring the completed activity on the day of your presentation.

Now, for your presentation…

Like I said, you are to become this character. I will supply you with the items necessary to create Civil War costumes. You need to design a costume similar to what your character would wear. I will provide the materials needed, but you must make your own design. Therefore, you need to research clothing during the Civil War period. I have several books to help you.

When you have completed you project, you will present your book to the class. You will need to take on the role of the character, and talk as if you want the students to read your book. At this time, you will also share your project with the class. Explain how you created your project. You whole presentation should be at least 5 minutes long.

If you have questions about the project while I am working with another group of students, write those questions down and I will answer them during free time.

Good Luck!!

Mrs. James

Literature Circle Group Project

You are all reading a journal written by people in the Civil War. The characters in your book are similar in some ways, but they are also very different. You are to create a poster of your character. On this poster, include a picture of the character and a timeline of the character. The timeline should only highlight important events in the characters life.

Then, you are the group will compare and contrast the characters in your books. Create a group poster to show how the characters are similar and different. You will need to meet throughout your reading of the book to jot down ideas. If you wait until the end, you might forget some important details.