Poetry Day 2009 – programme details in English

Virtual World

Welcome to the website of the Poetry Day festival. This is the eleventh year of the festival, which now takes place in about forty towns in the Czech Republic for two weeks around the anniversary of the birth of the great Czech Romantic poet, Karel Hynek Mácha (16.11). The festival features readings by well known and established Czech poets such as Petr Král, Petr Borkovec, Viola Fischerová, Marie Šťastná etc. as well as many events for children in schools and libraries. It features the work of poets in the regions as well as in the capital, evenings organised by literary groups and institutions as well as individuals. It also celebrates poetry in languages other than Czech, e.g. this year there will be readings in Portuguese, Romanian, Hungarian, Russian, Slovak, Romani, Polish and more. The question of the role of poetry in a society plagued by extremism and consumerism is also addressed in the ‘against apathy’ evening organised by the literary magazines Psí Vino and Haluze in Prague on 17th November, twenty years after the end of communism – what role can poetry play in our lives today?

The festival is coordinated by the Společnost poezie/Poetry Society

Friday 13.11.2009
18:00 20 years on...?
Joyful and sorrowful tales - a recitation of both socio/political poetry and love poems – an evening with the author Pavel J. Hejátko.

Blansko town library, Rožmitálova 4, 678 01 Blansko

during the whole of the festival period

A poem for you, or “A little poetry never hurt anybody”.

We’re going to give you all poems, tied up with coloured ribbons!

Blansko town library, Rožmitálova 4, 678 01 Blansko

Thursday 19.11.2009
14:00 - 16:00 Máchathon

A playful cultural afternoon for the school’s pupils.

Pupils will create their own original work - recitations, theatrical scenes, readings, musical performances, photography exhibitions, competitions

Everyone from the neighbourhood is invited, both past and future pupils!

The Industrial Electro-technical High School Brno, Kounicova 16
18:00 Angelos Morfeas
The music and poetry theatre Agadir presents… Angelos Morfeas. Scenic variety – the work of a Brno poet.

The Jiří Mahen library in Brno, Mahen Memorial, Mahenova 8, 602 00 Brno

České Budějovice
Wednesday 11.11.2009
18:00 Michael Lorenc will read his texts about the virtual world from his collections “The Bedraggled Eagle”, “Gathering” and “Caustic Remarks”.
Also performing: the Prague chanteuse Hanka Čechová.

Literary café “Měsíc ve dne” (Daytime Moon), Nová 3, České Budějovice

Tuesday 10.11.2009
18:00 Forum with the Czech poet, prose writer, actor, script-writer, host and local, Miloň Čepelka
More info at:
Dobruška Town Library, Na Budíně 850, 518 01 Dobruška
during the whole of the festival period

9. - 23. 11. 2009 - a literary competition for children “From visuality to virtuality”
The children’s goal will be to create a short poem and style it as a calligram. In the children and young adults’ section.
9. - 23.11. 2009 “Librarhyming”
A series of readers’ rhymes while borrowing books. The adults’ section.
9. - 23. 11. 2009 Promotion of poetry to all library visitors.
Adults’ section, Children and Young Adults’ section.
Dobruška Town Library, Na Budíně 850, 518 01 Dobruška
9:00 Žáčekthon
Forum for the 3rd year elementary school students (ZŠ Stará Huť)
9:00 Rhymed fairy tales

Pupils of ZŠ Stará Huť

13:00 Painted poetry
For the youth clubs of the primary school in Dobříš. After listening to the rhymes in J. Skácel’s book “Sleepy Time”, the children will make their own illustrations.
There will be an exhibition of the work from the abovementioned activity in the children’s section of the library.

16:30 Fairy Godmother
... the title being – In the world of verse, rhymes and short poems. Free-time activity for families with children. In cooperation with the Dobříšek Kindergarten.
20:00 Literary Evenings
A reading of French “Gallant poetry”.
Velbloud café (Camel café), Dobříš plaza
Wednesday, 11.11.2009
Poetry on a Wire
Children’s section exhibition – a selection of children’s poetry and rhymed fairy tales.

Where can poetry hide?

Forum for 8th year students of Dobříš First School.
during the whole festival

Everyone who recites a poem in the library during the Poetry Day festival will be rewarded with a sweet and a letter. The letter hides a poem!
All the abovementioned actions in Dobříš are organized by Dobříš Town library, Školní 36, 263 01 Dobříš.
Havlíčkův Brod
Thursday 12.11.2009
19:00 Strings throughout time

Performance by lute player Jindřich Macek and guitar player/singer Iveta Novotná.

The attic of the café U Notáře (“The Notary”), Sázavská 430, Havlíčkův Brod
Friday 13.11.2009
19:00 Poetic Evening

A poetic evening with Ladislav Vondrák and Petr Mičola.
The attic of the café U Notáře (“The Notary”), Sázavská 430, Havlíčkův Brod
Thursday 19.11.2009
19:00 Jaroslav Hutka concert

A concert by the well-known Czech musician and composer.
The attic of the café U Notáře (“The Notary”), Sázavská 430, Havlíčkův Brod

Hradec Králové
Tuesday 10.11.2009
17:00 Reading by Pavel J. Hejátko – Asphalt Memorial
Hradec Králové City library, Tomkova 177, first floor – lecture hall
Thursday 12.11.2009
19:00 Slam Poetry, year 5

The Poco a poco animato association working in Hradec Králové is organising the 5th regional round of Slam Poetry.
Music Club La Putika, Karla IV 430, Hradec Králové ( )


Events throughout the whole festival period

The Day of Poetry

Between November 9 and 23 2009 we will decorate the library and we will be giving out bookmarks with poems. Children in the kids´ section can compose poems with words they pull out of a hat, which are connected to this year´s theme.

Thursday, 19.11.2009

18:30 Poetry not only for the blind – two cds of poems launched by Alena Vránová

Cheb Municipal Library, Obrněné brigády 18, 350 37 Cheb.


Thursday, 12.11. 2009

17:00 Poetry Gathering

A gathering focused on Jiří Žáček´s poems (recited by children) and with hot wine

The attic of Chodov Municipal Library, Staroměstská 55, 357 35 Chodov.

Events throughout the whole festival period

Book Exhibition

About poetry and the internet. In all departments of Chodov Municipal Library.

(Never)ending poetry

Cooperation between readers using all sections of the library - every reader writes

a verse continuing on from the preceding ones…. In all departments of Chodov Municipal Library.


Every reader will receive a bookmark. In all sections of Chodov Municipal Library, Staroměstská 55, 357 35 Chodov.


Friday, 20.11.2009

15:00 PM Catch me, I´ll fly away

Literary wanderings about the streets of Chrudim. Members of the Literary Club Psahlavci Chrudim will wander about and present their works.

Chrudim Municipal Library, LK Psahlavci, Filištínská 36, Chrudim.

Jablonec nad Jizerou

Monday, 9.11.2009

18:00 PM Me, Petr Bezruč

Literary programme of Petr Bezruč´s verses (more at or

The free artists association Montalban Jilemnice will perform (), in connection with the Jilemnice Grammar School and High School; the organiser is the Municipal Library of Jablonec nad Jizerou, Jablonec nad Jizerou 291, 512 43 Jablonec nad Jizerou.

Jesenice u Rakovníka

Monday, 23.11.2009

09:30 Jsme ještě tady – We are still here

Morning meetings with guests – non-guests. Vlastimil Řebec presents his new book „Jsem ještě tady!“ (I’m still here) and Vladimir A. Hons will introduce the author in a way that will surprise his pupils.

Integrovaná střední škola ( secondary school), Žatecká


Wednesday, 11.11.2009

18:00 Kamenná holka – Stone Girl

The club members (circa 6-8 people/actors) elaborate a piece by a member of LiS, Bohumír Procházka, “The Stone Girl” (Kamenná holka) with their poetic fantasies. The gathering is organized by the Václav Čtvrtek library in Jičín in cooperation with the literary association LiS (attached to the V. Čtvrtek library).

V.Čtvrtek library in Jičín, Denisova ulice

Kamenice nad Lipou

Events throughout the whole festival period

Má virtuální báseň – My virtual poem

A literary competition for the most interesting poem with a virtual theme. (The children create their virtual poems; the pieces will be exhibited in the children’s section of the library; the best work will be rewarded.)

Children’s section of the library, Pelhřimovská 124, Kamenice nad Lipou

Den poezie dětem - A poetry day for children

A stage performance by library readers presenting rhymed fairytales (the children perform for their classmates, kindergarten children and children from the children's home).

Slož si básničku – Compose a poem

Compose a poem from shredded texts (2 age groups, younger children have the whole texts to assemble; older children have only parts of the text to put together and have to compose the rest).

Chceš-li vědět víc, tak si doplň rým – If you want to know more, finish the rhyme

A rhyme completing competition.

Children’s Section of the Library, Pelhřimovská 124, Kamenice nad Lipou

Karlovy Vary

Saturday 21.11.2009
16:00 - 19:00 “Poets introduce their poems” ... or “Poetry day 2009”

Each of us will introduce a short selection from the work of a favourite writer and talk a little about that author’s life; someone whom we return to time and time again for inspiration and to enjoy again the pleasure of their work. The names of the poets will be kept secret; we plan to announce them at the time of the reading so as to introduce an element of surprise. After the reading there’ll be a discussion and if anyone has the courage they’ll have the opportunity to read their own poetry.

Throughout the evening the spoken word will be combined with music, both to listen to and for dancing.

Karlovy Vary Regional Library A-klub, Závodní 378/84, Karlovy Vary

Wednesday 11.11.2009
16:00 Poetry of the region: live and ‘virtual’

A meeting of local poets who will present a selection of their poems plus some ‘surprises’.

Writers will be present, together with members of the Kroměříž ‘Club of the friends of poetry’.
Kroměříž Library, Slovanské náměstí 3920, Kroměříž

Monday 9.11.2009
Exhibition ‘My Dream’ (throughout the festival)
An exhibition of paintings and writing by children from the Kunratická Liberec first school prepared for the Poetry Day competition 2009 with the theme ‘Virtual World’

Authors will read from their work. The exhibition finishes at the end of November.

The Liberec Regional Science Library, Kunratická, Aloisina výšina 642/51,460 15 Liberec 15 (in the Main school building)
Mladá Boleslav

Throughout the festival
Local poets - exhibition
Arranged by the Mladá Boleslav Municipal Library
Mladá Boleslav Town Library, Václava Klementa 1229, 293 22 Mladá Boleslav

Wednesday 18.11.2009
Author’s evening with Věra Kopecka, a Broumov poet.
Her poetry will be combined with a display of photographs from her collection.

Náchod Municipal Library, Kamenice 105, 547 01 Náchod

Throughout the festival
‘Virtual World’

Throughout ‘Poetry Day’ we will decorate all areas of the library with poems and will write some of them on to our traditional scrolls.
Our web page is and readers and visitors can link to VIRTUÁLNÍ SVĚT POEZIE where everyone can submit their work and fulfil the aim of the ‘virtual’ project.

We would like to display these contributions in the library.

Náchod Municipal Library, Kamenice 105, 547 01 Náchod
Nová Včelnice
Wednesday 11.11.2009

Exhibition and workshop - “How to paint poems on the computer”
Nová Včelnice Municipal Library, Komenského 386, Nová Včelnice
Friday 13.11.2009
Exhibition and workshop - “How to paint poems on the computer”

Nová Včelnice Municipal Library, Komenského 386, Nová Včelnice

Saturday 14.11.2009
General knowledge test - “Where could I find this poem?”
Nová Včelnice Municipal Library, Komenského 386, Nová Včelnice

Wednesday 18.11.2009
Reading competition - “And so let’s read a poem”
Nová Včelnice Municipal Library, Komenského 386, Nová Včelnice

Friday 20.11.2009
General knowledge test - “Well known poems”
Nová Včelnice Municipal Library, Komenského 386, Nová Včelnice

Saturday 21. 11. 2009
General knowledge test - “Well known poems”
Municipal Library, Nová Včelnice, Komenského 386, Nová Včelnice

Nové Město nad Metují
Tuesday 24.11.2009
17:30 Reading by the poets Lenka Jiránkova and Miloš Hromádka

Nové Město nad Metují Municipal Library, Komenského 22, 549 01 Nové Město nad Metují.


Monday 9.11.2009
10:00 An arena full of beautiful words – XVIth year of the high school poetry recitation competition.

A traditional demonstration of talent in recitation and interpretation for high school students from Ostrava together with the Komorní scéna Aréna in Ostrava.
Arranged by the Olga Havel Gymnázium in Ostrava.
Komorní scéna Aréna in Ostrava, 28. October 2, Moravská Ostrava
Wednesday 11.11.2009
11:00 Virtual World at the Language Gymnasium

Recital of Czech and foreign literature in the open space of Ostravy-Poruby.

Students will work in couples with one student reading the Czech text and the other the foreign language: English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Latin (12 readers)

The Pavel Tigrid Language Grammar School, G. Klimenta 493/3, 708 00 Ostrava-Poruba

Thursday 12.11.2009
Recitation competition
This year we have chosen the work of Jiří Orten to commemorate the ninetieth anniversary of his birth.

A “Chain” reading of selected texts from 52 moving ballads by the eternal student Robert David
On November 12th each teaching period will start with a short poem.
Wichterlovo gymnázium, Ostrava-Poruba, příspěvková organizace, Čs. exilu 669, 708 00 Ostrava-Poruba
Throughout the whole festival
‘Virtual World’

1. A day with journalists – a lecture and discussion with a journalist from MF DNES (in connection with the project “Students read and write newspapers” 2nd class

2. A day with film – lectures on media by the film critic M. Jiroušek on movies, media projects, an animated film competition, advertisements and media presentations.

3. Art competition on the theme: “Virtual World” a “Mirror reality?”

4. Recitation competition

5. Film posters or Virtual games – competition.

6. Marathon (not only) authors reading by students, teachers, and workers at the school – “Virtual school (the classroom) celebrates ninety years”

7. Excursion to the National Theatre in Prague.

8. Launch of an electronic collection of authors’ work – Poetry Day 2009
Industrial Middle School, Ostrava - Vítkovice, Zengrova 1, Ostrava - Vítkovice


Thursday 12.11.2009
19:00 ‘Virtual World’

An evening of poetry from the writers of Ason-klubu and their guests.
Home Cafe, Zbrojnická 4, Plzeň
Throughout the festival
Poetry in the palm of your hand.
Distribution of poems to visitors to the libraries.

Plzen Municipal Library, p. o., B. Smetany 13, Plzeň

Monday 9.11.2009
19:00 An evening of short stories and an ‘unconventional walk’ through Prague via JindřišskáTower. A reading of short stories from websites such as Totem.cz, Pismak.cz, Literra.cz a Mezera.org.

In the second half of the evening there’ll be a discussion and exhibition of photographs by Josef Böhm with the title “Prague - as we don’t know it.”

Jindřišska Tower belfry, Jindřišská, 110 00 Praha 1
Tuesday 10.11.2009
18:00 Reading by poets connected with the Municipal Library
Part of the programme: Poetry Day inthe Municipal Library 2009
Robert Antropius, Viktor Špaček, Miroslava Ertlová
Poetry Section of Prague Municipal Library, Mariánské náměstí 1, Praha 1

18:30 An evening hosted by essayist, critic and poet Jan Štolba

Part of the programme: Poetry Day inthe Municipal Library 2009
One of our most respected literary essayists, Jan Štolba, will introduce his favourite authors, those writers whom he finds closest to his own thoughts about poetry and literature.

Poetry Section of Prague Municipal Library, Mariánské náměstí 1, Praha 1

18:30 From nursery rhymes to ballads
Part of the programme: Poetry Day inthe Municipal Library 2009
Celebrating the end of the poetry competition, Eva Frantinová will introduce the winners.
Annex to the Municipal Library in Prague - Barrandov, Wassermannova 16, Prague 5 (not far from tram 12, 14, 20)

18:30Evening of contemporary Romanian poetry (in Romanian, Czech and English). Poetry, music and film presentation, with the participation of Czech actors, presenting the work of a number of leading Romanian poets: Florin Bican, Denisa Comănescu, Ioana Crăciunescu, Nichita Danilov, Gellu Dorian, Ioana Ieronim, Nicolae Prelipceanu, Nicolae Stoie, Varujan Vosganian.

Kavárna Krásný Ztráty, Náprstkova 10, Praha 1

20:00 Freedom
Multimedia author’s reading, live musicians and others.
Cross Klub, Plynární 23, Praha 7

Wednesday 11.11.2009
17:00 Evening of Young Writers
Part of the programme: Poetry Day inthe Municipal Library 2009
Under the patronage of the online literary magazine Wagón young writers will be introduced who have already been published on that site or have already sent work through the library social site k4u.
Annex to the Municipal Library - Smíchov, náměstí 14.října 15, Praha 5

19:00 A reading and meeting with Hungarian poets Anna T. Szabó, Dániel Varró and the Czech poet Tomáš Míka
Hungarian Cultural Centre, Rytířská 25-27, Praha 1

Richard Aldington – A Dream in the Luxembourg.

This lyrical poem by the English writer and poet of the early 20th century is based on a dream, the dream of a mad man in a heaven of crazy people.

Czech translation: Arnošt Vaneček

Reading by Radím Vašinka
Theatre Orfeus ( Plzeňská 76, Praha 5

Thursday 12.11.2009
14:00-16:00 Creative writing workshop for children
Part of the programme: Poetry Day inthe Municipal Library 2009

Throughout the afternoon it will be possible to create work around the subject of children’s poetry.

Annex of the Municipal Library in Prague - Lužiny, Archeologická 1, Praha 13 ( in the shopping centre by Lužiny metro station)
17:00 Prague walk

Part of the programme: Poetry Day inthe Municipal Library 2009
Tomáš Dańek introduces and reads his work.
Annex of the Municipal Library in Prague – Ostrčilovo nám., Ostrčilovo náměstí 1 (tram stop 18 and 24)
17:00, An evening with poet and writer Petr Borkovec
Part of the programme: Poetry Day inthe Municipal Library 2009
This reading is by one of the best known writers of the contemporary generation.

Annex of the Municipal Library in Prague - Hradčany, Pohořelec 25 (tram 22, Pohořelec stop)

19:30 After all
Poetry, ballads and chansons by Markéta Hejna and Michael Lorenc.
Studio Paměť, Soukenická 29, Praha 1

Friday 13.11.2009
18:00 Polish-Czech literary evening

Programme Poetry Day at the Municipal Library 2009
Reading by Polish prose writer and translator Piotr Kepski, who writes under the name Walter Sobchak, author of novels such as Druga Ameryka and Single, with Czech poet Josef Straka.

Prague Municipal Library, Poetry Section, Mariánské náměstí 1, Praha 1
20:00 Shadows of a pendulum
Poetry, visuals and music in the safe hands of performing-ice-skaters, like “bees in your bonnet’.
Ondřej Linhart – texts, Jan M. Čiverný - texts, Luboš Jeřábek - projection, guitar
Klub Rybanaruby, Mánesova 87 , Praha 2

Saturday 14.11.2009
16:00 Evening of Czech poetry and prose
Part of the programme: Poetry Day inthe Municipal Library 2009
Reading by highly praised young Czech poetry and prose writers. Poet Marie Štastna, author of three poetry collections and poet and writer Kateřina Kováčova, who has published a book combining poetry and prose, and another of prose.

Prague Municipal Library, Poetry Section, Mariánské náměstí 1, Praha 1
Sunday 15.11.2009
18:00 Small poetry-music festival
Part of the programme: Poetry Day inthe Municipal Library 2009
A festival which connects the poetry, prose and music scene inside the theatre studio of Saint Germain, during which the following poets and writers will perform: David Jan Žák, president of the PEN club Jiří Dědeček, Marek Šindelka, Stanislav Beran, Tomáš Míka, and from Plzen Jan Sojka, David Charvát, David Brabec.

Writer Jarmila Hannach Čermáková will introduce her collection of children’s stories Skazočky with music from the band Vložte kočku ad.
Studio Saint Germain, klub Rock Café - RockCabaret, Národní 20, Praha 1
Monday 16. 11. 2009
19:00 Celebration of the birth of Karel Hynek Mácha on Petřín.
Invitation to gather around the statue of Karel Hynek Mácha in Petřín to celebrate his birth. Bring candles and poems!
Statue of Karel Hynek Mácha, Petřín
19:00 Grand day of Czech and Slovak proto-poetry.
In the context of the second international Prague paraliterary conference, this time on the theme: Virtual world.
The viral aspects of protopoetry and their influence on the collective unconscious will be heard by the best Czech and Slovaks para- proto- and pata-poems in the the form of verse and song!
Selected verses from Plných gací will be recited by HaDr. Gaco Novomesský and František Kostlán,TBc. will introduce the integrated theories of proto-poetry, InGr. Saša Gr. will explain the difficulty for the scientist in testing proto-poetry on sheep and dogs, MäDr.Thomka will tell us all about the state of Slovak proto-poetry in the context of the Hungarian influence and there will be other well-known experts in paraliterature.
The grand evening of proto-poetry will be under the protective wings of the Slovak literary club in the Czech republic. Arranged by the literary club Mlha(fog).
Jindřišská 5, vchod z pasáže, II. schodiště, 4. Patro, Praha 1
Tuesday 17.11.2009
19:00 Social Apathy
Part of the programme: Poetry Day inthe Municipal Library 2009
A joint reading by the literary magazines Psí víno and Haluze, readings and music that will introduce the question: at which level is it possible for poetry to have a social engagement? How to reflect the problems of increasing extremism, the ‘normality’ of political and social decay, social disinterest, and the question of whether we are becoming a more and more consumerist society?