LA guidance:KS1 Teacher Assessment (TA & PScale)Data Collection2018
[Schools’ ICTRuth x4060will runRM Integris AttainmentWorkshops on:5th, 7th13th June].
Deadline for all Tower Hamlets schoolsto senda “KS1”exportvia Usofx to David Saxton is by 22 June 2018, please.KS1 TA data collectionis statutory[1] andsimilar steps to last year...
Schoolsmust load KS1 TAs (+ PScales)in theirManagement Information Systemincluding moderation changes, checking they’re complete (joiner/leaver too) & final (latest moderated),then ‘export’ suitably[2]returnsecurely to LA, by theabove deadline,as outlined below:
Recentleaverswhoattended yourschoolafter1st May 2018are to be reported by your school.
Recent joinerswho attendedbefore the end of Mayare tobe reported by your school (even if EAL with little English) (e.g. probably on roll in May’s census); Absent pupilson roll in May too.
Acceptable values for KS1 TAareshown,subject-by-subject,inthevery useful codes1 pagesheet at:
Which Subjects:the KS1 assessment datarequiredfor each relevant pupil[3](see footnote 3) is:
► English Reading TA 2018► English Writing TA 2018
► Maths TA 2018► Science TA 2018 and …
► If the pupil is working belowthePRE-key stage standard: (so has aTA of ‘BLW’[4]), theschool mustalso loadtheirPScale(s)forrelevant subjects: refer toPScaleLoading link below
► And,if working at bottom end ofthe ‘HNM’ (Science TA), their SciencePScale too.
Avoid PScale errors by usingall ruleson which PScale subjectstoload(in addition to TA)inPScaleLoading1 page sheet:
STA 2018 Assessment & Reporting Arrangements (ARA)section 8.11says the Headteacher must ensureaccurate datais submittedon time;datamust bechecked bythe Headteacheror their delegate earlier than22/6/2018,for return to LA by 22June,sothe LAcan validatereturnbefore June‘return’periodends. Schoolsneed a robust mechanismin place to ensurereturneddata is not only correct,but also final and complete:includingany last-minute edit + moderation changes +any May leavers +pre-June joiners+any pupilwho leaptoverthe last term of year2. ARAsaysHeads must ensureschool hassuitableMIS to record submit TA & PScales; and (asMay’s bulletin said)schoolsmustuseMIS to export2KS1 data. Sec.6.4saysnot following theARA (e.g.late/inaccurate/incomplete return) can lead toa maladministration investigation.ARA:.
InUSOFx2‘share’‘KS1 return’ withDavid Saxtonat ‘Tower Hamlets LA or Council’ please.
MIS Support/Trainingon loadingKS1 TA & PScales into the MIS (e.g. if necessary by setting up and completing appropriate assessment mark sheets to include not onlyyear 2’s KS1 TA but also any May leavers, Pre-June joiners and PScales) and support on appropriately exporting2 thesefrom the MIS, as a “KeyStage1”export ctf with Assessment data included(not just a pupil transfer file) should be available for this statutory collection, from your MIS training provider and will need to be followed carefully, e.g. workshops (at tophere)coverthis for RM Integris MIS.
If yourMIS cannotstore/export 2018data correctly(after getting MIS support)the LAmay make a prepopulated spreadsheet available (only if DfE make a usable 2018 version),on requestby forwardingMIS supplier’semailconfirming it isn’t possible,to David,with subject ‘KS1 pre-pop’.
WebFronter KS1: USO-fx2: click big blue padlock.
Thisfile:AdultsServices/PPCI/DataTeams/Childrens/Education/Attainment/KS1/2018/DataCollection/01 DocsAndComms/
MainGuideCutDown/KS1dataCollectionLAguide2018.docDavid Saxton 020 7 364 49 42 Doc.Version: 2018-05-01
[1] For all state-funded schools (including PRUs [if they are ‘main’ school during any part of May or June], Academy / Free Schools as well as Maintained school and Special schools) if they have relevant KS1 pupil(s): see footnote 3.
[2]As a ‘KeyStage1’(nota pupil transfer)exportfrom MIS including May leavers. If, after support from your MIS training provider, your MIS cannot do this (Integris can do this) then,only ifausable DfE KS1TA spreadsheet is later madeavailable,anLA pre-populated versionmaybecomeavailable on request: noguaranteeof 2018 one!
[3]School to reportall pupils moving into KS2 in September or who would have, but left school since1stMay.
[4]For Reading, Writing & Maths, if TA is ‘BLW’ then relevant P Scale(s) are mandatory but, although a PScale for science is needed,if relevant: a science PScale is needed onlyif the pupil is at lower end ofthe ‘HNM’ TA.