NO. DJB/EE(E&M)W&S/S-III/2008/- Dated……………
SHORT N.I.T. No. 2 ( 2008-2009)
Last date of receipt of application ______(26.04.2008) 3.00 PM
Last date of Sale of tender document ______(26.04.2008) 3.00 PM
Last date of receipt of tender______(28.04.2008) 3.00 PM
Date of opening of Tender ______(28.04.2008) 3.05PM
Separate and sealed tenders duly superscribed for the following works on item rate basis are here by invited from manufacturer/authorized dealer & contractors of D.J.B./ CPWD/MES /Railways etc. registered in appropriate category and class/tendering limit. The tenders will be received and opened in the office of the undersigned in the presence of Contractors or their authorized representatives who may like to attend as per time schedule given above. Only those firms should apply who have valid VAT/ Sales Tax registration No./ TIN No. and Service Tax No. etc. along with copy of latest Vat & Service Tax Returnas applicable and fulfill eligibility criteria.
Sl. No. / Description of work / E/Cost / E/Money / T/Fee / C/period / Annexure1 / Running & Operation of Kishangarh BPS under AE-I in AC-32 / I/R / 5400/- / 800/- / 6 Months / C
2 / Running & Operation of various T/well in Khanpur Vill, JJR, Dakshinpuri & Madangir Area in AC-34 / I/R / 14500/- / 800/- / 6 Months / D
3 / Deployment of Operational & Running staff for various T/well in Malviya Nagar Area / I/R / 14500/- / 800/- / 6 Months / E
4 / Running & Operation of various T/wells in AC-32 under AE-I / I/R / 14500/- / 800/- / 6 Months / F
5 / Hiring of 125 KVA DG Sets for various BPS in AC-32 under AE-I / I/R / 19900/- / 800/- / 5 Months / G
6 / Hiring of 62.5 KVA DG Set for Sultanpur Filling point under AE-I / I/R / 5400/- / 800/- / 5 Months / H
7 / Repair/Rewinding of Sub. P/Set B.S. Make under AE-III / I/R / 7200/- / 800/- / 30 Days / I
Note: i) For item No.1 to 4Firm having 20 or more employees must have license issued by Labour commissioner Delhi Govt. or submit necessary undertaking if having less than 20 employees for issue of tender document.
ii) For For Item No. 5 & 6 tender shall be issued to the firms having executed similar works for the indicated/higher capacity during last two year (Attested copy of W.O.s to be enclosed)
iii)For Item No. 7 tender shall be issued to the manufacturer/ authorized dealer/service centre only
as applicable.
Tender Forms along with the specification can be had from the office of U/S against cash payment/ Demand Draft of Tender Fee ( Non Refundable) . In case of cash, the same should be deposited with cashier and receipt should be submitted along with the request for purchase of tender. All the documents with application indicating name of
registering authority/Deptt. category/tendering limit and validity etc. in the prescribed format (Purchase of
Tender Documents) shall be duly signed and full address stamped by the applicant; otherwise it will not be entertained.
The interested participants can also submit their tender through Web Site. The Web site address of Delhi Jal
Board is jal board . & delhi For issuance of tender through website, the firm
shall have to produce two envelops. One envelope will be marked Technical Bid and other Price Bid.
1. TECHNICAL BID consisting of application form (Annexure-A) self attested and stamped documents
in support of fulfilling the eligibility criteria - copy of registration as contractor, TIN No./ PAN No./ Service
Tex No etc. along with demand draft in favour of Delhi Jal Board for E/Money and Tender Fee will be kept in a
separate sealed envelope which shall be super scribed, as TECHNICAL BID. Firms whose registration certificates
do not specify category/tendering limit/ validity etc. shall not be considered.
2. PRICE BID consisting of tender form (Annexure-B), B.Q. etc will be kept in a separate sealed envelope,
which shall be super scribed as PRICE BID Both the above sealed envelopes shell be kept in a separate sealed envelope superscribing the NIT No., Item No., Name of work, Name of Firm and due date of opening. However Price Bid will
be opened for those who fulfill the eligibility criteria other wise the same shall be returned unopened to the tenderer.
- The application form (Annexure-A) and Tender Form ( Annexure-B) available on web site may be down loadedand filled properly.
- The Contractors who are not equipped with the system of downloading from the web sites and want to purchase/examine the above conditions etc. before tendering, the same can be had manually against payment of Rs.150/- from the office of the undersigned.
No tender shall be issued to any tenderer unless the T/Fee is deposited in the shape as mentioned above. Tender
shall not be issued/received by post. Tenders withIncomplete annexure / rates not quoted in B.Q./tender form
unsigned & unstamped are liable to be rejected. The tenderer shall have to submit the procurement documents of the
materials used/ supplied as required by the department. The rates should be valid for 120 days from the date of opening
of tender.
Note:- Tender with cutting and overwriting in rates is liable to be rejected. Only sealed tenders with name &
address of Tendering firm on Envelope, NIT No ,Item No, Name of work shall be considered for opening .
Conditional tenders shall be rejected. The capability of financial status genuinely shall be checked by Engineer-in-charge.
In case the above dates are declared as Gazetted Holidays, the tenders will be sold and opened on the next working day
without further Notice. For Item No.7the rate should be quoted considering one Pump Set as one Item. The rate should be quoted Item Wise . All the taxes/levies should be mentioned separately & Lump sum tender shall not be considered .The competent authority reserves the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason.
Copy to:
1.P.S. to CEO7. Acctt(E&M)S-I 13. Association of Electrical &
2.PA to Member ( WS)8. AE(E&M)I/II/III Mechanical Contractors.
XV/2233 Raj Guru road, Pahar Ganj
New Delhi
3.CE(C)V9. Jr. Acctt. (E&M)W&S S-III 14. Tender Notice Board.
4.SE(E&M)W&S-I10. H.Clrrk (E&M)W&S S-III .
5. ADOV(W)11. D/Man
6. ACA(South/West) 12. Cashier (E&M)W&S S-III.
Annexure - C
Item No. 1 (NIT- 2 )
Subject: Running & Operation of Kishangarh BPS under AE-I in AC-32
S.No. Description Qty. Rate/Unit Amount
1. Deployment of staff for operation, watch & ward
And minor maintenance (like filling of gland, tightening
of gland bush, replacing of fuse link etc.) of 3 Nos.
50 HP electric pump sets, panel board and dewatering
Pump sets etc. round the clock at Kishangarh Booster
Pumping station by providing one pump driver and
one beldar in each shift except in right shift in which
one pump driver and two beldar are to be provided.
Period for 6 Months Six months.
1.The work consists of running/operation & minor maintenance of the pump set all their electrical controls and accessories.
2.Various sluice valve, general lighting of the pump house and their compound area. The contractor shall responsible for operation of equipments for supply of water in morning and evening staff as and when required. The contractor is responsible for deputing staff for watch and ward of site round the clock.
3.A licensed electrician shall have to visit the site of work and required to under take the maintenance of electrical motor, control valves, lighting system. He will visit the pump house is fortnight or morning, if required check up the installation and installed the room.
4.The work shall be carried out as per CPWD general specification for electrical work and also as per IER as a mended up to date the full satisfaction of Engineer-In-Charge.
5.The contractors shall have to carry out periodical testing of installation as per CPWD satisfaction and shall have to maintain complete record.
6.The contractor shall deploy skilled staff as per Indian Electricity Rules to operate the pump sets daily i/c Saturday Sunday Holiday and National Holiday.
7.All allied accessories during instruments/servicing devices etc. should be kept in order and if any damage is occurred in the pumping sets equipments and their accessories etc. installation in the pump house due to negligence of staff of occurrence the same shall be got rectified replaced at the risk and expenses of the contractor.
8.No extra payment shall be made on the contractor in case of pump are operated beyond normal pumping hours due to unavoidable.
9.The following minor maintenance will be carried out by the contractor for which nothing extra shall be paid. Record r/o of maintenance for the t/well at site of work.
10.In case of break down or fault the agency shall take immediate action for carrying out be check etc. to locate the fault. In case of major fault the rectification shall be carried out immediate by the contractor and in case of major fault repair the contractor shall intimate to Engineer-in-Charge.
11.The log book and other Register shall be property maintenance and kept up to date.
12.All instruction issued by the Engineer-in-Charge of his respective shall be following strictly. In case of any disobedience, misbehavior by the staff of contractor, Engineer-in-Charge may also for removal of such persons from the site work for which the agency shall have to comply strictly and promptly. The failure or delay in removal shall be done. The decision of Engineer-in-Charge in such events shall be fine and binding.
13.The payment shall be made on monthly basis.
14.The contractor shall be intimate to the Engineer-In-Charge the major fault break down, repair in time so that timely action can be taken.
15.The contract shall be started will be next date of issue of work.
16.The electrical tools required for the preventive maintenance repair etc. by the operation staff of the contractor shall have to be arranged by the Contractor and nothing extra amount shall be paid on the account.
17.Co-ordination with concurred Civil division is also be kept in time of failure of water line in the jurisdiction of the pump house.
18.Watch & ward round the clock shall be responsible of contractor any loss due to theft/pilferage/damage etc. shall be born by the Contractor.
19.In case if it is found that the motor has burn rent due to negligence contractor the same shall have to rewind by the contractor at his own cost. The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge will final in this regard.
20.Maintenance of contract can be extended for further period with mutual consents.
21.At the start of contract, inventory duly signed by the Contractor and authorized representative of Engineer-in-Charge will be kept ( a copy shall also be given to contractor) and shall from party of contract and at the termination of the contract installation shall be handed over as per original inventory back to the department. Any shortage/damage shall be recovered from the bill of contractor. Further the contractor shall not remove/shifted any equipment without written permission of Engineer-in-Charge or authorized representative. If any equipment is removed/transferred/shifted with the permission the same shall be deleted from in vanities.
22.The contractor shall have enter into la contract agreement on the non judicial stamp paper of Rs.50/- within 7 days from the issue of work order as per standard terms and conditions of the departments.
23.The contractor can club two installations for economical effective supervision.
25.The firm shall have to deposit the earnest money @ Rs.2% of the total cost of the work.
26.The operational staff should be competent for operation of electrical equipments. In case of any accident with the main and material the contract agency will be responsible.
27.The contractor shall be responsible for engaging the staff after due to verification of their character and past attendants.
28.He will ensure that such labour/staff engaged should bear necessary I Card issued by the contractor.
29.He will ensure that such labour/staff engaged should not stay/reside at the site/office beyond their duty hours.
30.They will ensure that their Medical examination should also be got done by the contractor.
31.The firm shall be responsible for engaging appropriately, qualified staff for the respective job.
32.All such recorded should be maintained by the contract & has to be produced as and when required by the Authority Officer Delhi Jal Board.
E.E.(E&M)W&S S-III A.E.(E&M) I J.E.(E&M)
Annexure – D
Item No. 2 ( NIT – 2 )
Sub;-Running & Operation of various T/wells in Khanpur Vill, JJR, D/Puri & Madangir Area in AC-34
under AE(E&M) S-I
S.No. Description Qty. Rate/Unit
1. Running and operation of sub. Pump set
i/c its panel board, Control valve ,Chlorinators
& other accessories including testing of chlorine mixing
of the hypochlorite solution after preparation of solution
of various T/wells i/c minor maintenance of
T/wells. (Six Months)32 Nos.
( 1.5.08 to 31.10.2008)
Staff as under:
1Skilled :- 04 nos.
2 Unskilled:-12 nos.
1.The work consists of running/operation & minor maintenance of the pump set all their electrical controls and accessories.
2.Various sluice valve, general lighting of the pump house and their compound area. The contractor shall responsible for operation of equipments for supply of water in morning and evening staff as and when required. The contractor is responsible for deputing staff for watch and ward of site round the clock.
3.A licensed electrician shall have to visit the site of work and required to under take the maintenance of electrical motor, control valves, lighting system. He will visit the pump house is fortnight or morning, if required check up the installation and installed the room.
4.The work shall be carried out as per CPWD general specification for electrical work and also as per IER as a mended up to date the full satisfaction of Engineer-In-Charge.
5.The contractors shall have to carry out periodical testing of installation as per CPWD satisfaction and shall have to maintain complete record.
6.The contractor shall deploy skilled staff as per Indian Electricity Rules to operate the pump sets daily i/c Saturday Sunday Holiday and National Holiday.
7.All allied accessories during instruments/servicing devices etc. should be kept in order and if any damage is occurred in the pumping sets equipments and their accessories etc. installation in the pump house due to negligence of staff of occurrence the same shall be got rectified replaced at the risk and expenses of the contractor.
8.No extra payment shall be made on the contractor in case of pump are operated beyond normal pumping hours due to unavoidable.
9.The following minor maintenance will be carried out by the contractor for which nothing extra shall be paid. Record r/o of maintenance for the t/well at site of work.
10.In case of break down or fault the agency shall take immediate action for carrying out be check etc. to locate the fault. In case of major fault the rectification shall be carried out immediate by the contractor and in case of major fault repair the contractor shall intimate to Engineer-in-Charge.
11.The log book and other Register shall be property maintenance and kept up to date.
12.All instruction issued by the Engineer-in-Charge of his respective shall be following strictly. In case of any disobedience, misbehavior by the staff of contractor, Engineer-in-Charge may also for removal of such persons from the site work for which the agency shall have to comply strictly and promptly. The failure or delay in removal shall be done. The decision of Engineer-in-Charge in such events shall be fine and binding.
13.The payment shall be made on monthly basis.
14.The contractor shall be intimate to the Engineer-In-Charge the major fault break down, repair in time so that timely action can be taken.
15.The contract shall be started will be next date of issue of work.
16.The electrical tools required for the preventive maintenance repair etc. by the operation staff of the contractor shall have to be arranged by the Contractor and nothing extra amount shall be paid on the account.
17.Co-ordination with concurred Civil division is also be kept in time of failure of water line in the jurisdiction of the pump house.
18.Watch & ward round the clock shall be responsible of contractor any loss due to theft/pilferage/damage etc. shall be born by the Contractor.
19.In case if it is found that the motor has burn rent due to negligence contractor the same shall have to rewind by the contractor at his own cost. The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge will final in this regard.
20.Maintenance of contract can be extended for further period with mutual consents.
21.At the start of contract, inventory duly signed by the Contractor and authorized representative of Engineer-in-Charge will be kept ( a copy shall also be given to contractor) and shall from party of contract and at the termination of the contract installation shall be handed over as per original inventory back to the department. Any shortage/damage shall be recovered from the bill of contractor. Further the contractor shall not remove/shifted any equipment without written permission of Engineer-in-Charge or authorized representative. If any equipment is removed/transferred/shifted with the permission the same shall be deleted from in vanities.
22.The contractor shall have enter into la contract agreement on the non judicial stamp paper of Rs.50/- within 7 days from the issue of work order as per standard terms and conditions of the departments.
23.The contractor can club two installations for economical effective supervision.
25.The firm shall have to deposit the earnest money @ Rs.2% of the total cost of the work.
26.The operational staff should be competent for operation of electrical equipments. In case of any accident with the main and material the contract agency will be responsible.
27.The contractor shall be responsible for engaging the staff after due to verification of their character and past attendants.
28.He will ensure that such labour/staff engaged should bear necessary I Card issued by the contractor.
29.He will ensure that such labour/staff engaged should not stay/reside at the site/office beyond their duty hours.
30.They will ensure that their Medical examination should also be got done by the contractor.