Adapting the Curriculum to the Weak Learner
Mondays 14:30 – 18:00
Course facilitators: / Avi Tsur / Gail Mann / Ruth Shemesh/ /
Course Requirements
112 hours gmul + grade
· At least 80% attendance
· Portfolio submission
Your portfolio should include:
1) Journal – a minimum of 7 journal entries including introduction with expectations and the final entry checking if expectations were reached.
2) At least 10 adapted individualised workcards
3) An article you would like to share with your colleagues (from the Internet) connected to one of the subjects we deal with in this course or a problem that you face in class. Article submission must include an abstract (ad like to attract others to read it) and explanation of why this article was chosen.
4) A rubric that you have built for a task you are doing with one of your classes and have tried out in class and adapted.
5) A theme or project unit to be presented to the whole group (up to groups of 3)
6) 2 class visits from Ruth including pre-vist plan and post visit reflection (details to come)
Tentative program – subject to change
# / Date / Topics1 / 15/10 / 1. Setting Course Requirements: - participation, journal, portfolio
2. Getting to know your Students
2 / 22/10 / 1. Getting to know your Students (continued)
2. The Role of the Foreign Language Teacher
3 / 29/10 / 1. The Role of the Foreign Language Teacher (continued)
2. “The (new) Curriculum”
6 / 5/11 / 1. Video film - F.A.T. City / group discussion
2. Identifying Non Readers / What now?
4 / 12/11 / Computers
6 / 19/11 / 1. Learning Styles
3. Group discussion - Classroom problems / This is MY class. Help!!
7 / 26/11 / Lesson plan / Alternative Assessment
8 / 3/12 / Teaching Heterogeneously
The Why’s and How’s of Adapting Materials
9 / 24/12 / Preparing for the Bagrut Exams
1. How to implement the "התאמות" at school
2. The Oral Exam (Interview / Cue Cards)
10 / 31/12 / Rubrics
Performance Tasks
11 / 7/1 / Producing and Presenting Workcards
Working with Computers
12 / 14/1 / Working with Computers
Teaching Heterogeneously
13 / 21/1 / Assessment
14 / 4/2 / Theme Teaching
15 / 11/2 / J.K. presentation
16 / 18/2 / Your very own “English Center”
17 / 4/3 / Project work (Jaye)
18 / 11/3 / Teacher presentations
19 / 18/3 / Teacher presentations
20 / 22/4 / Workshops:
Material adaptation
Portfolio preparation
Reflections on class visits
Computer work
Hand in portfolios by 17/6
21 / 29/4
22 / 6/5
23 / 13/5
24 / 20/5
25 / 27/5
26 / 3/6
27 / 10/6
28 / 17/6