Hero’s Journey Grading Rubric
Points are earned for:
- The appearance and structure must bee appealing and logical.
Colors, Fonts, lines shapes etc.
- Each of the eight steps of transformation
- Student’s Intellectual Content –
what is written – how it is written –evidence used
- Factual information
- Images and picture -- intregration of images to support each step of the transformation
The presentation must include the Eight Steps of Transformation
Images and Pictures ( unfortunately too many times students working on Macs and powerpoint lose their pictures when they arrrive at Mr. Fowler’s computer. Do the assignment early enough that this problem can be check and rectified if necessary. No excusewill be accepted.
Appearance of the project counts
- Font and font size is important.
- Remove any bullets
- Make sure all work is lined up to the left , too often the first line is left of the remaining lines of a passage.
- A title page with
- Student Name, Period and Date
- If a display from the film (like a poster) is used, do not redundantly indicate the film title.
Points are lost for:
- Hanging tabs will earn a five point deduction – All text must be in blocks
- Fonts other than Booknam Old Style will earn a five point deduction.
- Changing font and font size from slide to slide is distracting and earns a five point deduction.
- Fonts smaller than 28 point will earn a five point deduction.
- Fonts not having enough contrast with the background earns a 10 to 25 point deduction depending on the scope of the infraction. Beware crossing technology often causes this problem. There are no excuses.
- Any sentence using a pronoun – he –she –they –it -- without an antecedent earns a five point deduction
- Any image that appears over the text in any manner earns a 10 to 25 point deduction depending on the scope of the infraction. Beware crossing technology often causes this problem. There are no excuses.
- Text written over a picture makes the reading more than difficult and the point deduction will be five percent for each slide or occurance.
- Text only without images gets a 25% deduction.
- Using images that are of poor quality of insufficent size to clearly communicate will earn a five point deduction.
- Presentation that do not have an adequate introduction earn a ten point deduction
- Presentation that do not have an adequate conclusion earn a ten point deduction
- Each spelling error earns a five point deduction.
- Each grammar error earns a five point deduction.
Students are strongly advised to consult the Powerpoint on Mr. fowler’s Website entitled: How To Build A Powerpoint