Engagement of Staff
Before offering any paid work to an individual you must ensure that they have had their ID/working permissions checked and either have an appropriate contract of employment or are registered in an appropriate Casual Worker post.
The Extended Workforce mainly comprises of the following posts:
Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA)(Grade 6)(Generic GTA Job Description can be found at
Graduate Research Assistants (GRA) (Grade 6)
Intern (grade dependent on job description)
ITE Associate Tutor - to be superseded by:
Associate Teaching Fellow (Grade 7)
Teaching Fellow or University Tutor (Grade 8)
GTA's and Interns must be issued with contracts of employment, either part-time orfractional if the working pattern will be irregular and payment made by timesheets. The other types of staff listed above will either be issued with contracts or registered as Casual Workers and this will be determined by College HR depending of the number of hours to be offered and the duration of the work.
The current employment status of a factional or casual worker can be checked with the Finance and Resources Team ().
For a new recruit a contract of employment will normally be offered if they will be doing regular work. This could be for a fixed FTE when the working pattern is consistent or it could be factional (paid by timesheets) when the working pattern varies from week to week. Where a contract is required please complete the form (link) and submit your request to () via the following key staff:
ITEand UG- Senior Associate Tutor (Pat Duffy)
PGT - Director of PGT (Fiona Patrick)
GRA –Budget Holder
Intern - Budget Holder
Where a new worker is required for a one-off piece of work or very ad hoc work Casual Worker status may be considered appropriate. In this case the Casual Worker Request Forms (web link to existing CW forms) should be submitted via the staff noted above. Workers requiring an email address will also have to register for Affiliate status (web link to the HR website).
Please note that job descriptions will also be required prior to recruitment and individuals must be interviewed for any post they are recruited to.