Second Grade Reading Workshop 2013/2014

Unit of Study: Launching the Reading Workshop

Unit: A Begin Date: Sept 3 End Date: Sept 13 Reading Time Expectations: 15 minutes

Goals: Students will be able to:
Day 1
·  Walk to the meeting area quietly& sit next to their assigned partner at the meeting area
·  Understand hand signals to refocus and regroup
·  Understand how to turn to their partners
Day 2
·  Understand what independent reading looks and sounds like
·  Select a book nook spot for independent reading
·  Understand how our levels change (summer reading loss)rebuilding reading muscles
Day 3
·  Select reading partners (partner A & B)
·  Understand how to use a book bag and that it is OK to read books more than once
Day 4
·  Use the 5 finger rule to shop for a just right books
·  Understand how to shop for just right books
Day 5
·  Review the book shopping card
·  Understand when to shop for books
·  Review how to shop and return books
·  Understand how illustrations add to the story
Day 6
·  Make goals for independent reading time
·  Understand who the characters are and their challenges
Day 7
·  Use accountable talk stems to build conversations as a part of the whole class conversation
·  Ask and answer questions about key details in a text
Day 8
·  Understand the roles of a reading conference
·  Identify the beginning, middle and end of a story
Day 9
·  Understand how to build a conversation (whole & with partners)
Day 10
·  Introduce their reading log and response activity / Mentor Texts/Read Alouds:
Nobody’s Mom is in Second Grade
The OK Book
The Crayon Box That Talked
A Fine Fine School / Partnership Work:
·  Turn and talk to their partners, listening to each other and responding to what their partner says
·  Just right book
·  Meeting area
·  Book nook
·  Shopping card
·  Independent reading
·  Accountable talk
·  Goals
·  Partner
·  Stamina
·  Conversation
·  Book bag/box
·  Reading muscles / Classroom Supports:
·  Independent Reading Stamina chart
Common Core Standards:
Reading Literature: RL2.1, RL 2.3, RL2.5, RL2.7, RL2.10
Foundational Skills: RF2.4
Speaking and Listening: SL2.1, SL2,2, SL2.3, SL2.4
Language: L2.3, L2.6

Unit of Study: The Reading Life: Fiction and Narrative Nonfiction

Unit: 1 Begin Date: Sept 16 End Date: Oct. 11 Reading Time Expectations: 15-20 minutes

Students will be able to:
·  Make text to self connections
·  Mark connections with a post it in their book (remind them of the happy face post its in 1st
·  Listen to one another as they talk about a read aloud
·  Ask and answer questions (5W’s & H)
·  Take responsibility for themselves, their learning and behavior
·  Use text to self connections to increase their understanding of a story
·  Think pair share with a partner
·  Build a reading community
·  Develop the group skill of listening to one another
·  Identify the moral or lesson of a story
·  Identify the point of view of the character
·  Identify author’s purpose
·  Understand how illustrations add to the text
·  Understand how characters respond to events
·  Continue to log their reading in their logs
·  Develop goals for their independent reading
·  Understand how to use context clues to understand new vocabulary / Mentor Texts/Read Alouds:
McDuff Moves In
Sheila Rae the Brave
Eat My Dust / Partnership Work:
·  Understand the routines of think pair share
·  Share their connections with a partner
·  Text to self connection
·  Listen
·  Respect
·  Respond
·  Eye contact
·  Think pair share
·  Discussion
·  Reflect / Classroom Supports:
·  Chart about what a reading community is
Common Core Standards:
Reading Literature: RL2.1, RL2.2, RL2.3, RL2.6, RL2.7, RL2.10
Reading Informational Texts: RI2.1, RI2.4, RI2.6, RI2.10
Foundational Skills: RF2.4
Speaking and Listening: SL2.1, SL2,2, SL2.3, SL2.4
Language: L2.3, L2.6

Unit of Study: Making Connections Fiction

Unit: 2 Begin Date: Oct 15 End Date: Oct 25 Reading Time Expectations: 20 min

Students will be able to:
·  Make text to self, text to text, text to world connections
·  Identify important ideas in the story
·  Understand what an idea is (an independent thought that is generated from your experiences/reading)
·  Identify an idea that they get from their reading (I think…)
·  Understand the difference between an idea and an event
·  Refer back to their story to support their thinking
·  Explain their thinking (in partnerships and as a whole class)
·  Work with new partners
·  Retell a story, identifying the message/lesson
·  Relate the value of caring to their behavior
·  Identify the structure of a story (BME)
·  Understand how to read dialogue with inflection
·  Reflect on their behavior and how it has affected the rest of the group
·  Make comparisons about characters through text to text connections
·  Understand how reading comprehension strategies help you read / Mentor Texts/Read Alouds:
Jamaica Tag Along
Alexander and Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day / Partnership Work:
·  Reflect on their work as partners
·  Share an idea with their partner and respond to their idea
·  Text to text connection
·  Idea
·  Event
·  Open ended questions
·  Wait time
·  Comparisons / Classroom Supports:
·  T-chart comparing an event and an idea, Venn Diagrams for text comparisons
·  Reading Comprehension Strategies Chart: add making Connections
Common Core Standards
Reading Literature: RL2.2, RL2.3, RL2.5, RL2.6, RL2.7, RL2.9, RL2.10, RL2.11
Foundational Skills: RF2.4
Speaking and Listening: SL2.1, SL2,2, SL2.3, SL2.4
Language: L2.3, L2.6

Unit of Study: Visualizing Narrative Non Fiction, Poetry and Fiction

Unit: 3 Begin Date: Oct 28 End Date Nov 15 Reading time expectations 20 -22 minutes

Student will be able to:
·  Visualize to make sense of text and new vocabulary
·  Informally use schema and inference as they visualize
·  Analyze the affect of their behavior on others and on the group work
·  Relate the values of fairness and helpfulness to their behavior and interactions
·  Identify the moral or lesson or purpose in the story
·  Identify the challenges that characters face
·  Identify the rhythm and meaning in a poem
·  Retell a story using sequence
·  Develop the group skills of taking turns, talking and listening and helping one another share
·  Develop new partners
·  Connect the mental image they visualize to the story
·  Visualize to enjoy and understand a story (mind movie)
·  Take turns talking and listening
·  Use clues from the text to help them visualize
·  Draw their mental images / Mentor Texts/Read Alouds:
A Tree is Nice
Father Mother, Sister, Brothers: A Collection of Family Poems
Poppleton And Friends: Dry Skin
The Paper Boy / Partnership Work:
·  Give each partner time to talk
·  Help one another share
·  Build conversation towers (unifix cubes) small group and whole class
·  Visualize
·  Schema
·  Inference
·  Analyze
·  Mental image
·  Poetry
·  clues / Classroom Supports:
·  Reading Comprehension Strategies Chart: Add visualizing
Common Core Standards
Reading Literature: RL2.1, RL2.2, RL2.3, RL2.4, RL2.5, RL2.6, RL2.7, RL2.10, RL2.11
Reading Informational Texts:RI2.1, RI2.4, RI2.6, RI2.10
Foundational Skills: RF2.4
Speaking and Listening: SL2.1, SL2,2, SL2.3, SL2.4
Language: L2.3, L2.6

Unit of Study: Making Inferences: Fiction

Unit 4 Begin Date: Nov 18 End Date: Dec 20 Reading Time Expectations: 22-25 min

Students will be able to:
·  Make inferences to understand a character’s feelings, motivations and actions
·  Work with new partners
·  Formally explore text structure in narrative text, including character and plot
·  Begin to identify and understand the purpose of literary elements
·  Understand the structure of a story
·  Make inferences in their own reading, making text to text, text to self, and text to world connections
·  Mark inferences on post its in their own books
·  Make purposeful decisions about when to mark something on a post it and when not to
·  Revise their post its
·  Use examples from stories to support their thinking
·  Examine a character in a story and make inferences to understand who they are internally
·  Explore an ethical issue in a story
·  Stop when you come to clues that help you make inferences
·  Understand cause and effect relationships between characters and their behaviors
·  Understand show not tell as a reader and be able to explain it / Mentor Texts/Read Alouds:
What Mary Jo Shared
Erandi’s Braids
Chester’s Way / Partnership Work:
·  Share their inferences with a partner to gain more information about the characters they have read about
·  Inference
·  Motivations
·  Ethical
·  Clues
·  Text structure
·  Support
·  Character
·  Plot
·  Dialogue
·  Cause
·  Effect / Classroom Supports:
·  Post its
·  Character charts
·  Inference strategy chart
Common Core Standards:
Reading Literature: RL2.1, RL2.2, RL2.3, RL2.4, RL2.5, RL2.6, RL2.7, RL2.10, RL2.11
Foundational Skills: RF2.4
Speaking and Listening: SL2.1, SL2,2, SL2.3, SL2.4
Language: L2.3, L2.6

Unit of Study: Wondering: Fiction

Unit 5 Begin Date: Jan 2 End Date: Jan 24 Reading Time Expectations: 25 min

Students will be able to:
·  Use wonderings to understand a story
·  Continue to infer and make predictions, referring to a story to support their thinking
·  Construct meaning through their wonderings
·  Use their wonderings to drive their reading
·  Search for answers for their wonderings
·  Establish reasons for their wonderings, :I think____ because____”
·  Hold onto questions as they read
·  Make text to self connections to help deepen their wonderings
·  Make predictions as they infer
·  Use wait time before they respond to a question
·  Encourage students to reread to help them understand what they read how to retell (“somebody, wanted, but ,so”)
·  Work with new partners / Mentor Texts/Read Alouds:
The Incredible Painting of Felix Clousseau
The Ghost-Eye tree
The Paper Crane / Partnership Work:
·  Use wondering prompts as they share
·  Discuss books with partners/groups
·  Wondering
·  Prompts
·  Support
·  Reasons
·  Question
·  Curious
·  Predications
·  Reread / Classroom Supports:
·  Chart I wonder statements
·  “I Think” Chart
Common Core Standards:
Reading Literature: RL2.1, RL2.2, RL2.3, RL2.5, RL2.6, RL2.7, RL2.10, RL2.11
Foundational Skills: RF2.4
Speaking and Listening: SL2.1, SL2,2, SL2.3, SL2.4
Language: L2.3, L2.6

Unit of Study: Wondering: Fiction and Narrative Non Fiction

Unit 6 Begin Date: Jan 27 End Date: Feb 14 Reading Time Expectations: 25- 27 min

Students will be able to:
·  Explore the difference between fiction and non fiction
·  Work with new partners
·  Use wondering to make sense of texts
·  Identify what they learn from a non fiction text (author’s purpose)
·  Make connections to their reading
·  Contribute ideas that are different from other’s ideas
·  Build off of ideas of others while still staying on topic
·  Connect what they already know to new information they read
·  Actively make wonderings about topics they read (stay on topic)
·  Visualize what authors describe
·  Use comprehension strategies to understand what they have read rather than just recalling facts (internalizing information)
·  Use post its to track their wonderings
·  Relate their feelings to their reading
·  Identify new information they have learned
·  Recount stories from diverse culture and determine their meaning
·  Identify the connection between a series of historical events / Mentor Texts/Read Alouds:
The Art Lesson
The Tale of Peter Rabbit
Beatrix Potter
Draw, Draw, Draw
Biographies / Partnership Work:
·  Add ideas to those of others
·  Use post its to expand on their ideas
·  Fiction
·  Non fiction
·  Narrative / Classroom Supports:
·  Post its
·  Chart differences between fiction and non fiction
Common Core Standards:
Reading Literature: RL2.1, RL2.2, RL2.3, RL2.5, RL2.6, RL2.7, RL2.9, RL2.10, RL2.11
Reading Informational Texts: RI2.1, RI2.3, RI2.4, RI2.6, RI2.9, RI2.10
Foundational Skills: RF2.4
Speaking and Listening: SL2.1, SL2,2, SL2.3, SL2.4
Language: L2.3, L2.6

Unit of Study: Author Study/Book Clubs Suzy Kline

Unit 6b Begin Date: Feb 24 End Date: March 21 Reading Time Expectations: 27-30 min

Students will be able to:
·  Read “Horrible Harry” books in partnerships and discuss similar themes
·  Make connections as they read
·  Make inferences about the characters
·  Build an understanding about Suzy Kline’s motivations as an author
·  Make text to text connections
·  Identify character change
·  Identify how setting affects the story
·  Identify the problem and solution in each story
·  Understand the role of supporting characters
·  Identify character traits and research how they may change throughout a story and across a series
·  Write a letter to Suzy Kline / Mentor Texts/Read Alouds:
Horrible Harry Books / Partnership Work:
·  Share ideas about their books with a partner
·  Book club
·  Show not tell / Classroom Support:
·  Noticings about Suzy Kline
·  Charts about what we know about Horrible Harry
Common Core Standards:
Reading Literature: RL2.1, RL2.2, RL2.3, RL2.5, RL2.6, RL2.7, RL2.9, RL2.10, RL2.11
Foundational Skills: RF2.4
Speaking and Listening: SL2.1, SL2,2, SL2.3, SL2.4
Language: L2.3, L2.6

Unit of Study: Wondering: Expository Non Fiction

Unit 7 Begin Date: March 24 End Date: April 11 Reading Time Expectations: 30 min

Students will be able to:
·  Identify what they learn from non fiction (main idea)
·  Use comprehension strategies to help make sense of nonfiction
·  Explore expository features to help make sense of text: captions, pictures & diagrams, headings, sub headings, cover, table of contents, index, and glossary.
·  Use text features to help formulate their wonderings
·  Work with new partners
·  Understand how text features add to the information in the main body of text
·  Preview the text before reading
·  Identify what they have learned from their reading
·  Find and expand information from pictures
·  Find evidence to support the main idea or your opinion about the topic
·  Review biographies
·  Use post its to share information that they find interesting or surprising / Mentor Texts/Read Alouds:
It Could Still be a Worm
Pop a Book about Bubbles
Plants That Eat Animals
Fishes: A True Book / Partnership Work:
·  Respond to their wonderings before they read
·  Expository
·  Text features
·  Preview
·  *Captions
·  Pictures
·  Diagrams
·  Headings
·  *Sub heading
·  Cover
·  Table of contents
·  *Index
·  *Glossary / Classroom Supports:
·  Fiction/ Non fiction chart
·  Wondering chart
·  Chart text features
Common Core Standards:
Reading Informational Texts: RI2.1, RI2.2, RI2.4, RI2.5, RI2.6, RI2.7, RI2.8, RI2.10
Foundational Skills: RF2.4
Speaking and Listening: SL2.1, SL2,2, SL2.3, SL2.4
Language: L2.3, L2.6

Unit of Study: Exploring Text Features: Expository Non Fiction