February 3, 2014

The County Commissioners’ meeting was called to order in their meeting room at 9:00am. All members were present.


Testimony on House Bill 2675 was discussed and prepared for this afternoon’s hearing in Olympia. This bill modifies provisions applicable to off-road, non-highway and wheeled all-terrain vehicles and their drivers. A letter of testimony was send to House Transportation Chair Judy Clibborn and Representative Matt Shea.


Joseph Chantry visited to discuss his work on obtaining his Boys Scouts merit badge regarding communications and citizenship within the community.


Board Reviews and Reports -

K. Skoog discussed water availability. Also discussed was a Whatcom County case based on land use according to the Growth Management Act and its effect on water quality.


Legislative Update -

A telephone call was received from Senator Brian Dansel who provided a legislative update. Items discussed were: the GMA opt-out bill and his meeting with Governor Inslee on Friday; guidelines for opting out of GMA; K. Skoog noted that Pend Oreille County is not out of compliance and discussed the opt-out process. B. Dansel said a requirement is the adoption of a resolution or ordinance withdrawing from the GMA. K. Skoog noted going through the public process is desirable. B. Dansel noted the Governor’s Office and Futurewise are in favor of this opt-out bill. He also noted the County Clerk’s bill has a hearing this afternoon at 1:30. The bill would remove some of the unfunded mandates. He noted the primitive roads bill is now in the Rules Committee. He discussed the reauthorization of the cougar pilot program. B. Dansel suggested the Board send a letter to the Natural Resources Committee. K. Skoog asked for an update on SB 6288 regarding Water Quality Determinations. The bill has been set for a hearing.


S. Kiss presented vouchers which Hotel/Motel Board has approved for payment from the Arts, Tourism and Recreation fund as follows: Continental Communications, LLC (advertising): $2,141.00; Pend Oreille River Tourism Alliance (2014 administration fee): $6,000.00; Pend Oreille County Auditor (2013 accounting supplies): $37.00; Priest River Times (Capitol Christmas Tree event advertising): $290.10; Newport Miner (Capitol Christmas Tree event advertising): $270.44; The Cutter Theatre (balance of 2013 tourism promotion expenses): $2,844.41. Motion was made by M. Manus to approve payment of the bills as presented. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried.


Discussion was held regarding the Newport Chamber of Commerce, the Visitor Center and the Economic Development Council.


The Board recessed for lunch.


Alan Botzheim discussed vacancies within the Corrections Department. Also present was Human Resources Coordinator Shelly Stafford.


Prosecutor Tom Metzger provided a legal update. Auditor Marianne Nichols was present. Among the items discussed were: the Economic Development Council Director contract; requirements for use of .09 funds; Coroner’s contract and the Public Defenders’ contract.


Public Comment Period – No members of the public were present.


Motion was made by M. Manus to continue the meeting to February 4, 2014. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried.

February 4, 2014


K. Skoog was excused to attend Legislative Steering Committee meetings and bill hearings in Olympia.


Public Works Director Sam Castro, Public Works Accountant Terri Ann Hedtke, and Public Works Receptionist/Administrative Assistant Teresa Deal discussed the award for the Courthouse’s placement on the National Historic Registry. S. Castro provided a background on receiving the funds for the historic County Courthouse rehabilitation project. It was noted the project was funded in part with a $18,000 grant from the Washington State Department of Archeology & Historic Preservation. The Historic Courthouse Rehabilitation Grant Program to-date has provided nearly $13 million dollars in rehabilitation grants to Washington State’s thirty-two historic county courthouses. S. Castro discussed the presentation made to the Advisory Council as well as sharing of the Time Capsule which was found and made available for the Centennial celebration in 2011. T. Hedtke presented the Certificate which notes the placement of the Pend Oreille County Courthouse having been entered in the National Register of Historic Places on January 24, 2014. S. Castro discussed establishing a list of County sites that are on the State Historic Registry as well as the National Historic Registry.


Kelly Curtiss discussed the loss of private property rights and the creation of rules and regulations by agencies that take away those rights. He discussed mobile/manufactured homes that when relocated within the County are required to have a greater snow load rating than the home had prior to relocation. He discussed his experience on the Planning Commission. Community Development Director Mike Lithgow was present.


Assessor James McCroskey noted their advertising and interview process for an Appraiser has been completed. Also present was Human Resource Coordinator Shelly Stafford. J. McCroskey requested to hire at Step I of the Appraiser I Salary Schedule. He also requested that in the event the job offer is not accepted, that he be approved to hire their second choice candidate as an Appraiser Trainee at Step 2 on that pay scale. Motion was made by M. Manus to approve the request to hire an Appraiser 1 at Step 1 and in the alternative to hire an Appraiser Trainee at Step 2. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried.


Community Development Director Mike Lithgow noted the January 2014 building permit revenue is up approximately $1,000 over January 2013.

Parks Board- Northwest Management Forester Luke Machtolf attended the recent Park Board meeting to discuss developing Forest Stewardship Plans for Park properties. The Board passed a recommendation to the Commissioners to move forward with Stewardship Plans through Northwest Management, Inc.

M. Lithgow met with Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Recreation Conservation Office to discuss the RCO grant programs regarding the parking lot project design.

Other Projects -

Development Regulations update regarding off-premise signs and RV Park definition; testing for uranium and ground water testing; Summary of HB 596 regarding revenue to local jurisdictions when public lands are leased (Public Lands Renewable Energy Development Act; WSU memo regarding going to the 2012 Washington State Energy and Building Codes regarding uranium; and Changes to Development Code (currently on the 2006 Energy Code and 2009 Building Codes).


ITS Director Chad Goodhue – Update. Items discussed were: renewal of Parature; bandwidth usage and availability; and scheduling a meeting of the ITS Advisory Group.


The Capital & Maintenance Needs of the Corrections facility workgroup met to discuss needs in the facility. Present were: S. Castro, Jail Captain Geoff Rusho, M. Lithgow, Facilities Maintenance Supervisor James Batie and C. Goodhue.


Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Workshop - Present were S. Stafford, 911 Coordinator Steve West, C. Goodhue, Administrative Assistant Teresa Brooks, Deputy Prosecutor Dolly Hunt, and Peer Counselor Rusty Mae Squires. The purpose of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act is to protect all personal information. The group discussed risk assessments and the need for a policy and procedures. The next meeting is scheduled for March 4, 2014.


S. Castro asked that a correction be made to the minutes of January 27, 2014. The correction is in reference to Item 15 ER&R 2014 Replacement Schedule. The minutes incorrectly stated that two vehicles will be replaced this year. The correct number of vehicles to be replaced in 2014 is twelve.


Consent Agenda - Motion was made by M. Manus to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried. The Consent Agenda includes today’s Agenda, the minutes of the Board’s January 27, 2014 meeting and the following items:

Investment Earnings: $486.98.

Agreement No. 2014-3, Commissioners’ Recording

Memorandum of Agreement –Selkirk School District Wastewater Treatment Project

Agreement No. 2014-4, Commissioners’ Recording

Grant Funding Agreement Between The State of Washington Department of Ecology and Pend Oreille County (Selkirk School District Wastewater Treatment Facility Project)

Resolution No. 2014-5, Commissioners’ Recording

Speed Limit Revision on the Ione Bridge, Sullivan Lake Road

ER&R- Schedule surplus vehicle hearing for February 24, 2014, 1:30 p.m., Commissioners’ Chambers

Approval of Seasonal Field Inspector Job Description and approval to advertise for hiring

County Engineer’s Certification of the 2014 Road Levy and Estimated Revenue Produced

Payroll Change Notices:

Auditor - Tina Olson, Data Processing Coordinator, $5,012.10/month from 01/17/2014 – 01/31/2014 pursuant to Personnel Policy 130, Item 8


Correspondence Received:

2.1 National Watershed Coalition January 2914 Newsletter

2.2 North Pend Oreille Chamber of Commerce-Membership

2.3 Stevens County Cattlemen’s Association-Social Night/Banquet Invitation, February 8, 2014

2.4 Peter Goldmark, Washington State Department of Natural Resources-Pre-harvest Review Meeting for timber sales in the Arcadia District, March 1, 2014, Deer Park

2.5 Pend Oreille County Fair Board-February 4, 2014 Agenda, minutes of January 7, 2014 meeting

2.6 Washington State Liquor Control Board-Notice of Marijuana License Application from Austin Luke Peaker and Katia Juvkova Peaker, 461 McCloud Creek Road, Marijuana Producer Tier 2 , Marijuana Processor

2.7 C. White and J. Scheele, Upper Columbia RC&D Council-Project Updates, membership support, 2014 Dues


Correspondence Sent:

-House Transportation Chair J. Clibborn and Representative Matt Shea-HB 2675 Testimony

-Senator Doug Erickson Chair of Senate Committee on Energy, Environment & Telecommunication and Committee Members -Testimony on and to support SB 6288 relating to water quality determinations made by the Department of Ecology

-Representative Brian Blake Chair of House Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources and Committee Members-

Testimony on and to support HB 2472 relating to water quality determinations made by the Department of Ecology


As of this date the Board approved for payment the following vouchers as listed and made available by the Auditor's Office:

Salary and Claim

Fund Fund Amount

Current Expense $ 45,525.58

Counseling Services $ 2,711.80

Park $ 18.98

Road $ 53,615.18

Veteran’s Assistance $ 410.00

Trial Court Improvement $ 602.56

Extension Education $ 64.85

Equipment ER&R $ 5,072.16

Unemployment Compensation $ 12,355.20

IT Services $ 12,558.48

Sheriff’s Trust $ 582.00

TOTAL: $133,516.79


Motion to adjourn was made by M. Manus. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried.

ATTEST:s/ ______APPROVED: s/ ______Clerk of the Board Chair of the Board

Commissioners’ Minutes, February 3, 2014 Initial _____ Page 1 of 1