MCTD International Assembly Registration Form

(for Pescadores in MCTD)

Use one form per person

NAME: ______PHONE: ( __ )______

ADDRESS: ______

______E-MAIL: ______

Friday: _____ I will attend the Tres Dias Workshop (9:00 am – 4:00 pm)

July 9, ’04

_____ I will attend the dinner before the Sequela (6:00 – 7:00 pm)

_____ I will attend the Sequela (7:00 – 9:00 pm)

Saturday:_____ I will attend the Assembly meeting (9:00 am – 4:00 pm) and

July 10, ’04 I have checked the two workshops that I want to attend –

one in the morning and one in the afternoon:

____ President’s dialog____ Fourth Day dialog

____ “Make Us One” Assembly keynote theme dialog

____ Secretariat Role and Function ____ Sponsorship

____ Weekend Portability ____ Technology

____ Friday lunch ($ 7.50) ___ Friday dinner ($ 10.00) ___ Saturday lunch ($ 7.50)

____ All three, paid by 6/1, just $ 20.00 per person; after 6/1, no discount

______I will attend the Saturday evening Bluegrass/Gospel BBQ

at Frank Liske Park (6:00 pm – 9:00 pm)

($20 per person by 6/1; $25 after 6/1)

____ Total for everything both days, paid by 6/1, is just $ 40 per person

Send completed registration with payment by June 1 to: Ken Carter

(Make checks payable to MCTD) Administration Chairman

822 Shetland Place NW

Total amount enclosed: $ ______ Concord, NC 28027


I would like to help with the Assembly in the following way(s) – check all that apply:

 Offer a room in my house for a guest

 Help transport out-of-town guests back and forth to airport and around

 Help make palanca and decorate for meals and sequela

 Help serve food at meals and clean up

 Help as an auxiliary / angel during [ ] Friday and/or [ ] Saturday

 Help with the music [ ] at the Sequela Friday and/or [ ] Saturday

Registration Information and Instructions

The 25th Annual Assembly will be hosted by Mid Carolinas Tres Dias in Concord, NC at First Assembly Church. The following data will help you to make plans to join us on July 9th and 10th. We want to see a large participation from the local community to make our guests feel welcome. We’re going to have a great time together.

The theme will be “Make Us One” as Jesus prayed in John 17: 20-21 (theme verse).

For questions prior to July 9, contact:

Ken Carter, Administration Chairman Steve Boyd, General Chairman

(704) 721-5209 E-mail: (704) 784-9034

Registration: The attached Registration Form needs to be completed for each person attending. The complete registration fee including Friday lunch and dinner, Saturday lunch, and the Saturday evening BBQ is $ 40 per person through 6/1/2004. We need to know for our planning if you are going to be there, and you need to have the dates committed. Photocopy the Registration Form for extra copies. Remember, adults only.

Hotel and Transportation: Visiting pescadores will be staying at the Holiday Inn Express in Kannapolis at Exit 60. Some will need transportation back and forth to the airport, and around locally for the functions. If you can help with this, please call

Henry Sadler – Chairperson at 704-399-3258 or email at .

Private Homes: Some visiting pescadores will request housing in private homes. We will try to accommodate their preferences. If you can provide housing for one or more individuals or couples, please contact the Housing Committee chaired by Margaret Carter. Call 704-721-5209 or email at .

Facility: All events except the BBQ will be held at First Assembly, Concord. It is located on Warren C. Coleman parkway where Rt. 601 south starts from Rt. 29.

It is 5.5 miles from Holiday Inn Express, and a map is included.

Workshops: We are offering seven workshops for your choice of two. The usual President’s Dialog, Theme Dialog with keynote speaker, Sponsorship and Fourth Day sessions will be offered. Additionally, we will offer one on the Role and Function of Secretariat. A new Technology workshop will share how MCTD has incorporated PowerPoint presentations for the rollos, and the Weekend Portability workshop will share the success we have had using an enclosed trailer to store, inventory and move all weekend supplies and equipment. Be sure to select two on the registration form. There will be a.m. and p.m. sessions.

Meals: Friday lunch will be provided for those who attend Tres Dias Workshop.

Friday dinner will be provided at First Assembly at 6:00 p.m. prior to the Sequela. Saturday lunch will also be provided at First Assembly. Saturday dinner will be a special Southern Bluegrass/Gospel concert and BBQ held in the new barn building at the Frank Liske Park in Concord, just 3 miles from the church. The fee for the Saturday dinner is

$ 20 per person if paid before 6/1. (After 6/1, $25 per person.) The Cockman Family, a well-known local bluegrass gospel group, will entertain while we enjoy a special southern BBQ meal of chicken and pork.

The Cockman Family Bluegrass Gospel Group is made up of four brothers, their sister and their dad. They have a unique bluegrass gospel style. They love to sing and they love the Lord. Some of the Cockman Family accomplishments include an hour-long PBS program entitled "The Cockman Family: A Holiday Special”, they were nominated for Bluegrass Artists of the Year, Instrumentalist of the Year and Bluegrass Band of the Year by the Country Gospel Music Association (CGMA), and for Gold Cross Bluegrass Group of the Year by the International Country Gospel Music Association. The Cockman Family was selected as one of "The 12 Most Creative Families In America" by American Greetings Cards and USA Today Weekend. View their web site at

Schedule: All events will be at First Assembly unless otherwise noted.

Friday 8:00 – 9:00 Registration for Tres Dias Workshop

9:00 – 4:00 Tres Dias Workshop (includes snacks and lunch)

4:00 – 6:00 Registration for International Assembly

6:00 – 9:00Dinner and Sequela


8:00 – 9:00Registration for Assembly

9:00 – 4:00International Assembly (includes snacks and lunch)

4:00 – 5:30International Secretariat meeting

6:00 – 9:00Southern Bluegrass/Gospel BBQ in the park

(Frank Liske Park, Concord)

Sunday8:00 – 10:30 International Secretariat meeting

(Cannon Village Center, Kannapolis)