I, the undersigned Donor, hereby donate and convey to the Jean and Alexander Heard Library systemall rights, title, and interest that I possess in the following:

Description of Gift

Attach list of items

Library/Branch to benefit:

Date Material Received on Site:

Appraised Value (only if independent formal appraisal attached):

I understand that the location, retention, cataloging, and preservation of the property,or other considerations relating to the use or disposition are at the discretion ofthe Vanderbilt Libraries in accordance with institutional policy.

The gift described above is accepted on behalf of the Jean and Alexander Heard Library system subject to the terms, conditions, and restrictions herein set forth.

Terms and Conditions for Use of Gift

Must be reviewed and approved before the Donor executes the Deed of Gift.

Copyright Interests (for manuscript and archival material)

I represent and warrant that I control the copyright in some or all of the donatedproperty. (Please indicate below the property for which you control the copyright andthe nature of your copyright control, e.g., sole/joint owner, heir, literary executor,trustee.)

I do not control copyright in any of the donated property(i.e., published books and all items pre-1923)

 To the best of my knowledge, the copyright is controlled by:



Phone Number:

E-mail address:

Copyright Conveyance:If you wish to transfer, convey, and assign to the Jean and Alexander Heard Library system, anycopyright which you control in the above-named property, subject to the limitations, ifany, stated below, please initial here:

If you do not wish to transfer copyright, but give permission for the Vanderbilt Librariesto make copies for users of the property, please initial here:

Limitations: Any limitations to use must be reviewed and approved by the Office of the University Librarian before the Donor executes this Deed of Gift.

I represent and warrant that I am the sole owner of the property described above andthat I have full right, power, and authority to give the property to the Jean and Alexander Heard Library system.

I understand that all references to a specific academic unit shall include any successorunit should the unit be reclassified for academic purposes.

I agree to all terms and conditions of this Deed ofGift as indicated by my signature below.


Donor’s Signature

______Date: ______

PLEASE PRINT Donor’s name and address, phone number and email:




Authorization to receive gift: ______Date:

Title: ______(must be Library Director, AUL, or UL)

* Any modifications to this agreement must be approved by the Office of University Librarian before the Donor executes the Deed of Gift. As with any decision involving personal assets, the Jean and Alexander Heard Library system strongly urges individuals to seek the advice of your professional counsel when considering making a gift-in-kind.

Office of Development and Alumni Relations approval: ______

Title: ______

Vanderbilt University is a non-profit, educational institution & has not provided any goods
or services in exchange for this gift.