PBAD 7730: Public Administration Internship
Summer 2013
Administrative Journal #1
William Bell
Daily Time Log
The City Of Thomaston: City Hall: June 3, 2013 – June 7, 2013
Monday, June, 3: 8:00-12:30; 1:30-5:00
Tuesday, June, 4: 8:00-12:00; 1:00-5:00
Wednesday, June, 5: 8:00-12:00; 1:00-5:00
Thursday, June, 6: 8:00-12:00; 1:00-5:00
Friday, June 7: 8:00-12:00; 1:00-5:00
Total Number of Hours from June 3 – June 7, 2013: 40 hours 0 minutes
Overview: Work In Progress- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Self-Evaluation / Transition Plan
On Monday morning (6/3) when I arrived at work, I was assigned the important task of putting together a Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan to update the City of Thomaston’s policies, activities, and programs to the current ADA rules and regulations. First, I spent close to a full workday researching regulations and other material, which provides assistance in pinpointing exactly what sections of the ADA municipalities, such as the City of Thomaston, should pay special attention to. Section II of the ADA describes the regulations that both state and local governments should adhere to. Upon a thorough examination of Title II of the ADA, I was ready to begin site-inspections of the parks and facilities owned and operated by the City. During the site-inspections, I found that every facility and park the City owned and operated needed some form of update; these updates ranged from making accessible routes, handicap parking, accessible bathrooms, etc.
While site-inspections are an integral part of ensuring the City operates in compliance with ADA regulations, the policies the City has are also an important factor in deeming whether or not the City is in compliance with Title II of the ADA. Policies such as the City’s “Statement of Non-Discrimination,” employee personnel policies, etc. had to undergo an inspection to determine if policies the City of Thomaston has in place are in compliance with Title II of the ADA.
While working on the ADA project, I also worked to complete numerous other small tasks. I worked on updating the City website; this included updating the City’s business directory, the “City Services” page, and any municipal employees listed on the website that are no longer working for the City.
Another ongoing project I worked on this week, was contract compliance with Cintas Uniform Company. The City of Thomaston has a five-year contract with Cintas to provide uniforms for various departments (i.e. streets, maintenance, and electric departments). Unfortunately, Cintas has increased the uniform rates agreed to in the original contract agreed to by the City and Cintas. Continued from my work in December 2012, I continue to moniter Cintas to ensure they are crediting the City’s invoices as well as keeping uniform prices consistent.
Memorable Experiences
This week, a memorable yet sad experience I had was when City Councilman Wallace Rhodes was hospitalized and later passed away due to health complications. In addition to being a family friend, Mr. Rhodes is a former educator, principal, and school superintendent. Mr. Rhodes has served on the City Council since the mid-1990s and is the embodiment of a lifelong public servant. A fact I didn’t know before attending Mr. Rhodes’s funeral was that he was the School Superintendent during integration; an interesting time-period in the rural south. However, according to many people at the funeral, if it weren’t for Mr. Rhodes patience and wisdom, integration would not have been nearly as smooth.
While this is not my first time working with the City of Thomaston, it is the first time I have had regular, direct contact working with rank-and-file employees. This week, I regularly worked with employees from the Streets Department and Parks and Public Spaces Department to coordinate and complete projects associated with the ADA Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan.
After the funeral of former Councilman Wallace Rhodes, it was nice to speak with several former Mayors and Council-members. Each former elected official gave me good advice as I begin my career of public service.
It was a great week and especially good to be back working at the City of Thomaston. The ADA project will take several weeks to complete, but the work is educational and beneficial for the citizens of Thomaston. I look forward to what week #2 has in store.