Teacher: Sue Peacock
Course: Forensic Science
Textbook: Forensic Science: Fundamentals and Investigations
Course Description: Our study of Forensic Science will include five main areas of study – impression evidence, trace evidence, chemical evidence, biological evidence, crime scene investigation, and laws. Our focus will remain on the analysis of evidence using the different sciences and scientific procedures. In addition, case studies and crime scene scenarios will be used to develop an understanding of the issues emerging as the science of forensics continues to develop.
Lab Fee: $25.00
Throughout the course, students will:
- Develop skills to help facilitate creative thinking and problem solving.
- Learn about different methods used to analyze evidence.
- Improve science skills related to research.
- Learn to make predictions and decisions based on measurement, observations, and calculations.
Class Expectations:
- Arrive on time! In your seat ready to work when the tardy bell rings.
- Be prepared to do both individual and group work. KNOW THE DIFFERENCE!
- Bring necessary materials to class everyday such as notebook and pen or pencil.
- Students will be expected to clean their area before leaving at the end of the block.
- Be mature, motivated, and willing to learn.
- Horseplay is absolutely not tolerated.
- Safety procedures will be strictly enforced on all equipment used in the technology area.
- DRESS CODE will be enforced!
- Make-up work is the student’s responsibility!!
- No one is to leave the classroom without signing out.
Supplies Needed:
- Lab Journal - graph(small bound composition notebook)
- Lab Journal- lined(college ruled)
- Zip-lock bags
- 2 rolls paper towels
- 1 box disposable gloves
Current Events:
I feel that it is my responsibility to teach each student how to take what they have learned and be able to apply it to different settings and situations. I have a blog on which students will post weekly using their terms for the corresponding chapter. This is assigned on Monday and must be posted by Friday at 8:00 am. If there is no Internet at home, a letter must be on file from the parent and the student will be allowed to write the assignment. The website is
Week Unit
Week 1 Observational Skills (Chapter 1)
Week 2 Crime Scene Investigation and Evidence Examination (CH 2)
Week 3 The Study of Hair (Chapter 3)
Week 4 A Study of Fibers and Fabrics. (Chapter 4)
Week 5 Pollen and Spore Examination. (Chapter 5)
Week 6 Fingerprinting. (Chapter 6)
Week 7 Crime Scene #1 Evaluation
Week 8 DNA Profiling. (Chapter 7)
Week 9 Blood and Blood Spatter (Chapter 8)
Week 10 Drug Identification and Toxicology.(CH 9)
Week 11 Handwriting Analysis, Forgery, and Counterfeiting. (CH 10)
Week 12 Death: Meaning, Manner, Mechanism and Time. (CH 11)
Week 13 Crime Scene #2 Evaluation
Week 14 Soil Examination (CH 12), Forensic Anthropology (CH 13)
Week 15 Glass Evidence (Chapter 14)
Week 16 Casts and Impressions. (Chapter 15)
Week 17 Tool Marks (Chapter 16)
Week 18 Ballistics
*Projects and assignments will be announced and discussed in class.
*The information on this outline is subject to change. Adjustments
in time frames may be necessary during the course of study.
Grading Policy:All grades will be based on total points earned during the grading period. Total earned points/total points attempted. All grades will be returned in a timely fashion so each student will know where they stand at all times.
Tests = 100 points
Labs = 100 points
Current Events (weekly) = 50 points
Homework/Classwork = varies
Grading Scale:A 90-100Excellent
B 80-89Good Achievement
C 70-79Satisfactory Achievement
D 60-69Fair Achievement
F 59 and belowFailure
I Assignments not completed
Because this class does cover crime and crime scenes, items of a graphic nature will be used, These items may contain picture of real crime scenes, evidence, victim’s bodies, and other materials. All of these materials will be used in a manner that facilitates learning, and will not promote crimes and murders and entertainment. The learning process that will occur in this class are to help students understand how to work crime scenes and possibly solve crimes, as well as prevent them in the future.
I am looking forward to having your student in my classroom!
S. Peacock
EHS Science Dept.
Please sign below and return the bottom portion of this letter to me ASAP!
I have read your letter and the course syllabus. PLEASE PRINT
Student Name ______
Student Signature______
Parent/Guardian Name______
Phone # (Home)______(Cell)______
Parent/Guardian’s e-mail address______
Parent Signature______