Report to be read in conjunction with the Decision Notice.
Application Ref: / 3/2017/1029 /
Date Inspected: / 07/12/2017
Officer: / RH
Development Description: / Construction of new workshop and parking area.
Site Address/Location: / Specialised Automotive Services Garage, rear of Pendle Street East, Sabden BB7 9EQ
CONSULTATIONS: / Parish/Town Council
No observations received at the time of determination.
CONSULTATIONS: / Additional Representations.
Neighbouring Objections:
Two letters have been received from the same household who wish to raise a number of objections summarised as follows:
  • Noise Disturbance – Due to revving of high-performance vehicles for extended periods of time. This latest proposal comprises plans to more than double the industrial activity at this site. A more-than-doubling of this sort of activity would not be welcome.
  • Pollution – The type of vehicles handled at the facility are ‘classic’ vintage and veteran cars. These older cars are dirtier, less efficient and more polluting than conventional modern cars. Revving these very old cars will cause noise, carbon particle and nitrogen oxides pollution. Undesirable for the nearby residential housing and adjoining school. I feel that it is important that both the school teaching staff and children’s parents are fully informed and their views obtained by the Council, before any decision taken.
  • Light Pollution – The security required for high-value assets being stored on this site means the facility is brightly lit overnight with powerful security lights mounted in elevated positions and these shine directly into the adjacent houses.
  • Access – The adjacent Victoria Mill site is to be developed for housing as is the site to the north for 17 dwellings (Appn. 3/2017/0351). All these developments and eventual users/purchasers will need to share a single entrance to the estate. Will access for emergency vehicles to the much more crowded estate be compromised?
  • More than doubling-in size of the industrial facility would more-than-double the noise and pollution
LCC Highways:
The business is within an area that has a mixture of use including residential, education and business, and access is via a residential street. As this access is established I feel that there is not a problem with this. I do not feel that this development will have any significant effect on the local highway network and therefore I will not be raising any objections on highway grounds.
United Utilities:
No objection to the proposed development provided that conditions relating to foul water and surface water are attached to any approval.
RVBC Environmental Health:
Happy with the noise assessment completed in August 2014 as this indicated little opportunity for noise nuisance as the proposed garage was for the rebuilding of restoration vehicles only.
I have not located any nuisance complaints to suggest there are likely to be problems with nearby residents. So no further comments to make.
Ribble Valley Core Strategy:
Key Statement EN2 - Landscape
Key Statement EC1 – Business and Employment Development
Policy DMG1 – General Considerations
Policy DME4 – Protecting Heritage Assets
Policy DMB1 – Supporting Business Growth and the Local Economy
National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)
Site Location:
The site is 10.8 metres north-eastwards of the existing building in connection with Specialised Automotive Services Garage, which specialises in the restoration and repair of classic and vintage vehicles off ‘Pendle Street East’ within the main settlement of Sabden. St Marys RC Primary School is to the south-west of the site and to the north terraced residential properties on ‘Pendle Street East’. The principle vehicular access to the site is off ‘Watt Street’ to the north-west of the site. The site is within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and outside of Sabden Conservation Area.
Proposed Development:
Consent is sought for the erection of a building orientated north to south sited 10.8m from the existing building associated with the business. The building is to be rectangular in shape and measure 20.7m x 10.5m with a maximum height of 5.5m with a pitched roof. The building is to facilitate four storage bays at ground floor with roller shutter doors to the south-western side elevation and reception area. The first floor is to be used as office space with a window inserted to the north-western elevation only. Materials to be used in its construction are bradstone up to first floor level with green profiled green corrugated sheeting above.
The proposal also includes the provision of five parking bays within the existing site and directly adjacent to the north-east of the existing single-storey wooden sheds used in connection with the business. A 2m high close-boarded fence is to be erected along the south-eastern edge of the site and planting is proposed directly adjacent to the south-eastern side of the building.
Relevant Planning History:
It was apparent from my site visit that the available space within the existing building for additional vehicles to be worked on is difficult as it is currently at full capacity. The proposed building is required to facilitate extra storage space for vehicles that the employees are working on and will aid in the continual growth of this local business. The existing firm and building proposed is within the main settlement of Sabden thus according with DMB1 of the Core Strategy. Furthermore, the development will allow the further expansion of an existing firm thus according with EC1 and DMB1 of the Core Strategy which states that the expansion of existing businesses will, wherever appropriate, be considered favourably. On this basis, I therefore consider that the broad principle of the scheme is compliant with the Core Strategy.
Impact Upon Residential Amenity:
I note the objections raised by neighbouring residents with regards to noise disturbance and pollution.
There will remain a distance of approx. 28 metres between the north-western gable elevation of the building and the rear elevation of the nearest residential properties to the north. I consider that this distance is sufficient to ensure that any noise impact from the development will be minimal. I consider that the building has been sited in the most appropriate location and orientated sufficiently to mitigate any impact upon neighbouring residential amenity. I am also mindful that no windows are proposed to the north-western side elevation of the building. An appropriate condition will be attached to the decision notice to restrict the ability of inserting any additional window or opening to the north-western gable elevation without prior consent from the Local Planning Authority to safeguard the privacy of neighbours.
The RVBC environmental health officer has also raised no objection to the proposal with regards to potential noise disturbance or fumes/pollution which in any event is covered under separate legislation.
With regards to the illumination of the building the agent has advised that the applicant will require some form of security lighting. For the avoidance of doubt and to ensure that any lighting is appropriate and sensitively positioned so as not to cause undue harm upon neighbouring residents an appropriate condition will be placed on the decision notice requesting further details of all lighting to the site prior to its installation.
Ensuring that the adjacent school and parents of children are made aware of the proposal has been raised as a particular concern. I can confirm that the school have been notified of the application and no comments have been received.
Lastly with regards to concerns regarding access I note that the development does not propose the creation of a new access but to utilise the existing access. Furthermore, LCC highways have confirmed that they have no objection to the application as proposed.
I am therefore satisfied that subject to appropriate conditions the proposal would have negligible impact, and not result in significant undue harm upon the amenity of neighbouring residents.
Visual Amenity/External Appearance:
In terms of design, I am mindful that the development is within a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and just over 20 metres outside of Sabden Conservation Area. On this basis, the development should therefore conserve and where appropriate enhance the character and appearance of the area and make a positive contribution as per EN2 and DME4 of the Core Strategy.
Whilst noting the above I consider that in this particular case the building will not appear out of character with the appearance of the locality given the proximity of the existing garage building which is of a similar appearance and the variance of building styles within the immediate locality.I consider that the scale, size and design of the building will not harm the visual appearance of the locality. Furthermore, its siting set-back from the existing building and orientated north to south will ensure that it does not appear unduly prominent within the immediate locality given that currently only partial views of the site is possible from ‘Pendle Street East’. On this basis, I am satisfied that the proposal would not significantly harm the appearance of the main dwelling or harm the significance and character of the Conservation Area. I am satisfied in design terms that the proposal complies with DMG1 and DME4 of the Core Strategy.
In conclusion, it is considered that the proposed development would not result in harm to the character and appearance of the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty or the Conservation Area, nor will it cause any significant harm to the amenity of neighbouring residents to warrant refusal of the application. Accordingly, it is recommended that subject to appropriate conditions the application be approved.
RECOMMENDATION: / That conditional planning permission be granted