Action Plan e-Submission Form

1.  Action Plan Title: Accessible Workstations for Computer Labs Campus Wide

2.  Unit Submitting Action Plan: Technology Advisory Committee

3.  Contact Person(s): Don Lopez

4.  Date of Initial Proposal: January 18, 2007

5.  Description of Action Plan:
Provide appropriate handicap accessible workstations for every computer lab on campus. Approximately 25% of the computer labs on campus have accessible workstations. ? labs need stations or need to have their stations changed to provide correct accommodation. See attached documents for descriptions of the stations and the associated hardware and software needed

The timeline for completion of the proposal is 12 months from action plan acceptance/approval by the Strategic Planning Committee.

6.  FCC Strategic Goal:

Goal Two: FCC will assist students toward successful completion of their educational objectives.

7.  Objective(s) under the Goal:

Objective 2.3 - The college will improve the depth and breadth of programs and services to meet learner needs.

Objective 4.2 - The college will maximize the use of technological resources.

8.  Key Performance Indicators specific to the Action Plan and the Objective(s):

Achievement of Outcomes

Program Outcomes
Institutional Outcomes

Employee Satisfaction


Professional Development

Evaluation Process Satisfaction

9.  Action Plan Outcomes:
Provide appropriate accessible workstations in every computer lab at Fresno City College, Manchester, and CTC.

10.  Action Plan Activities:

11.  Is the Action Plan an inter-unit project? If yes, describe.

Yes. The project will involve every division or unit responsible for a computer lab on campus, at Manchester, and CTC

Contact information of involved manager(s)
Michael Guerra –

12.  Identify the impact on resources and anticipated costs of the Action Plan.

13.  Baseline data and additional supporting evidence:

14.  Proposed Action Plan Timeline (anticipated start date, completion date):
The project is estimated to take 12 months to implement

Manager Review: Don Lopez – Director of Technology Date: 9/?/2007
(name and title)

Date submitted for technical review: 9/?/2007

Date submitted to SPC:

SPC Action:

