June 10, 2011


Dori Nielsen, Conference Manager

National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts



Brian Kohl, NCECA Communications Chair,

New video release sheds color on the work of a master potter

The National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts releases

Linda Arbuckle: Fresh Color on Pottery

to be distributed with a free national feed from

The National Educational Telecommunications Association (NETA)

to an educational station in your area

The Spirit of Ceramics Volume 6: Linda Arbuckle: Fresh Color on Pottery

Linda Arbuckle is a ceramic artist and master educator widely known for her signature style of majolica-glazed earthenware. This half-hour profile of the artist takes us inside Arbuckle’s home, studio and classroom. Included are casual & insightful encounters with her friends and colleagues including internationally renowned artists, Jerry Uelsmann & Maggie Taylor.

The veteran PBS team of Judy Kelly (Producer), Henry Saine (DP) and Ginny Martin (Editor) explore the work of Florida potter Linda Arbuckle whose widely collected and exhibited utilitarian forms incorporate richly colored and patterned surfaces often featuring motifs of the flora native to her surroundings. A faculty member at the University of Florida, Gainesville since 1992, Linda Arbuckle was named an Honorary Member of the Council in recognition of her service to the field of ceramic art and education during the 2011 NCECA Conference in Tampa.

As it approaches the celebration of its 50th year in 2016, the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts (NCECA) is thrilled to announce that this most recent DVD release in the series entitled TheSpirit of Ceramicshas been selected for feed to public, educational television stations throughout the US through the National Educational Telecommunications Association (NETA). The program feed will be available for stations on Monday, July 11 from 12:30-1 PM Eastern.

The Spirit of Ceramics DVD series documents the life of artists that have contributed greatly to the field of contemporary ceramic art. This release paints a portrait of Linda Arbuckle taking viewers inside her home, studio, and classroom to offer an intimate glimpse into her life, personal relationships and pursuit of beauty in everyday life that inspire her. In addition, the film includes a demonstration of Arbuckle’s majolica glazing techniques, as well as a slideshow of her colorful work with images spanning the entirety of her decades-long career.According to NCECA board member, Brian Kohl who oversees production of the Spirit of Ceramics DVD series, “This is the best Spirit of Ceramics film that has been released by NCECA to date. It’s informative, educational, entertaining and a valuable resource to anyone interested in learning about, making, or collecting or ceramics!”The Spirit of Ceramics: Volume 6: Linda Arbuckle: Fresh Color on Pottery is available forpurchase through NCECA’s website at a price of $35 for NCECA members. The non-member price is $40. To purchase this video or other NCECA publications and resources visit NCECA’s Website at click on the link for the on-line store.

Help air this NCECA Video Nationwide

Anyone wishing to learn more about the video can watch NETA’s First Five Minutes (FFM 283) by going to NCECA urges ceramic enthusiasts to contact their regional providers and encourage them to air this program on stations throughout the country. In order to facilitate this process, NCECA has made downloadable documents available from the press page of its website at

  1. Find your local NETA Station at
  2. Download the sample letter and personalize it to send to a NETA-affiliate station in your region.
  1. Download and print the pertinent NETA information form and enclose it to with your letter to a station in your region.
  2. Help NCECA track broadcast of the video in your region by sending an email to when you receive confirmation of an airdate.


The National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts is a dynamic organization that fosters global education and appreciation for the ceramic arts. NCECA’s programs, exhibitions, publications, opportunities and resources inspire advancement of the field. NCECA promotes and improves the ceramic arts through education, community-building, research and creative inspiration. NCECA offers programs, events and publications to support its membership of artists, educators, students, individual and corporate art patrons, gallery owners, museum curators and providers of ceramic arts-related products and services.

To learn more about NCECA membership and its upcoming symposium and conference visit or contact the office by phone at 1-866-266-2322.