VBS 2017 Registration
For Preschool –4th Grade

Sunday, June 4th (9:00am - 10:30am)
Monday - Thursday, June 5th - 8th, (9:00am - Noon)
$10 per child/$25 per family

About Vacation Bible School
All children ages 3 (as of September 1, 2016) through 4th grade are invited toVBS 2017 – Maker Fun Factory: Created by God - Built for a Purpose. Make plans for your child to attend and tell them to invite their friends!

Weekly Schedule

VBS Kick-OffJune 4th, 9:00am –10:30am

Parents and children are invited to join us
as we kick-off this year’s VBS –Maker Fun Factory!

Monday –ThursdayJune 5th –8th, 9:00am –12 Noon


A fee of $10 per child ($25 per family) is asked to help cover the cost of curriculum, supplies, sets, snacks, and crafts. Fee waivers are available upon request, when needed. Please contact Lisa Bond at 850-432-1434 to learn more.

☐Cash ☐Check (Check Number ______) ☐Credit Card (Online Only)

Visit FUMCPensacola.com and select Donations /Payments under CONNECT on the menu bar)

Participant InformationPlease complete a separate form for each child you desire to register.

Name______☐Male ☐Female

Birthday (M/D/Y) ______2016-2017 School Grade (Circle One) Preschool K 1 2 3 4


City______State ______Zip ______

Phone______☐Home ☐Cell ☐Work

Allergies ______Epi Pen for Allergies? ☐Yes ☐No

For VBS Volunteers and Working Parents: Will you need early childcare before VBS? ☐Yes ☐No

Form continued on back page

Parent/Guardian Contact Information

*Please include email addresses. Email will be used as the main form of communication for communicating any information or changes regarding Vacation Bible School.

Name______Relation ______

Phone ______☐Home ☐Cell ☐Work Permission to Text? ☐Yes ☐No

*Email ______I would like to Volunteer at VBS? ☐Yes ☐No

Name______Relation ______

Phone ______☐Home ☐Cell ☐Work Permission to Text? ☐Yes ☐No

*Email ______I would like to Volunteer at VBS? ☐Yes ☐No

Additional Information

Member of First Church? ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ I attend another church (Please List) ______
Would you like to receive info about other First Church events? ☐ Yes ☐ No

Siblings also attending VBS______
To help us with assigning groups, if desired, please indicate two children also attending VBS which your child would like to be placed with:
Persons permitted to pick up child ______

Any not allowed to pick up child? ______

Emergency Contact Information
Name______Relation ______

Phone ______☐Home ☐Cell ☐Work
For Office Use Only
☐Paid ( ☐Cash ☐Check ☐Online) ☐Added to System ☐Group ______