The Upper Room
September 2000 / of the Greater Fredericksburg Area

9 Upper Room Emmaus September 2000

From the Lay Director . . .

De Colores members and friends of the Fredericksburg Emmaus Community.

I greet you in the name of our risen savior Jesus Christ, may He bless you in all you do to glorify our Lord.

As the Lord graced me with peace and quite in the mountains while we were on vacation, it occurred to me that there are too many things we take for granted. While my wife and I were visiting my family in southwest Virginia, the realization that the things we most enjoy are those given to us by our Lord. Up in the mountains where we hold our family reunion was where God brought back the majestic wonder of creation. The mountains were greener than usual from all the rain and you could see the new creation continually happening around us. The trees with new leaves and branches, the wild flowers growing, the moss that carpets the rocks and ground from the mist of the mountain stream. It all fills the heart with joy especially to see God’s animals playing, the streams flowing with clear cool water, and fish swimming in the mountain lake. It’s that renewing of God’s creation and Him filling us with joy, is what really soothes the soul and renews us. As our spirits are renewed, we are to grow in Christ and share that new creation with others. We are to share His good news to all and “if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation¼” 2 Cor. 5:17

When you can just sit and see miles and miles of God creation and listen to quiet, peaceful sounds of God’s creatures, it brings a renewing to the soul. This renewing reminds me of how I was changed through my walk to Emmaus when God reached down and touched my soul and renewed it. He spoke to my heart about being his and doing HIS will and I still do my best to be his obedient servant. My visits to the mountains and my teaming on Emmaus walks have the same renewing effect in common. It is that time of stillness that allows the Lord to speak to me, to calm me in my hysterically rushed life, and guide me in the right direction again. Without God’s direction where would we be?

We need to take time to look at our lives and see where God is leading us so we know when we are being lead astray. We need to check those whom we follow and make sure that they are proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, just like John instructed us in 1 and 2 John. We need to be prepared to do God’s will at every moment of the day, even on those days we would rather be doing something else. So when God tells you to do something make sure you are ready to be his disciple and do it. Listen to His small peaceful voice and he will guide you if you will let him. So go forth and be disciples of God. Peace be with you.

Father I pray for all those who are reading this article right now. May you fill their hearts with love and joy and renew their Spirit. May they be still and listen for your quiet peaceful voice to guide them. May they always be ready to do you will even in the face of despair. In the Name of Jesus Christ be mercifully on us. Amen.

De Colores

Ken Roark

Wright’s Chapel UMC

F’burg Emmaus #13, Table of Paul

The Next Fredericksburg


When: September 9, 2000

Where: Woodbridge Christian

Time: 7:00 p.m.

Fellowship at 6:00 p.m. Please bring snacks and refreshments to share.

The board will meet at 4:00 p.m.

9 Upper Room Emmaus September 2000

Reunion Groups . . .

We would like to list the Reunion Groups active in the Fredericksburg Emmaus Community. If you are a member of a reunion group, please send the information to Barbara Olds. Please provide the name, meeting time, place, and contact with phone number.

Great Is Thy Faithfulness Emmaus Reunion Group

Meets 7:30 PM Tuesdays

Prince Of Peace United Methodist Church

6299 Token Forest Drive

Manassas, Virginia

Contact: Lloyd Biller (703) 5901512

Pastor's Weekly Meeting

Meets 9:00 AM Thursdays

Rotates - call for location

Contact: Mark Dunn (540) 7864025

Lakeside Reunion Group (Men)

Meets 8:00 PM Tuesdays

Lake Of The Woods - call for location

Contact : Vic Larson (540) 9721928

Rainbow Reunion Group (Women)

Meets 2:30 PM Tuesdays

Lake Of The Woods - call for location

Contact : Barbara Miller (540) 9727418

“Amazing Grace” Reunion Group

Meets 8:15 PM Thursdays

Chancellor Christian Church

Contact : Joe Cooper (540) 710-6268

e-mail to

Son Rise Reunion Group

Meets 7:15 AM. Thursdays

Melrose United Methodist

Contact: Ruth Ash (804) 529-6448 or

Patsy Bayse (804) 529-6101


Meets 7:30 PM Tuesdays

Bethel United Methodist Church

Contact: Brian Lewis (703) 5909343

email to

Koinonia Women’s Reunion Group

Meets 9:00 AM Fridays

Lake of the Woods - call for location

Contact: Barbara Larson (540) 972-1928

Monday's Makeovers Reunion Group

Meets 8:00 PM Mondays

Denny's Restaurant in Dale City

Dale Blvd. & I95

Contact: Lois Myrick 7036800577 or

Sandy Crossley 7032216977

God Bearers

Meets 8:00 AM Sundays

Melrose United Methodist Church

Contact: Laurie Basye (804) 5296953 or 5805135


Alice Harding (804) 5297854


Wilderness Reunion Group

Meets 5:00 PM Thursdays

Ukrops upper room - Fredericksburg

Contact: Patti Tessier (5407864721)

e-mail to

Upcoming Gatherings

October 14, 2000 Bethel UMC

November 11, 2000 Hillcrest UMC

SEW AGAPE BAGS for future Emmaus walks. Or you can help out by donating bright rainbow colored fabric or cording or brightly colored shoelaces. Call Diana Farrar (3727535) or email to say you'll help!

2000 Weekends

Men’s October 5 - 8

WLD: Larry Tubbs

Women’s November 9 - 12

WLD: Vonnie Hinkle

9 Upper Room Emmaus September 2000

Prayers & Praises. . .

_ Prayers for unsaved loved ones

_ Prayer for E38 & E39

_ Prayer for upcoming job transfer

_ NCA Chrysalis 44/45

_ Praise God for our new home!

_ Janice Williams - Mark’s healing

_ Christa - job concerns

_ My boss - that God will strengthen him

_ Church leaders, staff, pastor at Bethel UMC

_ A niece in missionary work in Africa

_ Praise for God’s love, grace & mercy

_ Prayer for guidance for my daughter as she goes through a

confusing time in her life

_ Prayers for niece having cancer surgery & praise cancer has

not spread

_ Prayer for church going through changes

_ Prayer for God’s guidance and for Him to open & close the

right doors

_ Praise for a wonderful Christian doctor helping me with


_ Prayer for Kathy Hudsbeth (young mother of 2) kidney cancer

_ High school grads as they enter the adult world, that they may

grow and stay close to Christ

_ Prayer for son-in-law’s new job

_ Prayer for Pat and Ann Blosser - mother donating kidney to

daughter this Wednesday (8/16)

_ Prayer for family and personal trials

_ Praise cancer is gone for Gary

_ Prayer for friends Joe & Olevia as Joe recovers from heart


_ My job and wisdom to be more Christ-like with my boss who

is going through some hard times

_ Pray for Ron Berning - cancer was in remission. Just received

test results and the cancer is back

_ Pray for kids and teachers getting ready for back to school

_ Prayers for God’s peace to return to my life

_ Pray for Bonnie - breast cancer operation this Tues (8/15)

_ Praise the lifelong work of Christine and the late Don Smith

to the Lord Jesus and First Christian Church

_ Katie - cancer

Emmaus Volunteer Chairpersons 2000-2001

Community Lay Director Ken Roark

Lead Gatherings & Candlelight

Host Weekend Sponsors’ Hour & Closing

Chair Emmaus Board

Pilgrim/Team Selection Committee

Board Nominating Committee

Assistant Community Lay Director Barbara Simpson

Community Spiritual Director Mark Dunn

Gathering Location Coordinator

Treasurer Vonnie Hinkle

Secretary Betty Moses

Manuals Coordinator - Barbara Larson

Records & ByLaws Historian - Barbara Larson

Communications Coordinator Barbara Olds

Newsletter - Barbara Olds

Database Coordinator - Barbara Olds

Team Registrar - Barbara Olds

Pilgrim Registrar - Christine Schroth

Agape Coordinator

General Agape Coordinator

Prayer Vigil Coordinator

Placemat Coordinator Sharon Smith

Snack Agape Coordinator -

Agape Bag Coordinator Diana Farrar

Gathering & DDU Support Coordinator Vonnie Hinkle

Community Music Director - Curt Edsall

DDU Coordinator - Susan Perkins

DDU Pot Luck Dinner Coordinator -

Childcare Coordinator & Greeter - Bob Davis

Transportation & Supplies Coordinator - Joe Cooper

Transportation Coordinator - Kris Indseth

Supplies Coordinator - Derek Sharp

Weekend Support Coordinator - Brian Lewis

Community Cha Coordinator - Richard Warner

Sponsors’ Hour Coordinator -

Candlelight Coordinator -

Closing Coordinator -

Fourth Day Coordinator -

Reunion Group Coordinator - Barbara Simpson

Emmaus “Store” Coordinator -

Nominating Committee Coordinator - Barbara Simpson

9 Upper Room Emmaus September 2000

A Note from Angel. . .

Hi Community

With keeping with the idea of worship being compared to a

relationship between a man and wife, I felt led to share this family-oriented story. In our relationships we all too often do something that is wrong. Afterwards, we sometimes unknowingly draw others into our sin which can draw them closer for the wrong reasons or push them away. We may even find that we unknowingly punish others or ourselves



In his book, "Will Daylight Come?" Robert Heffler pens this moving illustration. There was a little boy visiting his grandparents on their farm. And he was given a slingshot to play with out in the woods. He practiced in the woods, but he could never hit the target. And getting

a little discouraged; he headed back to dinner. As he was walking back he saw Grandma's pet duck. Just out of impulse, he let the slingshot fly, hit the duck square in the head, and killed it. He was shocked and grieved. In a panic, he hid the dead duck in the wood pile, only to see his sister watching. Sally had seen it all, but she said nothing. After lunch that day Grandma said, "Sally, let's wash the dishes."

But Sally said, "Grandma, Johnny told me he wanted to help in the kitchen." Then she whispered to him, remember the duck?

So Johnny did the dishes. Later that day, Grandpa asked if the children wanted to go fishing and Grandma said, "I'm sorry but I need Sally to help make supper." But Sally just smiled and said, "Well that's all right because Johnny told me he wanted to help." She whispered again, remember the duck? So Sally went fishing and Johnny stayed to help.

After several days of Johnny doing both his chores and Sally's he finally couldn't stand it any longer. He came to Grandma and confessed the he had killed the duck. Grandma knelt down, gave him a hug, and said, "Sweetheart, I know. You see I was standing at the window and I saw the whole thing. But because I love you, I forgave you. I was just wondering how long you would let Sally make a slave of you."

Thought for the day: whatever is in your past, whatever you have done and the enemy keeps throwing it up in your face (lying, debt, fear, hatred, anger, unforgiveness, bitterness, etc.) whatever it is you need to know that Jesus Christ was standing at the window and He saw the whole thing. He wants you to know that He loves you and that you are forgiven.

He's just wondering how long you will let the enemy make a slave of you. The great thing about God is that He not only forgives you, but He forgets. Go ahead and make the difference in someone's life today.

Remember, that Jesus is at the window.

I ask that you consider yourself in your daily walk, and in your relationships... are people drawing nearer to God as are you or are they wanting to go the opposite way and what is the reason behind the choices?

Consider James 4, especially verses 2 4.

My prayer is that you, and I, draw even nearer to the Father as we examine ourselves, as we ask for forgiveness as well as forgive, as we turn away from our sin and daily walk humbly with our God, IN TRUTH.

Have a blessed month!

Love in Jesus,




Roark, Ken - Lay Director

Simpson, Barbara - Asst. Lay Director

Moses, Betty - Secretary

Hinkle, Vonnie - Treasurer

Dunn, Mark - Spiritual Director

Cooper, Joe Prewitt, Paul

DeJong, John Schroth, Christine

Lewis, Brian Tubbs, Larry

McCaslin, Hank Warren, Wayne

McKeen, Debrina Weinhardt, Pat

Fredericksburg Web Site

9 Upper Room Emmaus September 2000


“Arise, Shine”

Team Assignments

Bowie Curry Spiritual Director Justifying Grace Fri., 3:00 pm

Bob Davis Cha Coordinator

John DeJong Lead Spiritual Director Means of Grace Sat., 10:15 am

Tom Frank Music Director

Robert Fulkerson Music Team

Larry Garfield Table Leader Discipleship Sat., 8:00 pm

Stanley Harrell Spiritual Director Obstacles to Grace Sat., 4:00 pm

Sanctifying Grace Sun., 10:00 am

Ken Hinkle Table Leader Priesthood Fri., 1:30 pm

Greg Howard Team Cha Growth Through Study Sat., 8:55 am

Steve Johnson Asst. Table Leader Readings

Phil Landweer Asst. Lay Director Priorities Fri., 9:15 am

Brian Lewis Team Cha Readings

John Mann Table Leader Changing Our World Sun., 8:50 am

Ed McAdam Music Team Readings

Hank McCaslin Table Leader Christian Action Sat., 2:35 pm