Prayer: Experiencing Awe & Intimacy with God
Epic Community Group Winter Season Study
“Prayer: What It Requires”
(Part 3: Week of Feb. 8-14)
Get Talking: Are you a list-maker or a free spirit in life? How has this affected your prayer life?
Read Scripture: Have someone Read Psalm 46out loud.
Pray: Who do you know that isn’t saved? Are you praying for them by name? Share with your Group and then go around the room praying for them by name.
Ask, Think and Discuss:
- What does it mean to be “faithful” or “devoted” to prayer? (Romans 12:12) How faithful are you to prayer? Rate yourself from 1-10 (1 hardly ever pray-10 best prayer life ever) on how you are doing currently in prayer? Share the number with your group and explain why it is that number.
- What causes “dryness” in your prayer life? How do you overcome that dryness?
- Read 1 Peter 4:7. What are some practical ways that you can stay “clear-minded and self-controlled” so that you can pray?
- Read John 14:13-14; 15:16; 16:23-24. What does it mean in your own words to pray in Jesus’ Name? Read Colossians 2:2-3. Do these verses change the way you think about praying “in Jesus’ Name?” Explain.
- Read James 5:16b. What does it mean to be a righteous person? How do we become righteous? Read Psalm 84:11; Romans 4:4-8, 20-25; 1 Peter 3:18; 2 Corinthians 5:21. What does it mean that Jesus was made to “be sin?” Does a further understanding of your righteousness in Christ change the way think about your prayers?
- What would cause us to make inappropriate prayer requests? What are some examples of inappropriate prayer requests we might make without even realizing it? Can you name some inappropriate prayer requests that you have made?
Apply It To My Life: If you are married or have a boy/girlfriend, share how praying with them is going. What are the obstacles to praying with them?
Learn to Pray: Pray out loud 1 Peter 1:3-9. Spend some time praying as a Group for the Elders and Staff of Epic, Compassion Queen Creek and the sale of the property.
Additional Questions, Recommended Resources and Admin:
2. Leaders, send your by-name roster to John & Konnie Allee at .
3. Spend some time talking about your next study (The 12-week Spring CG Season starts the week of March 1st). See the recommended resource list at:
- Questions for Personal Reflection:
Why is prayer the main way we experience deep life change? Tim Keller says that “prayer reorders our loves.” What does that mean? How? Has that happened in your life?
Our Mission: Epic Christian Church exists to glorify God and to join Him on His mission!
Our Vision: (4 Pillars) “Glory”- “Rescue”-“Family”-“Impact”