Ms. Kretschmann
WELCOME! I am happy to have in my class and very much want you to be successful. Success in math is important to you and to me. Abiding by the rules below will be of significant help to you to bring about this success.
It is important to be in class each day. The meaningful discussions and practical presentations which take place are difficult to repeat on an individual basis with the same effectiveness.
If you are absent from class fro an activity meeting, school trip, athletic event, etc., you are expected to inform your teacher at least one day prior to the absence in order to obtain class work materials and information prior to the absence.
Being on time is important. If you realize that you will be late to class, please bring a late pass from your previous teacher.
You are required to bring your iPad, text(s), a pencil, and a notebook to every class meeting.
You are expected to be prepared for each class, whether this means having a completed written assignment, a reading assignment, studied concepts or formulas, etc.
Participation in class can be oral or quiet yet attentive…however, oral participation is encouraged since it generally means a more interesting class.
Homework is checked for completeness daily. Periodically, perhaps as frequently as once a week, there will be an unannounced homework quiz where you can use your homework as a guide. Homework should be treated as an opportunity to learn. I post answers and ask that you check your work, collaborate with one another to arrive at the correct answers and come up with questions for the next day's class lesson. Since certain aspects of the classroom are "flipped", you have the opportunity to work on homework, assignments, and classwork together in class. This opportunity to discuss and share strategies with one another seems to enhance the learning and long-term retention.
An important goal is to be responsible and train for the real world. If the accountability is in the learning, you realize that if you don't do the homework, you don't learn, and your grade reflects that. If you don't do your practice, you can't master the material, which will be reflected in your performance on assessments.
So I do not count homework as a grade. Rather, I give homework quizzes where you are allowed to use your work to complete NEW problems on the same content. In this way, I can find out what you know and not just what you completed.
Assessments are based on homework problems, so, if you have completed the homework, then my assessments should seem quite fair to you. Therefore, it is important that you are consistent about completing your assignments and that you answer the homework questions with care and attention to detail.
Each written assignment should be preceded by a brief study time during which you review your class SmartBoard notes, review the step-by-step explanations provided in your app or the text, view any possible video tutorials that are offered, visit any websites provided for additional clarification and/or enlightenment, and study any necessary formulas. This will increase retention of the new material and my clear up something which you did not understand in class.
Homework is expected to be done on a daily basis. You should be preparing each night as if there will be a quiz the next day. Therefore, it behooves you to be consistent with the completion of your assignments, not just because your homework quiz grades will suffer, but also because you will experience difficulties when you see those same types of questions appear again on future assessments.
Marking period grades will be determined from a total point system. Quizzes will generally be worth 20, 25, or 30 points and tests will generally be worth 40 or 50 points. You should sum up your total points earned and divide by the total points possible to compute your final grade.
The following is the schedule for the learning of missed concepts, tests, quizzes, and homework:
You will have one more day than the number of days absent to complete these responsibilities. For example, if you are absent 2 days, then you will have 3 days to complete the homework, learn the concepts, and make up any tests and/or quizzes. Absence from class does NOT excuse one from knowing the material presented on the next assessment given in class.
Failure to make up tests/quizzes according to this schedule will result in a failing grade on each assessment. It is your responsibility to check my website daily for posted assignments, upcoming assessments, suggested websites, and other self-assessment tools to insure your mastery of the new material.
I am available after school everyday (except on instructors’ meeting days) to offer additional help. Take advantage of this opportunity to further boost your knowledge or clear up any questions or concerns.
Hopefully, this clear, concise outline will help to maintain fairness and consistency within our classroom and will maximize our time spent learning and participating in worthwhile activities.