Young Life Committee Meeting Minutes – March 4th, 2013
Committee: Sherry Small, Sue Palisin, Mary Brown, Gretchen Boyd, Jessica Stanley, and Kate Heydlauff
Development Committee: Jack Boyd
Guests: Gen Lyons (WyldLife parent/helper)
Welcome- Sherry Small (Committee Chairperson), thank you Sue for hosting!
Devotional- Gretchen Boyd (Prayer Life)
Gretchen shared with us her joy she feels when she turns a ball of clay into a pot on her pottery wheel. While working she has to move slowly and remain in control. We are the clay and God is the potter. God calls us His beloved. He molds us slowly and in his timing. We will be transformed through God not only individually but corporately (as an organization) as well.
Committee Chairperson Report- Sherry Small
Approval of Minutes from February Mtg.
Committee News- Gen Lyons in attendance. She is a Wyldlife parent and helper and is interested in being part of committee. Gen will have at least one representative from WyldLife at each meeting.
· Jessica did training with Corey, the Area Director in Petoskey. Corey suggested reaching out to community churches. The idea is YL will fill up their youth group and in turn the youth group kids may also want to attend Club. We need to use church kids to bring kids to YL. It can be their mission field. We can grow by YL kids making connections with school friends. We should consider reaching out to the ‘Young adult groups’ groups in churches to build our leadership team.
· Sherry met with Marshall (Youth Pastor) at Faith Reformed.
· Our main mission is to recruit, train and sustain a leadership team and Wyldlife leader team so the above ideas will help us with this goal.
· We requested Dec. 6-8, 2013 for YL weekend camp.
· Castaway, June 22-30 (7 students, 3 leaders so far). We must have our final #’s in by April 1st. Discounted price time limit is up, Darcy standing firm on this. Plan now is to take the Ferry on the way there and go through the UP on the way back on the bus. Ferry is currently shut down, pending on coal to gas conversion, so this will determine our final decision.
· WyldLife Camp, Aug 3-7 (1 student, 2 leaders so far). We must have our final #’s in by April 1st. There is an offer for adults who want to see what camp is all about to go to Castaway. This will be by personal invitation only. We, as a committee would be asking adults we know that we think would be interested. They would pay only $55/night and can go on bus for same cost as the students pay.
Vice President’s Report- Sue Palisin
Host Homes
· Sam McGinnis’ (student) Mom wants to host Club in the future. She manages the Schooner ship and would like to make arrangements to take Young Life students aboard this summer. The ship can hold up to 55ppl.
· Club is canceled this Sunday to let the students study for exams.
· Club will be at the Luciani’s on the 17th (St. Patrick Day theme).
Treasurer Report- Darcy Milliken (absent-schedule conflict)
· Financial Report as of 3-4-13:
Operating Balance $18,250.17 (Last month: $18,523.20)
· Giving:
2 One-time donors gave approx. $110 (combined total)
10 monthly donors gave approx. $625
· Expenses: Jessica Stanley’s salary
· Camp Payments:
Secretary/Communications- Mary Brown
· The following Committee members do not yet have a working YL email address: Jack & Gretchen Boyd, Sandy Leahy, Kate Heydlauff, Jessica Stanley and all the members of the Development Committee.
· Here is how to create one: Anyone who has a Staff Resources account (all volunteers set this account up when they first “applied/filled out a volunteer app” online) can set up an e-mail alias that will have a extension. They would have to do this from their own account, however. To do it, they would need to log on to Staff Resources page. Click here for web address. From the main page, they’d need to hover their mouse over the “My Account” link, and then select “E-mail Settings.” That page will show them how to create their own e-mail. Email or call Mary Brown for assistance.
· I will have a draft of the ‘mailing list’ email to Sherry before the end of the week. This is an email that will go out to all existing email addresses in our Constant Contact database asking if they would still like to receive our emails, how many, how often, etc.
· TC Young Life Newsletter for March will go out by this weekend. It will feature the highlights of this meeting and give a bio on Leader Brenin Richardson.
Development Committee- Jack Boyd
· The Development Committee would like a solid list of people that we think have a Christian world view, love kids, have the ability to support YL.
· Their sub-committee meeting was this Wednesday
· Jack reminds us that a quick phone call to someone we know can turn into a huge donation, a match challenge, or a volunteer. All it takes is that phone call or a personal introduction to one of the Development Committee members.
· Jim Dornbush of The Dune Berry store downtown may be interested in being on committee.
· They would like to present the mission of Young Life to parents that have hosted Club before. Darcy and Sue will assist in getting Jack this list of parents.
Leadership Team- Jessica Stanley
· In contact with track coach to assist with events
· Brenin still hanging with kids in HS weight room
· Trying to have the Gym teacher at Central (Doug Glee) be a guest at club
· Trying to be more intentional about being at school events and where kids are
· Need more leaders to get to school for various events
· Last club had approx. 12 kids
· Looking to plan some fun events such as bowling, snow tubing, etc.
· How can we get more parents involved
· Jessica will write thank you notes (as needed) for WyldLife volunteers and donations
School Liaison Report (Wendy Stackable) (absent)
Leadership Appreciation and Mentor- Beth Price (absent) and Beth Krueger (absent)
· Shower for Cristy (due in April) later in the Spring
· Dinner for leaders sometime in April
Correspondence- Sandy Leahy (absent)
We will provide something special (a gift) for the Palmers at the end of the school year for letting us use their Rec. room for WyldLife.
Camp Fundraising- Terri Mattarella (absent)
· Car Wash –May 18 and June 15
· Bay Shore Marathon –May 25
· Pop Can Drive – So far this method of fundraising has not worked for our students in regards to scheduling it. Jessica will text kids a general “Do you need help raising money for camp?” If the need seems great, they may have to buckle down and show up for a pop can drive or other event.
· Cherry Festival Fundraising will be reserved for WyldLife. We would like a middle schooler parent to take this over. They typically raise approx. $200.
Website- Nonie Morgan (absent)
· Aaron Stahl from McBain Young Life is very good at the technical aspect of YL’s website. He is going to offer a Webinar and train who is interested on how to navigate the YL website. Nonie will be taking this. Sherry and Mary are also interested. If anyone is interested in this training please let Sherry know.
· Nonie will work to update pictures on our webpage. If you have current pictures of students, committee members, events, etc. please send them to her.
· Mary will test the email addresses with a ‘’ extension and see if they work. If not, please see instructions above (in Secretary section) to set up your YL email.
Old Business
New Business
· Special Needs Student Policy- If kids do have special needs they are welcome to come but with chaperone or caregiver. They will not be the responsibility of our leaders.
· YL’s Capernaum program is a possibility in the future.
· Tim Hughes has interest in starting a separate committee for West TC. To start at West we would need leaders and a committee.
Next Meetings-
April 8th Sherry Small
May 6th Jack and Gretchen Boyd
June 3rd Any volunteers?
Please come at 6pm for social time as the meeting must start at 6:30pm SHARP so we can get out by 8:00pm. Thank you!